July 2016




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Apr. 28th, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

Dinosaur thing is over. Truck's gone but there is another one just a bit further north. Is your offer is still on the table to fly us over there?

[Dean Winchester]
So the truck I was looking at is gone but there is another one. Year older but the condition is better and it's red. It's still over the other side of the country but your buddy Gabriel offered to fly.

Oh, and when were you going to tell me I'm a grandfather?


network post; clark kent

Apparently the show about my life ran for 10 Seasons. But now there is a comic about SuperMe.

I'm really not sure I warrant that much interest.

Apr. 11th, 2016


-- A little pie loving bird told me you were looking at a truck across the country.
-- If it's still available after all this dinosaur nonsense is over..
-- I could take you, via Angel Air.
-- Could even get you and the truck back again.

Apr. 2nd, 2016


[Dean Winchester]
I went by your place but Cas said you went to work.

I didn't want to tell you over this thing but [...] your Mom's gone too. Which means
I'm sorry. You know where to find me if you need me.

[Jo Harvelle, Castiel and Gabriel]
As you know, Sam's gone. Dean's taken it the hardest. Now I've had to tell him Mary is gone too.

I am not sure how Dean's going to react but I can't see him being okay for a while. Can you look out for him?

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

Nice to see a bit of warmer weather. Hopefully it sticks around for a while.

[Sam Winchester]
Haven't seen you around much lately, son. Been busy?
Too busy for your old man? Or should I book an appointment?

[Mary Winchester]
Don't worry about cooking tonight. You deserve a night off. My treat.

[Dean Winchester]
How's Baby? Did the touch up work?
I'm going to talk to Sam like we talked about. Will let you know how that goes.
No luck on the car front. How reliable is the internet a place to buy cars?

Mar. 14th, 2016


Who: Dean and John Winchester
When: After work, 14 March 2016
Where: Parking Garage, Potts Tower
What: Assessing the damage/catching up
Rating: PG

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-- Hey Dad.
-- How are you?
-- The forest did a number on Baby.
-- So I was going to do some work on her.
-- If you have a spare couple of hours after work?

Feb. 20th, 2016


-- Hey, Dad.
-- How are you holding up?
-- I have to drive to Middletown for a part.
-- Want to come?

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

[Sam and Dean Winchester]
So your Mom and I talked about a few things.

Jan. 31st, 2016


WHO: Mary and John Winchester
WHAT: The truth must come out
WHEN: 1/30; dinnertime
WHERE: 1008
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

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Jan. 29th, 2016


network post: mary winchester

(ooc: posted saturday morning while she's on break at work)

[Private: John Winchester]
    Can we t Pork chops and potatoes or homemade pot pies?

Jan. 27th, 2016


[SPN Family]

Now that the Birthday business is over, I need to tell y'all something.

I got powers in the Macy's attack last month. I'm still me most of the time, just a superhuman at night.


Jan. 25th, 2016


-- Happy birthday, Van Halen
-- Hope you have a good day, son.

Jan. 20th, 2016


[Filtered to Mary Winchester]
I'm not sure if he's told you, but Dean's birthday is this Sunday. I can't remember if you're from before or after he was born.
[Filtered to John Winchester]
So, have you been filled in on the 21st century yet?

Jan. 19th, 2016


I have to admit, I kinda miss the times when politics and debates and all those normal things that citizens worry about were someone else's problem. Even though I've been here just over three years and a month, I still have trouble remembering that I'm supposed to vote. And pay my taxes. Being legally dead was a whole lot easier, in some ways

2016 sure is off to an interesting start.



[New Recruits for Stark Industries: Mako Mori, Spock, John Winchester, anyone else who was recruited here]
I'm going to need to see all of you before the end of the week to get your fingerprints, etc. Let me know when you can stop by the security offices!

Jan. 8th, 2016


Hey, is anyone in the mood to get dirty in a sexy, covered in machine oil kind of a way?

[Bruce Banner (MCU) & Commander Spock]
Banner, I'm bringing on a new employee to work with you. Not a summer intern this time, but a refugee who - I'm sure - needs no introduction.

Bruce, say hello to Commander Spock
[Jasper Sitwell]
So, some stuff happened. You want to talk about it, Baby?

Jan. 11th, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

When I rang Mike to tell him I'd be late to work this morning I wasn't expecting to be thirty-seven years late. Or be in a completely different state.

Mary? They said you were here. Mind coming and telling me how this is possible?

Feb. 6th, 2014


So. I know a lot's been happening here lately, but if you're close to me or Jo, you might want to keep May 24 open. Just - as a forewarning.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Who: Jo Harvelle & John Winchester
What: Unofficial Family Time
Where: A diner down the block from the Tower
When: Afternoon, 2/2/14
Rating: TBD possibly language
Status: Ongoing

But some days it did and she wished someone understood. )

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