July 2016




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Jun. 3rd, 2013


So I just lost both my boyf friend and my roommate in one fell swoop.

Some days being unable to get drunk really sucks.

May. 22nd, 2013


Soo, the Tesseract sucks. No doubts about that. I'm sorry to anyone who lost someone close to them, and hope that things can work out in the end for everyone.

In the meantime, I figured we could all use a pick-me-up? And lordy knows I could use something to take my mind off of Bruce and SHIELD and Betty and alskjdalhf This Saturday I'm going to throw together a little KARAOKE PARTY on the 13th floor. Come one, come all. I'll have the machine and projector set up, and snacks and soda will be provided. BYOB. SATURDAY, MAY 25TH, STARTING AT 7 AND GOING UNTIL WHENEVER.

Karaoke Club only has one rule. IF YOU DO NOT SING, YOU CANNOT HECKLE. If you sing at least one song, you earn the right and privilege to heckle other singers. Don't be a douche, and don't be super sensitive. This is karaoke and the night is for FUN.

Anyway, come out, eat free snacks, sing terrible Bon Jovi songs until your throat is sore, have a little fun!

May. 18th, 2013


How do you feel about sailing down the coast a bit after the prom? We could make a weekend of it. I can promise to have you home in time to open SuperSuds on Monday morning.
[End Filter]

Cue last minute clothes shopping for the procrastinators. I wish you all good luck in your frantic searches. :)

May. 15th, 2013


[ Filtered to Adults: Age 18+]

Soooo I don't really want to kick a wasp nest here, but I haven't seen it anywhere and I just wanted to make sure that no one actually cares: there's not a dress code to the prom, is there?

I don't see why there should be one; if there's anyone running around naked then we can deal with them as need be, right? Also before someone says "lol Kara wants to know about dress code lololol boobs", Jan helped me with my dress and it's beautiful, so suck it.

I just wanted to know so I could communicate to my floor(s) if there are any expectations beyond "obvious fleshy appendages in".

[ /Filter ]

May. 8th, 2013


I would've liked to see myself older, I think. Or Lee younger. And while I don't even know if I'm going to prom yet, I bought a dress. We'll see.

There's no law classes but I joined some others anyway.

And small glowing cube thing, I really want the rest of my family here. Or was I a hiccup? Or honestly, you can just throw me back into V-World.

I need chocolate before I snark at someone for looking at me wrong. TMI. But chocolate. Dark chocolate. I was at the store this morning, I got chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream with little bits of crushed chocolate in it and raspberry. It's all gone already. I'm not even sorry. I want more. And maybe something else, something greasy.

And there's this pigeon on my window sill AND HE WON'T LEAVE

Is he one of yours? Does that explain it?

I ate pigeons for LUNCH back home. A pigeon's going to make me cry. Frak me. If I had a sword

May. 1st, 2013


Just a short update for SuperSuds; a longer scent list is in the works! But until then, here's this month's limited edition fragrance:

Where The Heck Is May?: inspired by the sluggish start to the warmer months, this fragrance is a nostalgic take on spring and summer remembered, but not yet enjoyed. Fog, ivy, violets, and lemon meringue float by ethereally, tempting but never quite there. Do you remember what spring is like?

Also, I don't recommend using heat vision on vampires. Ew, and surprisingly ineffective. I guess it could be effective long-term, but really, all it does is produce a barbeque-like condition.

[ Filtered to Jan 616]

Hi! I hear you're someone to talk to regarding alterations? I'm going to prom but all my dresses sort of make it look like my chest is trying to lay claim all the way to my chin. And while I'm all about showing off my gifts, I'd really like to breathe.

[ /Filtered ]

Apr. 29th, 2013


[Filtered to Kara]
You have a few minutes for a break? I've got something I want to ask you and it occurs to me that it's wiser to ask in person than over the internet.
[End Filter]

Does anyone have recommendations for learning a second language? I'm not talking the 'fastest' or the 'easiest' because I've got no problems with putting in the time and effort to do it right.

Apr. 19th, 2013


[DC Heroes]
My involvement last month with stopping a bank robbery helped me to notice something. Great people I worked with, but we weren't organized at all. No history of working together, lots of easy mistakes we could have been better prepared for.

So I was wondering - and hear me out - what do you all think of forming up something similar to the Justice League here? It doesn't have to be exactly the same, but some way of working together, coordinating, having some kind of method to the madness, so to speak. I'm not suggesting some kind of hierarchy or self-regulation, really, but a gathering of equals where we can train, react to any kind of threats we're aware of. You know, kind of being responsible about it versus everyone doing their own thing.

Thoughts? If you don't agree, I can take it. I'm an adult.

Apr. 18th, 2013


I have a motorcycle license and a job. It may not seem much to some people, but it means everything. It especially means that I finally have some semblance of control over my own life after a very long time. Hopefully, the Tesseract does not decide to take that away from me.

Now, the next step is probably to buy my own motorcycle.

Cut for picture )

She's not mine but I wish she was. Danielle is one of the dogs from the animal shelter, which is where I work. If anyone wishes to or knows someone looking to adopt a dog, you can contact BARC.


Soooooo the treadmill in the gym can go pretty crazy fast. Particularly when SOMEONE WHOSE NAME RHYMES WITH EDTOOL hits it up to max while I'm on it and sprints off dancing like a porcupine having a fit.

I feel like I learned something today I should have already figured out.


Network Post: Selina Kyle

Great. I get dragged here against my will, assigned a roommate, assigned a roommate I don't even know, and I've got annoying people making a fuss over me existing.

Someone tell me I haven't gone crazy again and I'm not in Arkham. Either way, this is a prison.

Apr. 10th, 2013


There's a curious buzzing in the lobby and I should think that maintenance will see to it soon. A loose pipe, perhaps? Until then, a measure of caution is warranted among the comers and the goers ... I wouldn't want a leaky roof caving in on my head while I was going about my business, anyway.

Updated to add: Nor a swarm of bees. Please see Mr. Holmes' entry regarding the buzzing. It's bees and he's got several very useful tips for keeping safe.

ATTENTION, though, to any interested young ladies. I am going to hold another self-defence class shortly and wanted to gauge interest. Please let me know if you would like to attend and what times are best for you so that I might ascertain if we need to use the tower's group facilities.

I feel Mr. Cobb's absence quite keenly

[Filter: Floors 7 & 8]
I know that there have been several departures lately - among our number and among our friends - and I want you to know that you are not alone. Your losses are keenly felt and should you need to discuss this with anyone and at any time, please do note that my door is always open.

Apr. 9th, 2013


[Firefly Folk]
Ain't right. Got on the network this mornin to tell you all I went ahead and got the ranch. Hour outside of town, gorram sight more like home than this metal & stone tower they got us all crammed up in.

Zoe and Wash done good, brought home a helicopter needin some work. Kaylee, thinkin that'll be just the thing to get you too and from your government job once you get it up and runnin. Thinkin Wash even got hisself volunteered to lend a hand.

Cept all I see was some note about Jayne disappearin, so instead I went and kicked a few walls, shot a few cans. Ain't right, this happenin to us over'n over. I'm gonna be out tearin down a few walls, rebuildin some things on the ranch. Good distraction if any of you find yourself of a mind to need it.
[End Filter]

Settin up another poker night this Saturday night. Same rules as always, lemme know if you're in.


First of all: it's spring! It's beautiful (not right NOW but... you know...)! I don't know how long this'll last, but spring is my faaaaaaavorite season. I always hated it when the JLA took me into space with work because although space is a different kind of awesome, it never changes. It's Eternal, with a capital E. And that's great, but I sort of like nature mixing it up every now and then, right? Variety is the spice girl of life!

Yesterday I got a free coffee! Some guy who was a fan of my comics asked me to arm-wrestle. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to touch me, but It was a very short contest. Anyway, he bought me a coffee afterward and asked me some questions about my "future in comics" and whether or not Terra and I are "lesbian lovers" and then stated that Batman was way better than Superman (sorry, Supes), which wasn't much of a question so I just drank my coffee. Still, he seemed pretty nice! Glad I could drop a house on him either way just in case.

Anyhow. Supersuds! is having a SPRING CLEANING SALE! All past oils are on sale at 30% off, plus as residents of Potts Tower, you get an additional 15% off. So come on by and see what we have! In honor of our spring sale, we have three new seasonal fragrances! Hopefully no one will get all weird about them

Dreaming of Summer Series

Joseph Wants an Ocean: Joseph's been harassing me for an ocean scent, and we had a talk about how difficult they are to pull off. Do you go for a beachy smell? Do you go for a marine smell? Weirdly a lot of perfumers add fruity notes in to capture that elusive scent, but I didn't want to do that. Instead, this scent perfume the smells of driftwood, salt, myrtle, ambergris, and a touch of ozone for a more-natural experience. It leans masculine but a lady can pull it off just fine.

Stocking the Summer Picnic Basket: I don't know about you, but I like to be prepared. One of the things I always do is stock the picnic basket with essentials in case I do a last-minute picnic. This smell is fun-loving, airy, and weird. More wearable than you think! Lacquered wood from the picnic basket act as base notes with touches of spearmint (breath mints!), salt, and a hint of Coppertone sunscreen weaving around the top notes of freesia and frangipani.

The Boys and Gal of Summer(s): We've got a lot of people here with the last name of Summers, so I thought I'd honor them! This scent is complex and unisex. Bright California wildflowers, juicy blood orange, and a solid smack of patchouli make this scent a long-lasting ode to the beautiful things that hail from the West (lasers and stake not included).

Apr. 2nd, 2013


There's no filter for this and I'm not sure who to target with it if I made one in any case, so I apologize for the open invitation to anyone uninterested.

It seems there's a few of us that own boats now, so I was thinking some kind of sailing club might be a good idea. Maybe even host weekends with friends and such. Make it a 'thing.' Thoughts?

Why don't you have any ocean scents? I'm judging.

Okay, only a little.

Mar. 28th, 2013


I know what they told me, but Tony told me never to trust SHIELD if I could help it. So could someone explain to me WHAT THE HELL THIS IS?

Mar. 20th, 2013


[Filtered to Kara/Peej]
So it's not catching muggers on my lunch break or anything, but I did work with four others to stop a bank robbery yesterday. I've never been part of a team before, so there were a few mistakes, but in the end no one was hurt and the police took all of the robbers into custody. A win for the good guys.

I ended up calling it a night after all of the questions and reports (so much paperwork, why?) and I just remembered today that I never even finished what I was in the bank for in the first place. It took a small loan, but you're looking at the proud owner of a '76 Herreshoff Nereia. She's old, but I didn't want some fancy plastic-looking white boat.

I've got a little hibachi grill and the night off if you're bored and want to see what sailing is like.
[End Filter]

So... any sailing enthusiasts out there, by chance?

Mar. 17th, 2013


To:Karen Starr
From: Ashley Boyd
Subject: Room Change.

you have 1 new message )

[ooc: let's pretend this is ridiculously backdated to the 10th]

Mar. 13th, 2013


It's about time I introduced myself. I would have done it before now, but I was working on my business plan (more on that in a second). The name's Schmidt. And trust me when I tell you that this place is going to be vastly improved by my presence.

Why you ask? It's simple. I make my benjamins in making people look good. Technically, it was businesses I was marketing for, but the same model can be applied to individuals and, let's face it, this place is MARKETING NIRVANA.

What does that mean for you? I'm so glad you asked! See, most of the people in this building should be raking in the free swag. You're fictional? SWAG. A superhero? MORE SWAG. A creature of the night? SO MUCH SWAG, IT'S RIDONK. The point is, I'm offering to network for all you freaks weirdos amazing individuals to get you the free goods that you so rightly deserve (for a reasonable fee of a percentage of the loot, of course).

For the record, I survived almost a decade working with only women and I'm more persistent than a horny chihuahua that's fallen in lust with your leg. That's a FACT you can take to the BANK. If you're interested in what I can do for YOU, drop me a line. You will not be disappointed.

ALSO: On a completely unrelated topic, if you're not a complete moron and you want to learn the best drinking game in existence, be at room 910, Friday night at 8pm. If you're a guy, bring an offering of beer and any stray objects that can bear the weight of an average adult male. Ladies, just bring yourself.

Mar. 11th, 2013


There are days when there are simply not enough bath salts.

[FILTER: Inhabitants of Floors 7 & 8]
Hello, you lot. I'm sorry I've been gone for a few days. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact me right away.

[FILTER: Stephen Dedalus]
Mr. Dedalus, I'm sorry I was not available for tea. I was detained.

[FILTER: Steve & Howard]
Tell me about all the male posturing that happened while I was gone.

[FILTER: Nick Fury]
Sir. If I can be so bold. What's the next step?

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