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Aug. 2nd, 2013


Jack left. If it's true what they say, that the tesseract returns us home after our time here then perhaps it is for the best that he is gone. As grand as the innovations and world of the future might be, I think to Jack the home he left behind was grander still.

Jul. 13th, 2013


I solemnly swear never to underestimate the plight of the honorable hospital admitting clerk again. I've never seen so many mothers concerned about radiation poisoning in my entire life.

It'll be good to have an office again.

Jul. 11th, 2013


A public execution of a wealthy, innocent man. Where in the blazes does he think he is? Paris?

Jul. 1st, 2013


WALL-E!! I found videos of people waltzing! here! Maybe we could try that next time? If you're up for it.

Stephen (Maturin) & Jack (Aubrey)! Can we go sailing again? Maybe for these fireworks. After all, it seems strange that the colonies are independent.

Jun. 18th, 2013


Can anyone whose taken in one or the large-earred marmosets tell me if there has been any change? I'm concerned that

Jun. 12th, 2013


Last night, I watched Apollo 13.

You are a magnificent people.

In my line of work, astronomy is (or was, I should say - perhaps was) a practical pursuit. For the purposes of navigation, a knowledge more than casual of the stars is was essential, and with particularly close attention a man could gain an advantage for himself that his less studious colleagues might not have. Not to call myself studious - God knows I was a hopeless layabout at about half my subjects, and my skull was too think for the other half to pass through. I took to mathematics and astronomy with pleasure, which is the only reason I came close to excelling at them. All of this to say, I've always taken a personal joy in that field, more than was required for professional advancement, and to live among a people who would put forth such a herculean effort, accomplish such a feat of genius, endure such a host of unknown dangers as to go to the stars -

I consider it a great privilege. Very great, indeed.

Now, having always had a particular interest in the moons of Jupiter, I'm keen to follow all this business with Europa. Exciting, ain't it? Fascinating. And rousing, damned rousing to live in a time when you have the tools to do more than sit around, stare up at the sky, and speculate.

Jun. 9th, 2013


Who: Stephen Maturin & Iskierka
When: Sunday evening
Where: Stephen's room
What: A very awkward sleep over.
Rating: PG. -- Started in GDocs, and probably updated when it's finished. (This is more or less the placeholder)

The Dragondeck )


[Jack Aubrey]

...Lovely weather lately, hasn't it been?


Who: Jack Aubrey, Iskierka, and Stephen Maturin
When: Afternoon of Saturday, June 1 [backdated]
Where: Off Newport, RI, onboard the Blazer
What: A fine day for boating!
Rating: Low

I’d rather be sailing )

Jun. 7th, 2013


I have started watching Game of Thrones for the dragons. There is not enough of them and they grow rather slowly. I was only that small for a day or two. Plus, they can't talk. What sort of dragon doesn't talk? Granted, some dragons don't want to talk to humans because they consider themselves better than humans. But to call a human mother of dragons is simply laughable.

I have been thinking of getting a tattoo. I miss having colour on my skin. Perhaps something like this?

May. 28th, 2013


[Jack Aubrey]
I have a favour to ask.

May. 27th, 2013


If you don't know when your birthday is, how do you know when you become an adult? Or when you're another year older.

Technically I'm only four, but it seems so strange to tell people that. But I don't know when I'll be five. We didn't really celebrate such things much as once you're hatched and have seen battle, nothing else matters. Well, except mating and producing eggs.

May. 21st, 2013


I'm not proud of it, but I have on occasion felt a passing sense of superiority - well, irritation, but all the same undoubtedly unwarranted - at the sight of a man wearing his hat fore and aft rather than amidships. It seemed to me like one of those newfangled things people do for no other reason than to be newfangled about something, and I admit I allowed myself a sneer every now and again. Damned hypocrite thing to do, of course, and anyone who finds himself complaining about the young whippersnappers had probably better get himself ready for his dotage, but it weren't the done thing when I was coming up and I took it with a bit of a shudder.

But now you walk through town and long even for a hat that's turned wrong way round. Where is it they all went? I feel downright top-heavy going out with anything more than a cap. I was glad to see wigs go the way of the garter, but that was a matter of practicality. I never had any kind of eye for fashion.

May. 14th, 2013


I keep thinking, no, hoping Temeraire will come back. Or Granby. Or Laurence. I'd settle for one of the Admirals. It seems many people here know Admiral Nelson, so that could be nice.

I do not understand why 18 is this magical age when one becomes an "adult". Dragons come out of the shell intelligent and able to care for themselves. We can usually speak more than one language, so even though I have only been alive for four years, I have travelled from Turkey to Poland to France to England to Australia to South America. I have fought in numerous battles, including against Napoleon and yet here I am not a child. I know I am not as imposing without my wings and tail, but even months later, it is still an adjustment.

Although sex is more fun as a human than as a dragon. More variety of things to do.

I miss flying over the countryside and ocean, and then diving down towards a ship and setting it ablaze.

But, I might have found a dress for Saturday.I just need to figure out which of the three I wish to get: Option 1, Option 2, Option 3

May. 8th, 2013


I can say without hyperbole that the advancements in medicine between my time and today are amazing. Procedures and surgeries that I would have considering miraculous are now both successful and routine. Skin grafts, facial transplants, the means to fight off severe and deadly infection -- now all well within the realm of mankind's ability. It does fill me with a great deal of pride.

...And yet, and perhaps it is simply because I am so beyond my depth -- but I can't help but miss my own practices. There were far fewer decisions to make, I'm afraid, when one depended heavily on leeches.

May. 4th, 2013


Are the vampires gone?

I'd really like to go to this I think:


Would anyone like to join me? It would be very interesting to see the finds of this world as opposed to my own, I think [...] I wonder if

Apr. 27th, 2013


Since my arrival (and after I was quite sure I would not be catching a virus) I've been spending a great deal of my time at the American Museum of Natural History.

With my personal interest in -- and an understanding of == the migration of birds, I thought I should spend some time studying what I should expect to see around the skies the city and state. When I can recognise those, spotting any visitors becomes simple. I'm due to back later this afternoon, I spoke with one of the museum curators and they agreed to let me take a closer look at a few of their newer acquisitions. I'm quite thrilled, really -- and I would recommend the museum to anyone, of course.

Jack, would you like to come see it? There is a hall filled with ocean life. I intend to install you there as part of the permanent collection.

Apr. 23rd, 2013


I am ridiculous.

Debate below if you want.


How do you refugees do these many a day?

[Filter: Thor]
While we watched yesterday did you notice the flare emanating from the Tesseract? I do not recall whether or not you were present.

According to many of the SHIELD scientists it was not unlike when Loki arrived on Midgard. The computing devices were burnt up but they were able to save the data with their back-ups.

I say this because I wonder -- oughtn't the Avengers be alerted to this activity?

Apr. 19th, 2013


I feel very much at loose ends. Maybe its time to consider a job while I dig into options about school?

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