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Jun. 21st, 2014


So since they're terrorists does this mean SHIELD's research servers are public domain too now? :D

[Filtered to Lucy Stillman]
I stopped by our off-site facility to drop off the promega shipment. Patient Zero was here waiting.


So, it is just me or is everything kind of covered with snow in here? In the middle of June.

Is that a regular thing here?

Jun. 16th, 2014


Test. Test. Three two. Test. Hello? Is this -- hello. Oh, hello. Hello Potts Tower.

Stephen Hawking cited a variation of the Fermi–Hart paradox as proof that time-travel didn’t exist in the future yet. The “Well, where are they” theory. The idea that time-travel would lead to tourists, because of course it would. You create dinosaurs, your first idea is a theme park, you invent time travel and you replace Mr. Toad’s wild ride. But this -- this is it, this is where we are. It’s impossible to travel in time in a single universe but jumping forward and backwards in a parallel world, well that’s it. That makes sense. A world where the rules of time and physics are different so they stack like layers of oil and water.

Jun. 7th, 2014


FILTER: WHOVERSE + FRIENDS* (*As usual, if he's said he likes you--you are a friend!)

You lot all right? Unpleasant bunch of people out there, if you need help getting around... Suppose I could be a taxi until they realise they've better things to do with their time. Like crochet! Does anyone still do that? Brilliant hobby.  Much better than the manufacturing of Dalek merchandise.

I seem to have a penchant for teaching. Languages, they are brilliant, aren't they? More of you ought to study them, especially if I'm teaching them. Only saying.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

Filtered: Lucy Stillman, Bennett Halverson, Cosima Niehaus
I've been reading up on Neuroscience these last few months, both the course syllabi for some courses at Columbia and recent advances in scientific journals. It's remarkably interesting. I can see why you all like it. Even from what little I know, what you're doing with mice is remarkable.
I like JARVIS. I talk with him whenever I miss having conversations with the computer. His manners and mannerisms are different, but he's more relaxed about racing me on mathematical problems. We're 104-97. I've mostly lost habit of talking with my computers here, but sometimes I do. At work he reminds me he is not computer I'm trying to talk with.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


cut for image, not filtered )

The beginning of this makes me think of certain someones I know.


What a strange blue box,
Making me human and all.
I have five fingers.

Oh. How rude of me.
I should introduce myself.
I am called Zer0.

May. 15th, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

I have stocked my lab with bananas, in case any monkeys come by. If they don't, once they're brown, I'll make banana bread. Either way, it's win-win. There's no shortage of snacks, actually. I bought quite lots, once I was buying bananas.

May. 12th, 2014


I've had a rather fascinating weekend chasing down some of the many things Comstock and Fink stole from various tears to see whether they exist here and I have to say I do think we improved on the music. It's true there's not much difference between our version of God Only Knows and the original by the Beach Boys but I think I much prefer our versions of Fortunate Son, Everybody Wants to Rule the World and Tainted Love. But that's all rather subjective, isn't it?

I have to say though that I'm really not suited to idleness and I think a week is more than enough of it. For those that don't know, I am Robert Lutece and I am a physicist. I am the co-creator, so to speak, of the Lutece Field, a quantum field that allows objects, such as a city, to float in the air. I am looking for the names of corporations and/or individuals both in this country and beyond who might be interested in collaboration.

May. 3rd, 2014


This place has interesting implications for the idea of fate.

I've spoken to some of you previously on if you think that your fates here have been changed because of a new world. I'm still not sure which side of the equation I find myself on. But given the guided nature of our narratives, is this knowledge of them truly freedom or is it simply another sort of purgatory? Helplessly watching as it unravels with no ability to change but all the knowledge you would have needed to steer in another direction.

[Alana and Sherlock]

Before either of you get any wild ideas when you are not able to find me, I'm perfectly safe and sound.

Cut for spoilers for Hannibal 2.10. Comments will contain spoilers. )

May. 2nd, 2014


[Chris and Pavel]

Have either of you attended the refuge meeting? I'm thinking about attending one and was curious to know what the meeting was like. I'll probably still go even if neither of you have gone. Perhaps it'll be helpful with all the recent losses we've experienced.

Apr. 30th, 2014


Usually when I touch shiny blue cubes they don't send me into another universe.

So this is new.

Apr. 21st, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

Boston was beautiful and strong. I ran decent time, and it was first time no one came up to me to talk to me about being Chekov, being from Star Trek, or anything like that. I stuck around finish line for some time, like any other runner. It was about Boston and for Boston. My favorite marathon here.

Filtered: Jasper Sitwell
I thought you were running marathon, da? I waited to see you finish. But I never saw you. Are you okay?

Apr. 17th, 2014


Sometimes I think I only run so I can justify carb loading.

cut for image )

But even if that were true, it'd be so worth it.

Apr. 13th, 2014


I need an escort to Prom.

Apr. 11th, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

Filtered: Stark Industries
Does anyone have a treadmill at work? I've done some stairs, but just knowing I can't leave makes staying still more difficult.


Residents of Potts Tower. My name is Agent Sitwell of the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Enforcement Division. As a precautionary measure, we are implementing a quarantine on Potts Tower effective immediately. You are required by law to stay in your apartments and minimize contact. There is no need to panic, but we will need to clear all residents before releasing the quarantine.
  • If any residents experiencing flu-like symptoms would please state when their symptoms began and make themselves known, a response team is en route.
  • Potts Tower Clinic Staff, please arrange space.
  • If you have come in contact with residents of Potts Tower in the past 48 hours but do not live there, please report location and stay where you are.
  • If you live in Potts Tower but are not currently home, report location and await advisement.

[Filtered to Tony Stark, Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I'd consider pre-emptively allowing us to do the same at Stark Tower.
[Open Comms Post: The Hub (SHIELD's Manhattan Office)]
This is Agent Sitwell. Initiating Hub Lockdown Protocol Delta - Seven-Four-Designation Medical.

Minimize contact and hold position until directed by an officer or cleared by Medical Staff. Screening will occur in Four North Conference. Stand by to await escort. Any agents experiencing flu-like symptoms, report location for triage.

Apr. 4th, 2014


Shopping online. Not the same as going into the little shops. Love the little shops. New York's brilliant, has loads of them. Still, can't find gems like this in the little shop. I'm going to procure it.

Think I'll hang it in the library in the TARDIS.

Apr. 1st, 2014


network post: pavel chekov

Three weeks until Boston Marathon. I am going to make weekend of it, traveling up Saturday morning and coming back Tuesday. I was going to invite friends, in filtered post, but with so many people leaving recently, it felt smaller than should be. It's good chance to meet new people. Whether you know me or anyone else running, marathons are wonderful fun. There's push-rim wheelchair (running and pushing wheelchair is even harder than what I'm doing) and handcycle (they have very fit arms) too. I haven't been to Boston yet, either, so I will see tourist sights. I've never even been there in another century. I'm booking rooms, though, if anyone wants to stay together.

Doctor (10TH)
Do you ever feel bad if you do something, just in case, then that case happens? I talked with you just in case Hikaru left. And now he's gone and not just him. I keep thinking Uhura or Pike will leave next. Maybe both of them, it's been happening in pairs. I know there's no pattern to it, and I know I didn't make Hikaru leave. But he's gone, and he was happy here. I still have photos from Valentine's Day.

Mar. 30th, 2014


I won't even start to pretend I haven't been playing the Doctor Who edition of 2048 all morning.

I can't get past the 8th.

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