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May. 22nd, 2013


network post: open

The more I think about it the more I become confused. Do I relish in this existence as if these next few moments are my last, or do I build up to what I will never possibly have in some crazy hope that maybe tomorrow I'll still be alive?

When you watch people you don't know have their lives turned upside down by the random vanishings of loved ones it is hard to keep pushing forward when you then start to view these strangers as possible mirrors of your own loved ones upon your own vanishing.

There is rebirth, what the fuck is redeath like?
I'm not ready to find out.
But I don't know what living means right now either.

May. 21st, 2013


Cut for picture; not filtered )

Ugh, the stamp could have come out better but.. not bad, I think. I hate white nail polish. It's nothing but streaky and you have to apply it like 10 times before it actually looks completely solid. (On the bright side, I've learned to be ambidextrous when it comes to applying nail polish.) But I've missed applying nail polish. Or, you know.. just being a normal teenage girl, but that's only sometimes. I still miss fighting more

And speaking of which, considering I died before I got to experience my own, prom fucking rocked. Couldn't my writers have killed me at 21 or something?

May. 5th, 2013


While the rest of you are bitching about the age switch, I'll be enjoying myself. Later, fellow refugees.

May. 4th, 2013


After god knows how long of putting the importance of survival and saving the world before anything, I forgot how it feels to actually miss having a wardrobe. Like, really, it was the point during which we stopped living in our own homes that it was all forgotten but now, thanks to being in a world that there is none of that, I'm actually starting to go back to being a normal teenager.

Or at least as normal as one can be with a bunch of animal DNA floating in her blood. Now all I need to do is get back into gymnastics.

So who is that's making commissions on dresses here?

Filtered: Cassie Scott
So I managed to get a date to the prom.

Apr. 28th, 2013


How about one more post about the prom? YEAH, LET'S HAVE ONE MORE.

My name is Bobby. I don't have a date yet. Have some facts about me:

2. I'm even using vaguely proper grammar right now. Isn't that alluring?
3. Also I can freeze things WITH MY MIND.

Ladies who are 16 or older, in need of some coolness to counteract their hotness, and are single so I don't have a guy 10 times my size shoving my head in a toilet when they find out? Hi. Hey. I'm awesome company.

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Who just bought $75 dollars worth of 5 hour energy? THIS GIRL! SOME people seem to think it's ACCEPTABLE to torture minors with "TRAINING". I trained for the Olympics in gymnastics, mmmmmkay. The fact this is more brutal? Ridiculous. BUT NO MATTER. I will not be defeated by CANADIANS. Suck it, sleep, I have no time for your shit.

Apr. 22nd, 2013


I am learning more about the world at present with each passing day; however, I am still unable to discern a proper or even patterned courtship ritual among people in this city. Does such a tradition even exist? Also, if one does, does it require (as I have heard mention) a suit and tie?


Wow, Tesseract. It would be nice if you at least gave people a chance to say goodbye.


Does anyone have a microwave I can borrow? Surprisingly enough, these frozen enchiladas don't actually taste good frozen. I thought letting them thaw would help.

It doesn't.


Someone really needs to write a 'Guide to Not Embarrassing Yourself When Someone You Idolize Shows Up'. My backspace key can only handle so much use.

I've been informed you will be added to my cell once your training is complete, so I wanted to introduce myself and maybe get to know you a little. My name is Lincoln Lee. I was an FBI agent for eight years before coming here. And while my experience with the strange and unusual likely doesn't come anywhere close to comparing with yours, I'm not entirely unprepared. I hope you will let me know if there's anything I can do to aid your transition to active duty.

Apr. 20th, 2013



An ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes into round and juicy posterior (e.g., 34c, 24, 38). Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage (i.e, depth of butt-crack).

Her badonkadonk made a brotha pop several wheelies.

Oh dear.


I looked at the weather prediction for the rest of the month and they're hoping that there will only be two rainy days at different times during those two weeks. I then looked at the weather for London for the same two week stretch and they're predicting six straight days of rain. I should have been kidnapped by a blue box and brought to New York ages ago. Although I am still peeved that it took my studly (lol like Scorpius was studly) man friend away from me, so we're not actually on speaking terms at the moment.

Hi. Any chance you might want to come with me to the zoo? I know, totally random, but I have an urge and I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out a bit.

Hey. Can I talk to you about something?

Apr. 11th, 2013


Anybody else feel like they're getting really settled? I've got a job, a girlfriend and now I'm enrolled part-time in college.

I still miss the fact that there's no flying cars, but nothing like a transport to the future to make you feel like an adult. Geez.


Text to Rachel

» Hey, what's up?
» I was thinking we could hang out.
» You up for a little flying?

Apr. 10th, 2013


Well, go figure that you'd have two absolutely gorgeous warm days and then suddenly have yourself a downpour. I should have probably checked the weather before going out. I've been to New York a number of times before.. always wondered why we didn't live here instead of California and now I remember... Mother Nature doesn't tease me with weather like this back home.

And random lesson learned of the day: Creature cups are cute and amusing, until you realize they'll probably be slightly difficult to clean. Anyone want a T-rex in a cup?

Or bring me an umbrella? I'm in a gazebo in Central Park.


Bees. My God.

Apr. 6th, 2013


Lovely ladies, gents, aliens, robotic lifeforms, ghosts, am I missing anyone- How about all lifeforms?

I'd like to go paintballing and I'd love for people to join me.

Who's game?

Apr. 1st, 2013


Since we've got a bunch of new people running around and all... my name's Nico Minoru. I'm a witch. I like pretty much anything if it's purple or black, my favorite author is Margaret Atwood, I hate institutionalized BS, and I have a pet rabbit named Hudson who has been trained to appear out of hats. I don't have one of those magician hats, so right now she's settling for Chase's baseball cap (she's housebroken, Chase. More or less).

My parents got themselves killed by some elder-gods because they were evil idiots, and I've been taking care of myself ever since. My New Year's resolution (besides drinking less caffeine, which I already broke) was to try to be less cynical, and so far, it hasn't completely sucked. I was thinking, though, that I needed to take this time here in NYC to learn more stuff, and while the Scarlet Witch has been helping me with my magic (represent!), Karolina's always great for teaching me vegan recipes, and the other Avengers have been teaching me to fight (more), I'm sort of wanting to try something that doesn't involve either soy milk or excessive bleeding.

Ergo: swing dancing lessons. Ballroom's too frou-frou, and I'm not comfortable with salsa.

Is this a bad idea?

Mar. 31st, 2013


Anyone else thoroughly disgusted with the dentist in Oklahoma who got caught using dirty instruments and exposing his patients to HIV and Hepatitis C? As if people weren't already scared of health care, why not throw in fear of careless idiots having a license. Saving time and money by not bothering to properly clean instruments is simply lazy and selfish.

Mar. 30th, 2013


Guys. Guys. Guys. Adventure Time is on Netflix instant. I'm in heeeeaaaavvveeen! Now. Who wants to bring me cupcakes (I could even go for chips and dip) and watch some cartoon adventures?

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