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Apr. 9th, 2013


Damn that storm out there looks bad. I hope everyone tries to stay inside and/or runs fast.

Mar. 16th, 2013


[text to kate]
» Any plans tonight?

[text to sam]
» Don't know your plans
» But I'm going to go ahead and say if you're wanting to play poker
» Warn me so I can bow out
» Last thing I want to do is spend the night playing strip poker with you
» No offense, Sammy
» But, no, really, I don't want to see that shit, k.

[text to paige]
» If you win, I'll buy you a beer
» I win, you buy me a beer

[text to john & mary]
» Just checking in
» How you two crazy kids doing?

Mar. 8th, 2013


They are making a TV Show based on my parents life. Oh good.

Mar. 7th, 2013


This might be even better than Life of Pie. I don't know what the hell a harlem shake is and I'm more than a little freaked out how spot on these damn actors get Sam and me but still.

Anyway, it was either this or watching anime so I chose Youtube. I know, surprise, surprise.

Who wants to grab a drink with me tonight?

I got a new job working with Ned the pie man. No joke, I'm working with pies.

Also, I have some good news. The fangirls came through. Not with a car but they've been hosting a fundraiser, apparently, to get Sam and me our car back. They tried petitioning the studio but they wouldn't give one up since we "borrowed" one when we first got here.

I found an Impala for sale in San Diego. We have just enough for two of us to get there, pick it up and drive it back and then we could work on it together, fixing it up. Three can go if we skimp on the food budget. What do you say?

Mar. 4th, 2013


I was looking up Life of Pi to see if I wanted to watch it. Found this instead. Normally I wouldn't start posting images of other people here, but I really couldn't help myself.

Life of Pie )


In my world a werewolf is a werewolf and ain’t nothing that can change that. There’s no cure or magic pill to stop the transformation every month. There’s also no synthetic blood for vampires. So I was thinking that maybe someone from another world might be able to help me. Or at least give me a few new ideas to try. Maybe. If not that’s okay. Probably a silly idea anyway.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


[ooc: please pretend this was backdated to THIS MORNING]

Filtered to Snow White, Belle, and Kate Danvers

Soooooo Sam made a move.

Filtered to Sam Merlotte

Good morning. :D


Damn. Tomorrow is the last day of Bacon Fest. They really should have teamed up with Beer Week. I may have the opportunity to suggest this to both of them tomorrow.

Also does anyone know if that animated Batman show from like 1992 is available on Netflix? Just asking for a friend. (By which I mean the new friend I will make when I find someone who already knows the answer to this question.) I really want to watch some Batman without being forced to think about how seriously Christopher Nolan takes himself, or George Clooney's nipples. Surprisingly difficult to do.

Filtered to Janet Van Dyne (616)
I realize that everything I just mentioned probably does not sound like fun to you. But do you want to do something tomorrow? Not one of those things, maybe?

Feb. 21st, 2013


It's been almost 2 months since I've been here, and some ways it feels like I just got here, but in most ways, I've settled in. I've resigned myself that whatever version of me this is, I might never see more of my friends and family. It's still hard, but I'm coming to terms with it.

Filtered to Women (and those that identify as women) Refugees

Hello everyone. If you don't know me, I'm Veronica Mars.

I'm here to talk about a group that I'm forming.
Cut, part of same filter-mentions sexual assault )

Filtered: Sam

I put it out there about the group. Step one. Then I can start getting things together for the other Refugee Support services and advocacy that we want to do. One step at a time.

And I love you. Wow. That's oddly nice to say.

Filtered: Jo | Lilly (separately)

Hey, so. Something happened and I kinda want to talk about it with you.

Feb. 18th, 2013


Federal holidays. Up side to working in a school.

[ RUBY ]

I'm pretty sure you're a hell of a lot faster than me, but are up for a run?

Feb. 15th, 2013


Retreat gave me a few ideas to run a survival camp for anybody interested. Weekend or two a month, teach you what to do if you're stuck out in the woods or rough terrain. How to hunt, fish, build shelter, survive without your goddamn phones for ten minutes, that sorta thing. Already been told I can't just throw you in the woods and wish you luck

Get enough interest and I could use a hand or two to help set it up. You gotta be experienced, though. None of this sat-in-a-cushy-house-all-your-damn-life, you're the people that I wanna shove in front of a few dinosaurs oughta benefit from the class instead.

Feb. 13th, 2013


[mary, john, sam, jo, cas]
Lost the job. Too many of the not cool fangirls been hanging around the past couple days. You'd think it was a crime to say hi to all the pretty faces but that's how the cookie crumbles, I suppose. Owner said he couldn't get any real work done with them all hanging about. I can't help it that I'm a real charmer, ha. Anyway, I reckon he's been getting some heat about me being a refugee, too, so no hard feelings. I'm not really a 9-5 kind of guy, anyway.

[sam, cas]
Have either of you already looked into a pattern between the arrivals/departures/origin?

I'm jobless. How's yours?

Feb. 11th, 2013


So Thursday is Valentine's day!

I'm so excited because I've never had a boyfriend on Valentine's day before and this is so exciting! I mean, it doesn't matter how pretty you are if you're alone, right? I mean, Valentine's Day still sucks if you're all alone.

And my boyfriend is definitely the best of all the boyfriends out there, so I'm sure we're going to have a great time.

What is everyone else doing for Valentine's day? And what are all you poor single people doing?

Feb. 7th, 2013


It's cold days like this where I wish I could stay a wolf all day for the fur. Add that we're supposed to get ice tomorrow, and it sounds better and better.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


[ Text Messages to Dean Winchester ]
» Hey
» Are you a fan of football?

Jan. 30th, 2013


Is it just me or has contemporary music been on a downward, godawful spiral in the past decade or so? I got all excited about a jukebox in a diner until I realized the selections varied between Justin Bieber, One Direction and some other auto-tuned shit. Do people actually listen to this? Other than you, Sammy. Don't worry, I got you a surprise. It's a boxed set of Barry Manilow albums.

Jan. 28th, 2013


Should I torment myself by watching the movies based on my world? Thankfully, I am not in them, but some of those I know are (in fact, I am told my little sister has a large role in them).

I am told that the "Lord of the Rings" movies, as they are called, are a pleasure to behold, but that they are not incredibly accurate.

[Filtered to other Tolkienverse Elves]

Does my sister meet a tragic end in these movie? I do not think I could watch them if she does.

Jan. 24th, 2013


It's my brother's birthday. So naturally, I thought it would be appropriate to post embarrassing pictures of him on the network. (Not that he has the decency to be embarrassed, but still.)

cut for gif overload, not filtered )

Happy birthday, Dean. And Jess

Jan. 19th, 2013


Two months ago if someone had of asked if I would ever work in a High School, I would have laughed at them.

At least it's a job.

Jan. 18th, 2013


So it occurs to me that the full moon is next week, and I'm not sure how many weres or shifters are out there. Or if anyone has to shift and is a danger and worried about it, or just wants to hang out with other shifters or ... something. Basically, hi, everyone. I'm Red and I'm a werewolf.

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