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Apr. 5th, 2013


Who: Jyuushiro Ukitake, Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto), Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
When: Friday Afternoon (April 5th)
Where: Timeless Tea Shop
What: An old complaint needs some new help.
Rating: Teen for medical drama and TB-like symptoms.

Setsuna's shop offered a welcome reprieve from the difficulties one faced when uprooted from a life and career that spanned more than twenty centuries, and Ukitake intended to make the most of the free time that now filled the rest of his day. )

Mar. 18th, 2013


I met up with some fans of my show today. That was strange. Anyone else think it's strange? Or just flattering?

Mar. 17th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I very much enjoyed a round of Wheelchair Basketball the other day and it reminded me that in my zeal to get myself acclimated - and perhaps also to see if there is a way to persuade the Tesseract to send me back to my own reality naturally - I have been avoiding physical activity. This can only happen to my detriment.

I visited the basement this morning myself, but I was curious if there was anyone about who knew fencing? I should very much enjoy taking that up again.

Filtered Private: Captain's Log )


Sorry about last night.

That's just about how ugly it gets. But thanks, everyone. I vaguely remember it and I don't have much desire to go checking.

I'm going back to bed.

Mar. 15th, 2013


I want to thank all of you who have come to Timeless Tea at some point. You're making this a lovely experience for me! And I was glad to whip up some White Day treats yesterday. I'm so blessed to have good friends here who made the day perfect.

I long for the solitude of the Gates, though, time to time. I fear that the city is terribly busy and sometimes I miss my moments of quiet. But then I return to Timeless and find myself in a serene environment. I love it and am glad it's mine.

Thank you, again. For making things possible. For making this life easier when it could have been miserable.

Mar. 14th, 2013


I think Percy's in a sugar coma from too much pie today. He's passed out at our kitchen table in a puddle of drool.

My boyfriend, ladies and gentlemen.

» Hey.
» Hermione Granger is putting together this little group of us 'smart girls.'
» To do things once and awhile like museums, lectures, whatever we want, basically.
» Anyway, I thought I'd see if you wanted to be included.

Mar. 12th, 2013


Moya, do you want to go check out that place Shepard's mentioned? You ain't lived until you've tried a deep fried mars bar.

If anyone else wants to come - I'm bringing roastbeef.


This is not home. Bolin is not here. Nobody is here

They told me this was the United States. I had never heard of such a place before, and indeed, no such place exists in the maps of where I'm from. The land is shaped differently here, and none of where I'm from is here. There is no Fire Nation, no Earth Kingdom, no Air Nomads, no Water Tribes, and no United Republic. I had hoped the United States was just another name given outside Republic City to the United Republic, but that isn't the case. This New York City isn't anything like Republic City. I don't quite understand these devices either.

I'm Mako, and I am very far from home. And Bolin is not here

Filter: Ron Stoppable
I'm ... roomed with you. It looks better than a prison cell, at least.

Mar. 10th, 2013


In another life, I pretended to moonlight with a mail-order bakery. It was (mostly) a lie.

I know a lot of people bake around here, but that didn't stop me from filling the apartment with cupcakes. If you'd like one, I've set them all out in the 12th floor elevator lobby. Red velvet, pink lemonade, german chocolate, and vanilla with sprinkles. Have at it.

Filter: Christine Chapel

Ms. Chapel. I know we haven't met, but I've been seeing Admiral Christopher Pike recently. Socially, I mean. I upset him yesterday, certainly not my intention at all but he's a stubborn ass who only wants to feel sorry for himself. If you have a chance, can you just let me know if he's all right?

Filter: Helena Kyle & Dick Grayson

Well, I screwed it up. Shocking, I know. But maybe not Maybe not permanently

Filter: Christopher Pike

I'm sorry. I had no right to say any of that to you. I hardly even know you.


Red Velvet ice cream is amazing. I think it might be the most incredible thing I've ever put in my mouth.

What have you discovered here?


While we may be here for the foreseeable future, I find that a poor reason to allow certain skills to fall out of habit. I would very much like the opportunity to get some exercise, and I expect that Sogyo no Kotowari feels the same. However, as our military duties cannot be exercised here, it would seem that we should fall back on practice sessions. I am curious what forms of martial arts are practiced by those here, and if any may bear similarities to the techniques utilized by Soul Reapers. Our most basic exercises focus on proper use of a sword, but each zanpaktou is unique in what may be accomplished beyond simple attacks and defense.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


I had my first guest yesterday. Mister Picard. It was a delight to have a tea drinker of his wisdom sharing a pot of tea.

This city is such a wonderful place. Full of life and adventure. Its smells are most impressive. Though some are not for the faint of heart. Or nose.

Now that my kitchen is fully stocked, I would love to host people in my apartment and learn their stories and worlds. And to introduce my love of tea to everyone.

I also have sadly discovered that there is no Pai Sho in this world. I have set about creating a table and pieces. I hope that when it is done, there are people interested in playing.


I should like very much to learn more of other worlds. In particular, I would like to learn what is known of the spiritual realm in thos worlds, and of the afterlife. It would seem that my own world is rather unique in this aspect, and concerns that would be of great importance there have little or no bearing in other realities. I find this interesting, to say the least, and perhaps also a relief that other souls need not fear the same dangers that Soul Reapers have long been charged with defending against.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Right, I've been working at the North End Grill since December and I'm really starting to like it. A few people have asked me to do tricks or ghostie-things but on whole, I guess my "show" isn't as well known here which is brilliant because I'm -- I mean. Not really interesting in talking about all that.

But! Oh my God, I found this website here that actually lets you blend your own teas -- mix and match things together! Isn't that grand? I've pretty much gone and spent my last pay cheque on different sorts!

So they should be here next Tuesday or Wednesday -- who wants to come over and be my tea-blend guinea pig? I can't drink them myself.

Feb. 24th, 2013


A very kind SHIELD woman taught me how to use this. It is quite fascinating, as we do not have anything like this at home. Though I think everyone would marvel at Ba Sing Se.

My name is Iroh and I am looking forward to all the tea here and making your acquaintance.

Feb. 13th, 2013


I may be unmarried single, as they put it these days, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with indulging in a great deal of candy tomorrow. After all, if it's available, why not avail oneself of the excuse to enjoy it?

[ooc: Total sugar addict. Anyone care for some random gifts of candy? You don't even have to know Ukitake well.]

Feb. 11th, 2013



Feb. 9th, 2013


There is nothing better on a snowy day than a cup of tea and honey. I've been curled up in a chair at work all day watching people come in and out of the snowy city. It reminds me of the times I watched from the Gates, keeping an eye on everyone and enjoying the serenity of the place. Snow has a timeless quality to it.

Feb. 8th, 2013


Who wants to buy me a drink?

Feb. 7th, 2013


I can't sleep.

...That -- I mean, it isn't insomnia. I can't sleep. It's not something I ever do. I want to get rid of the bed in my room, actually. No one needs a spare, do they? No married couple from a 1950s television series who needs to twins or something like that, is there? Nice, Leave it to Beaver set up, yes?

I'm glad I work late most nights. It's better than being awake with nothing to do when everyone else is asleep. I can only putter about on the Internet for so long, after all.

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