July 2016




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Aug. 23rd, 2014


NO Gaige you're being completely craaazy. No way that Stark Industries controlling the power grid is totes an awesome idea that could never ever go wrong like ever.

Though black outs are awesome for some good old fashioned unlawfulness.


Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
Wherever you are right now... I'm outside in the city. I want to help so tell me where to go. (Don't say back home.)

ETA a little later
Filter: Pavel Chekov
I know you know way more about this stuff and are probably more than capable of doing it yourself but.. I want to help. Considering I was pretty useless during that fire And I'm heading to the central grid. Meet me there?


network post: pavel chekov

Okay, not good. Parts of city without power. So not my fault. System was stable. Really. Just give us a moment. Or half an hour. Scotty always overestimates time he needs.

Aug. 22nd, 2014


I'm beginning to think that we should look into renegotiating hazard pay.

[Team Brain]

With the power surges and attacks, moving more of our research to our personal labs would likely not be remiss.

Aug. 1st, 2014


text messages

» Not to alarm you, but is this a bad time for you?
» I want to stay in my lab as long as I can, and I can't transport myself.
» Oh, and electricity went out at Stark Industries.
» Fascinating, da?


Uh, so this is kind of awkward but I was working late in my lab, and now the power's gone out. Aaaaand I can't make it out of my lab. Electronic locks. Some kind of emergency thing I'm just not knowing about?

Jul. 28th, 2014


Good afternoon. I am Commander Spock, First Officer and Science Officer on the U.S.S. Enterprise. While I had already been aware of the validity of the theory of multiple or alternate universes, it is quite fascinating to find myself in this particular one, where I am considered to be a fictional character. I shall be most intrigued to discover the differences between this Earth and the one that I know.

Jul. 26th, 2014


I don't know if this will even be needed, but I would like to tell everyone that Pepper's Closet IS open today, especially for those who might have found themselves in an older or a younger body, and you don't have clothes that fit. And because of the nature of the incident that seems to be going on, if you are a resident who has found yourself in these new circumstances, then anything you buy will be a total of seventy-five per cent off of the normal price.

If anyone here needs anything, please let me know and I will do my best.


network post: lilly kane

Okay, whaaaaat is going on here? How did I get so old?


[Accidental Voice Post]

-ma Papa Where are you??

Jul. 11th, 2014


Filter to Serenity Folk
Either you two have any weird dreams since you got here? Found myself takin a nap this afternoon and had myself one doozy of a dream. There was a giant peerin on me as I was eatin, he asked me about growin up on Shadow and Serenity, and then about some woman callin herself Saffron. That sound familiar to either of you? There was also somethin about needin to flesh me out for a wicky somethin-or-other. Woke up and there was somethin in the corner, way high up, like a security camera of sorts. Been feelin sorta troubled ever since.

Nothin like feelin useful. Old man who owns a farm not far from the ranch spoke to me a few weeks back, seems that we made arrangements to move his produce from his farm to the city a few times a week, and tomorrow I'll be drivin up from the ranch to the city with a load of good stuff, all for a farmer's market, so if you're of a mind and like fresh foods like that, you might consider makin a trip to the 57th St. Greenmarket tomorrow, and the Forest Hills Greenmarket on Sunday. We'll be bringing produce up both days for Mr. Harrison and his wife to sell. They're real friendly folk, and Mrs. Harrison says she's happy to share recipes with anyone who asks.

Jul. 12th, 2014


I've had weird dreams before and I've had disturbing ones as well - though dreaming about falling next to parachuting cheeseburgers pretty much takes the cake - but I've never slept or dreamed deeply enough to not wake up when someone came into my room. Thief's privilege really. Sleep lightly or get arrested one night.

So who the hell managed to sneak into my room and tie those balloon to my bedside table?

Jul. 9th, 2014


I may have woken up groggy and disoriented from that hypersleep, but I'm not gullible. How is this even possible? I've seen some crazy things, but time traveling? Backwards?

Jul. 10th, 2014


Well, if I'd known it only took a Sonic Screwdriver sword to defeat the Daleks once and for all, I would have modified it sooner! That's brilliant!

Jul. 4th, 2014


Oh, no. OH, NO. Not snow. Not now. Has anyone seen I wish I knew my way around this city.

[Filtered to Jack Frost]

You haven't had a hand in the snow outside by any chance, have you?

Have you maybe seen Elsa? She went out earlier and she's not back. And I tried to call her on the phone, but I can't find her and I don't know this place.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


Signed up for some cooking classes. Those should be fun.

Jun. 29th, 2014


Happy Pride, New York. Let's get this party started. I'm keeping track of how many times people mistake me for one of the grand marshals of the parade.

You're coming with me, honey. Get ready.

Jun. 25th, 2014


Finally back on Earth and it's the wrong version of Earth. That figures.

Name's Morse. I'm with SHIELD - or I was, I guess. I was told there would be some people I know here.

Jun. 23rd, 2014


I'd just like to let everyone know that I spoke with the inspectors today. At five o'clock tonight, an inspector will be coming around to each apartment to do an inspection to make sure there are no recording or listening devices in the apartments and common areas. This will be a fairly invasive search due to the nature of what they're looking for.

If you would prefer not to have your apartment inspected for whatever reason, please let me know. I'll have some forms that you'll need to fill out for legal purposes and one to put on your door so they know to bypass it.

Thank you guys so much for your patience.

I hope that I didn't wake you with this message. I don't know if you've got a notification set up like I do or not. If you do, I apologize ahead of time. If not, well, whenever you're available, I'd like to know how you're doing and if there's anything that I can do for you.

Jun. 21st, 2014


In light of the news today, I've done my own digging to figure out how this location data was being tracked. I've found that there's a small implant in the upper arm of the refugees, where the medical inoculation was administered upon your arrival. I've got medical knowledge enough to know how to remove these trackers, if you need.

Take it out now before someone figures out the frequency to track you. If they haven't already

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