July 2016




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Jul. 4th, 2016


This could be my last night in New York. In America. On Earth.

I'm going to try and go with Thorin tomorrow.

I love you all.

Jun. 18th, 2016


(002) T'Challa

I wish to thank those who have sent their condolences for my father's death. He was a great man. A good king, and he will be sorely missed by those who knew him.

[Filter: Bucky Barnes (MCU)]
I feel I should apologize for my mis-identification.

Jun. 17th, 2016


[Filtered to Darcy]
Have you seen Thor's announcement?

Darcy, amrâlimê. Khebabmudtu.

I do not wish to abandon you. You are my heart. But I must return. I am king. My duty to my people must come before my own wishes and desires. I know what will happen if I return but I do not know what will happen if I do not. My people need to return to their home.


Jun. 6th, 2016


(001) T'Challa

I wish to thank you, Mr. Stark, for my access to this network.

My name is T’Challa. I am the Prince of Wakanda, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak with many on this network. I have heard, even in Wakanda, of the unique circumstances that bring you all to our dimension and I hope that you have found it welcoming.

I look forward to speaking with each of you.

[Filter: Anthony Stark (MCU)]
Thank you again for providing me this access. I am certain it will prove enlightening.

May. 1st, 2016


[Filtered to Darcy]
What say you to another trip out of the city now that the weather is improved, amrâlimê?


Apr. 29th, 2016


I have been commissioned to make a full set of dwarven armour for a man who stands well over six feet. He will be the tallest dwarven warrior I have ever seen.

Apr. 27th, 2016


I never realized how much concrete was in this city until we have trees and jungles. Now I do and it's kind of depressing.

Apr. 6th, 2016


I hope it stays nice out, I'm going camping this weekend! With my sweet beard!

[alex vause]

I forgot to ask, can I have the weekend off?

Mar. 31st, 2016


It is not usual to do this for those who are not dwarves but the language is available here and if it is, I would have it learned well. Thus, I will be teaching Khuzdul and Iglishmêk through the ESD for any who wish to learn it, youth and adult alike.

Mar. 30th, 2016


[Filtered to Ororo Munroe (616)]
Lady Ororo, I am given to understand that you are in charge of the educational services here in the Tower. In order to keep a promise, I have agreed to teach Khuzdul and Iglishmek to those who might be interested. Would it be appropriate to offer such instruction through the educational services?


[Filtered to Darcy]
Tell me, 'ibin abnâmul, now that the weather is improving, would you care to visit some mountains with me? I have been told this world has many fine mountains.


Mar. 1st, 2016


I did not know you had in this world an ikhreshtirgîn such as we have them but today I have found one. Too many men here have such ill-kept beards for me to believe that such a place existed. As we say at home... targ absâtul khama khuzd absâtul - a healthy beard for a healthy dwarf.

Feb. 18th, 2016


Who wants to train me to be a badass superhero with badass claws?

[filter: THORIN]
It's beautiful.

Feb. 8th, 2016


[filter: THORIN]

So, do you know what Valentine's Day is yet?

Jan. 29th, 2016


[Filtered to Darcy]
There, 'ibin abnâmul. I have told someone else of what has happened to me.

However, more importantly, I know you have spoken of your claws openly but do you intend to inform this Dr Weaver directly? I would not wish to inadvertently speak of it if you do not wish her to know.


Jan. 28th, 2016


[Victims of the Macy's attack]

My name is Dr. Anne Weaver. I'm head of the scientific division of SHIELD.

We have been researching the incident in an attempt to better explain what has happened to you. Currently I am offering for your use our medical facilities in order to help with any side effects that may have resulted from exposure.

Our interest is only in your health and your privacy. We are aware that there are individuals who have had atypical power manifestations in the weeks since this incident. Should you not feel comfortable revealing this, it is unnecessary as we simply want to make sure that there is nothing more severe going on with your health.


In the past few weeks we have had several deaths among people who had been caught in the Macy's attack. So far my scientists have not been able to find a direct cause and it will need more research. Given that we haven't been called for observation in these incidents until it is too late, there's only so much that we've been able to do. However I would ask SHIELD to remain on alert towards the individuals we know were caught in the incident.

If any agent has concerns about an individual, please contact myself or White Team.

[Felix and Sam]

I'm afraid that I'll be spending the next few evenings at least at the office.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I'm afraid I need some advice. I was asked to dinner by a very lovely man. However I know nothing about dating. We did not do such things in my time. And I have never really been courted.

What am I supposed to wear, or discuss with him? I understand some things about this world, but I fear he would not understand why I know nothing about the 1990s, or some such.

Edited: Ethan Chandler is gone. And suddenly I do not wish to go on this date anymore. I do not feel like doing anything.

Jan. 16th, 2016



[filter: THORIN]
Why, thank you, good sir.


Who: Thorin and Darcy
When: January 1st
Where: Thorin’s forge
What: They discover their powers in unison.
Rating: PG-13, there’s a fade to black.

A sword that has been commissioned by a…I believe he called himself a… fanboy. )

Dec. 28th, 2015


This Christmas seems a fine sort of holiday. I am sure my kith and kin would enjoy it immensely, were they here. I was however surprised when the box I received from the tesseract opened to reveal the Arkenstone. I thought it a fake at first but I was soon disabused of that idea. There is no stone like it.

[Filtered to Darcy]
Thank you for the gifts, Darcy. They were very thoughtful and, in the case of the pocket watch, most beautiful. I was not aware that human men were hirsute enough for such beard products. I shall have to look around and see if there is anything like the oil we use on our hair.


Dec. 23rd, 2015


Full moon's on Christmas this year. Come get your stuff sometime before then.

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