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Mar. 21st, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I feel as if it is a good time to remind residents to the tower of the educational division. These classes are open to any of the refugees and I personally teach archaeology, human mythology, and the French language. I have found teaching these subjects to be rewarding and hope to see new students.

[Filter: Beverly]
I keep coming by and missing you. Do let me know that you're alive and just buried by SHIELD work at the moment, will you?

[Filter: Will & Deanna]
Have either of you seen or heard from Beverly recently?

Mar. 15th, 2014


I find that splitting my time between both the Youth Center and the Clinic as well as any extra patients that might approach me I've been fairly busy lately. I don't mind being busy but sometimes you just need to take a break. I have always been told that I always over stretch myself and perhaps that is true, I just feel bad turning away people who need help of one sort or another.

Still, I have the morning free today and I plan to make the most of it.

Mar. 9th, 2014


RP Log; The TNG Crew Brunch

Who: The TNG Crew (Jean-Luc, Beverly, Deanna & Will)
When: 2 March, 11am
What: Sunday Brunch
Rating: Low

Deanna was looking forward to getting the four of them together again )

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Network Post: Will Riker

Growing up in Alaska, I was surrounded by winter sports. The only one of them that I ever tried was skiing. Sometimes the easiest way to get places was by going cross country. I was never good enough to think about competing in the Olympics but I have a lot of respect for those who do. Right now I'm watching the four man bobsled and that looks like fun.

Feb. 12th, 2014


Who:Will Riker and Jean-Luc Picard
When: Wednesday February 5
Where:Some coffee shop outside the Tower
What:Getting coffee, talking

Sorry I'm late )

Feb. 11th, 2014


-- Is everyone all right?
-- In light of the recent troubles at Potts Tower, I'm working on getting myself a hotel room, along with another trainee.
-- Would anyone like to join us?

-- How are you today?


[Beverly and Deanna]

Have either of you talked to Jean-Luc today? All this stuff with the electronics is a bit too much like the Borg for me. My phone refuses to work,I can't get out of the apartment and I'm concerned about him.

Jan. 27th, 2014


I should have done this last night but things got busy. I'm Will Riker and I understand that I was here before so if I knew you before, let me know so that I can know you again.


Hello, I'm Deanna Troi and while I believe I have been here before I do not remember that time. I come not that long after my marriage but as I arrived I did see that Will has been pulled here too which I am grateful for. It is good to have at least one familiar person here though I have heard other people here from Starfleet?

Nov. 7th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I have airline tickets to take me to France over the holidays. I don't know if this will be more or less depressing than being here, but I am hoping that it will be a fruitful experience and perhaps will show me a bit about what this reality's version of my home is like. At the very least I shall have had the opportunity to travel in an airplane and I'm looking forward to that experience. It still is fascinating to me that it will take me multiple hours to cross the Atlantic.

[Will, Deanna]
I do not have plans over the Thanksgiving holidays however. Perhaps we ought to do something together or perhaps something with all of us from Starfleet?

Oct. 29th, 2013


Starfleet Girls, Jean-Luc, Will & Mulder
Mulder I don't know if you saw the post by Tony Stark but there's talk of building a spaceship using the technology here but starting with technology from our world such as the replicators, holodecks etc.

What I'm interested in is what you all think of this? I have to admit I am torn. I was reading the conversation with Kathryn and texted her about it and she agrees with me. While it's not exactly breaking the prime directive neither of us are exactly sure what we think of it. So thoughts?

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

This morning I picked up a lovely bit of candy from the elevator.

I've spent most of the day working on this model ship and the ridiculous thing is just not coming together. It's really vexing.

Oct. 20th, 2013


Filter:Christopher Pike

My apologies for not being able to attend the meeting on Friday evening. I was working as I'm sure Deanna told you. Even though she told me what was discussed, I'd still like to talk to you about it in a bit more detail if you have some free time this week.

Oct. 18th, 2013


After what happened to me last year during our little Prom, thing, ah think ah'll be avoidin' any and all Halloween shenanigans this year. Between trainin', workin' and working on the building, ah've kept really busy. it's helped me get over losing mah friend

Anyone want to join me fer a dinner out sometime, so ah can remember ah'm not just a workaholic?

Oct. 16th, 2013


[Filtered to Starfleet and friends of TOS Kirk and Spock *]

About two months ago, Spock (from my timeline) and I chose to life-bond. That makes us more or less married by Vulcan standards, outside of a traditional ceremony. We haven't decided on the ceremony itself yet, but I've always been a fan of celebrations. I rented out the 13th floor of the building for this Saturday at 7 PM. Food and drinks are provided, feel free to bring guests. No gifts required, your presence is enough.

[Filtered to Spock (TOS)]

Surprise. Also, do you want to do an official ceremony some time in the next month?

[*ooc: feel free to assume you're on this filter if you've been friendly with either of them before or work with them at SHIELD/educational division]

Oct. 5th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

It has been quite a while since I've enjoyed the decorations that come with the changing of the seasons and with upcoming holidays. On the Enterprise such things were typically confined to crew quarters and sometimes the common areas, and never with the fervour and dedication that seems to be shown here.

[Filter: Will & Deanna]
It's been a while since the two of you have joined me for dinner. Perhaps you will do me the honuor this coming weekend?

Sep. 27th, 2013


[Filter: Starfleet]

This is hilarious and disturbing both at the same time.

Sep. 21st, 2013


Who: Will Riker & Jean-Luc Picard
When: Wednesday afternoon September 4
Where: Picard’s apartment, Potts Tower
What: Tea and talking
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Earl Grey, Hot )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I have been spending this morning over a cup of tea and a book I picked up at the shops yesterday and I have no complaints.

[Filter: Will, Deanna, and Kathryn]
I would love to have the three of your over for a dinner at my house this week. Is Thursday evening suitable for everyone?

[Filter: Starfleet]
We have had a few new arrivals, or returns and I wanted to let you all know that we have a standing reservation for Potts Room at Sam's Bar & Grill on Tuesday evenings between 5 - 7pm.

You are welcome to join us tomorrow evening for conversation, dinner, drinks, and the like. You are welcome to bring a friend as well.

[Filter: Will]
I do not suppose you care to join me for a cup of tea earlier than Thursday? I would like to hear how your work with SHIELD has been.

[Filter Private: Captain's Log, supplemental]

Captain's Log, supplemental; Stardate 308697

Six months in this place and I am beginning to wonder if I will return to my own reality and time any time soon. I have begun to live as if I will not be as there are many here who have been here longer than I have been and perhaps I can do work within this century and reality that will bring something beneficial to this time.

While the memories of this place may not travel with us when we leave, as demonstrated in Kathryn Janeway's time here, removal, and return, our own memories are certainly accessible here and now. A recent altercation in Potts Tower has reminded me in a very visceral way of this reality. A hallucinogenic gas was pumped into the Tower and left many of us in a highly charged state where we were left with our deepest fears.

It has left me wondering what will happen if the Borg should come through the tesseract. Without the powers of their ship an individual drone might cause difficulty, but should be able to be taken down and perhaps returned to an individual rather than a member of the collective. This has given me reason to think if I ought to rethink my position regarding joining SHIELD.

Perhaps France is not such a

Sep. 6th, 2013


This may come as a shock but ah'm actually thinkin' of buying new clothes. Ah figure SHIELD issue uniform and a few pairs of work out clothes not a closet make. Anyone willin' ta try to take me shopping? Ah've got my new gloves so hopefully ah won't have a repeat of my last shopping excursion.

Filter: Remy
Ah wanted ta thank you, fer being a voice o'reason when ah didn't even know what reason meant last week. Ah'm making Shrimp Creole and peach cobbler as a thank you.

Filter: Ianto, Riker
Ah wanted ta thank ya for 'elping me.

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