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Aug. 31st, 2013


What. Did. ah. Do.

Aug. 29th, 2013


[Filtered to Buffy Summers]
Ms Summers, I do not believe we have met however I appear to have received mail that is meant for you. A number of clothing and weapon catalogs and a box of gold stars that was improperly cared for on its journey here. Would you prefer to pick them up or shall I bring them to you?


I have been enjoying the opportunity to explore Earth Literature in more depth than I was ever able to in my own world. I have read a great deal of what I believe is terms 'the classics' however I would be interested to gather suggestions for the more modern works of fiction.

Aug. 28th, 2013


So someone gave me two tickets to a concert tonight. Who's John Mayer and is he any good?


Would anyone be interested in showing me around New York? I tried to navigate it myself and I'm afraid I got rather lost.

Aug. 25th, 2013


Well, back from a much belated honeymoon, and it was so nice to get away for a bit. Jack showed me some amazing time periods places, though I did keep thinking about work. Things just get into your blood.

Thank you, cariad. The 40s were definitely underrated. Thank you for sharing the officers club with me. I-

Also, my arse is still sore. I don't think I'll be sitting down for a bit. Not complaining though.

[Cell Ten - Jason Brody, Rogue (Evo), Will Riker]
There's been some recent changes in the cells, so welcome to the new folks. (Yes, Rogue, I know you've still got a few weeks left of your training.) I'm Ianto Jones, formerly of Torchwood, and I'm your handler. (Which does not mean I'll go around goosing you.) I do, however, want to give everyone a chance to get to know each other and train together as much as possible so we can have a good sense of each others strengths for when we're thrust into a situation.

Any questions, leave them here.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Who: Deanna & Will
Where: San Fransisco on a beach
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Really I just wanted an excuse to call you Mrs. Riker )

Jul. 25th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I shall very much miss Kathryn. She is a fine officer and a fine friend and it has been a privilege of this place that I have had the opportunity to get to know her a bit better in this time when I have had fewer opportunities than I should have liked in my own reality.

While many have complained about the protesters, I had fascinating encounters with more than one of them. I engaged a young woman who was wearing a shirt from the college I have been taking classes from this summer, and as it turns out she is studying anthropology and I was able to ask her many interesting questions, and to offer her a cup of tea nearby where she admitted that it was somewhat nifty that some of us were here, but she couldn't speak to everyone since she didn't know everyone.

But that is universal it seems - we tend to be very uncomfortable with the unknown, and while many of us in this Tower may be quite well known, and we may have the idea that all of our history and personal life is known to the inhabitants of this world, the reality is that for everyone who knows something of our history there are many others who call this reality home that do not know of us our or histories or that we mean them no harm.

Jul. 14th, 2013


[Filter: Deanna Troi]
Imzadi, I have to go. My cell is being sent to Boston but that's all I can say. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll be in touch when I can. I love you.

[Filter: Jean-Luc Picard]
My cell is being sent to Boston and we're leaving right away. I don't know if when I'll be back. I know I don't have to ask but please make sure Deanna is taken care of should anything happen to me.



We've had a massive increase in heat signatures around the country.

These bombs are human beings, and they're burning hot enough to vaporize anyone near by. Containment is our top priority to minimize civilian casualties. This is not a take the target alive mission. Take them down to prevent further damage.

Cell 3-Washington, DC (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 4-Boston
Cell 5-Chicago (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 6 and 10-Los Angeles- Trainee Carter, Blythe (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 7-Philadelphia
Cell 8- NYC (Multiple Signatures)- Trainee Bond

These people are extremely dangerous. You've all seen the damage that they've done in person. I want those with powers at the forefront and I'm working on getting you the support you need otherwise outside of the resources SHIELD has at its disposal. The people of these cities don't know they're counting on us but we're going to make sure they can. So handlers, keep us updated and show these idiots why we don't tolerate going after innocent targets.

*[OOC: SHIELD trainees can request assignment, they'll be assigned as needed]
[Filtered to Non-Shield Superheroes*]

There are people that have turned themselves into high powered bombs about to go off around the country. My agents are being sent in but this is bigger than just the attack on New York. I believe that you've all been sent here for a reason, whether you want to think it or not. People needed you back home and the people here need you now.

My agents are being sent out. Most of them have no powers to speak of but they do believe in protecting the civilians of this world. So I'm asking you for back up. I want to bring as many of them home as possible.

So far the hot spots we have are:
Washington, DC- Mercenary, Dr. Strange
Boston- Wolverine, Kitty Pryde
Chicago- Wasp, The Next Avenger Team
Los Angeles- Banshee, Rictor, Aqualad
NYC- Dark Devil, Spider family.
Philadelphia- Storm, Runaways
Detroit- Trainee T'soni
Houston- Starfire, Robin, Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom possibly.
San Francisco- Avengers Academy
Las Vegas- Moody, Shacklebolt, Jason Todd, The Kanes, Trainee Tachi
Minneapolis- Frost, Phoenix, Spinnet
Denver- Castiel, Faith, Bennett, Kent.

*[OOC: Filter is a catch-all for heroes. However these are the extremis individuals. They vaporize normal people and some of them will be detonating. So having some kind of powers is preferred because, well, dead is not an agreeable state of being really.]
[Filtered Hill and Natasha (616)]

I've a signature in Detroit. We're going. Suit up.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Who: Deanna, Will & Jean-Luc
Where: City Hall & French Restaurant
When: Monday approx 3:30
Rating: PG

To Will and Deanna, may you have much happiness together )

Jun. 29th, 2013


SHIELD training is keeping me busy which isn't a bad thing at all although I miss having more free time to spend with Deanna. We haven't set a date for the wedding yet but it will be sooner rather than later and probably pretty small. Besides we're more or less married anyway. Or we will be. It doesn't matter, it's all a technicality. I'm not spending the rest of my life with anyone else anyway. I think I always knew that even when I was young and dumb and met her for the first time. I'm just glad I finally wised up.


NASA is working on warp technology.

This makes me extremely happy and proud.

Jun. 27th, 2013


(Filtered to Maria Hill)


I'm sorry for contacting you like this but I wasn't sure who to contact and how to do so.
After the attack today it occurred to me that I could offer my services as a counsellor to SHIELD even on a consultancy job.
I'm sure you do hire your own counsellors as it is but I thought I would contact you nonetheless.

Thank you for your time,
Deanna Troi

(Filtered Will)
It occurred to me that I could offer my services to SHIELD as a consultant counsellor. What do you think?

Jun. 18th, 2013



I just got us both into a poker game for Friday night. 50 dollar buy in. Hope that's okay with you. It's been too long since we've played poker.

I'm sure you saw the notice from Zoe but would you be interesting in going to the poker game Friday night with Deanna and myself?


Since folk seem impatient to wait. Yes. Malcolm Reynolds is gone. The ranch ain't. I'm Zoe Washburne, Mal's second in command, and I'm takin it over in his stead. Any deal you had with Malcolm Reynolds, you'll have with me if you speak up on it.

And since it's been asked. There'll be a poker night next Friday night out at the Ranch. You need to hitch a ride, we got some. Same rules as always. 50 dollar buy in. We'll provide some drink, but more'd be appreciated. Got places to crash if you need to stay the night. We'll see how many tables we get.

[Filtered to Serenity Crew extd ]
I know this is a rutting hard blow. But now's the time we band together and move forward, cause that's the only direction there is.

I ain't yet willin to say that this was Malcolm Reynold's last stand on Earth-that-Was. Nearly all of us have gone and come back, and if there's a way for us to speed along gettin our boys and Inara back, I sure as hell mean to find it. And he ain't comin back to a fractured crew.

That said, like I said yesterday, everyone's safe so long as they're here and with crew. And I'm takin Mal and Inara's things, and I do suppose what we've been holdin of Jayne's and Wash's out to the Ranch where SHIELD can't get their hands on them. Case any more of us go back, we do the same. I also want to revisit movin us out to the ranch. Some folk here's passable, but I wouldn't miss the most of them. More, don't seem safe bein so close to the Tesseract

[Doc Brown]
I've been lookin into some of that equipment you wanted. Might be some time on some of it, but none of it seems too impossible.

When it's in, I'm gonna need you to make me a sign.

Jun. 9th, 2013


Who: Will Riker and Deana Troi
When: Backdated to May 10
Where: Dinner and then the observation deck of the Empire State Building
What: A proposal
Rating: PG

Did I do okay this time? )

Jun. 4th, 2013


I must congratulate Captain Picard and his colleagues for an excellent talent show on Sunday. With that in mind, if anyone is willing to share, what are some of your talents? I'd like to get to know my fellow refuges if we are sticking around.

May. 31st, 2013


[Starfleet - all incarnations]
Seems with all these new arrivals, we should have another get together. Are people free this weekend or next?

I've had the idea - which may be improbable - that we might be able to ask Stark Industries to develop a space program of their own. Non-military, exploration only.

[Bones & Chapel]
You can tear up those forms I signed the other week. Given up on giving up.

May. 30th, 2013


Network Post

I can't believe that it is nearly summertime. How hot does it get here in the summer? I grew up in Alaska and have spent the majority of my life in space so I'm not a fan of extreme heat. How bad is going to be?


I always wanted to see the 21st century, but I didn't expect it to happen this way. Of course I can simply check that off on the list of many things that were unexpected in the past few years. I've been through less painful and disorienting portals at least. And now that I've properly rambled, I might as well get to the point. My name is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise, and I wonder if it is too early in the day for a stiff drink.

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