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May. 10th, 2013


Filter: Lancelot
I have located us a place to hold a late May Day celebration, in the Catskills up north a wee bit! I feel a vacation for us all would be nice.

Filter: REYNA
Roomie! I haven't seen you much! Blame work, I'm sorry.

I am ever thankful this job is more interesting than mine at home.

How are you feeling?

May. 1st, 2013


Vampires I'd never expected them to I have seen, and heard of, all sorts of strange creatures throughout my life but I must say that these vampires are amongst the strangest.

I'd become so preoccupied, rightfully I believe, with the news surrounding them that I'd forgotten all about Beltaine. Or May Day, I recall hearing someone say. It is strange not to be participating in the festivals as I would while traveling in Albion. Nevertheless, it is good to hear that some of the traditions carried over even through so many years.

Apr. 29th, 2013


I am going to need a strong cup of coffee, and a round in the gym tonight if anyone is up for it.

Apr. 18th, 2013


So between training and so forth, I grabbed a copy of my world's Novel as well as another off the card. Wasn't sure I wanted to read mine, but I decided to give it a whirl. I'm glad I did. Some of my favorite quotes are as thus:

"A man should have the right to lead his own life without the meddling of relatives, no matter how well-intentioned."
"The blood billowed above them, and I suddenly realized I had known mad, sad, bad Vincent Van Gogh, and it was really too bad he couldn't have painted this.".

I actually remember those moments... and I sorely miss my brother for them.

Apr. 12th, 2013


I say, this creature would fit in at home. I think I have taken a liking to it. They're right terrors, or so I've read.. Kind of makes me wonder what they'd be like against a few of the creatures back home.

Mar. 14th, 2013


Sometimes you just need a day to relax and collect your thoughts. I forgot how much I loved the sea, although it is nothing like the sea back home. Here it is... so.. different.

I have been mulling over memories from home, lately. I have found of all the things I miss, I miss my family most but then I miss the Shadow Game. Back home Amber and Chaos are true worlds while the rest of the areas are what are called Shadows - reflections and distortions of Amber or Chaos. That's not to say they aren't real, they ARE, just - it's hard to describe. But back home we can influence the world around us. If I want to have the flowers grow neon orange, I focus on it and change it.

The Shadow game is a kind of game we played growing up, once we'd walked the Pattern and learned to control the stuff of Shadows. You would pass some obstruction — a scrawny tree, a stand of stone — and have the sky be different from one side to the other. It was a game of control and talent and I miss it dearly. I cannot influence the stuff of this world - perhaps because my connection to the Pattern is limited. I kind of miss the games of my childhood now that I cannot play them.

Filter: Eärendil
I wanted to express my thanks for sailing the other day. It was beautiful and I look forward to more times out at sea. It is nice to know I have not forgotten how to help on a ship. If I can do anything to repay your kindness, do let me know?

Filter: Reyna
Thanks for the spar. Helped a lot. Do try the card whenever you wish, although if I am in training, I'll not answer of course. I doubt they'd enjoy that one.

Mar. 12th, 2013


There has been many times when I read the network and I feel agreement stirring in my soul. There are times that I cannot believe I am here and I cannot return. My Pattern will not allow me to return home but it functions almost normally otherwise. I am loathe to admit that I cannot figure out why. I have never been to another world that I cannot return home from. Even when I was lost among the out lying lands of Chaos, I knew I could Hellride home - it would just take longer to get there. I tried again, today. To Hellride home and I couldn't even shift a damn flower.

For someone who is so used to just focusing their mind and changing the world around them - it's extremely depressing to find myself unable to change even the smallest things. I also may have given myself the biggest migraine of my life trying. Then I read the entries about change - about aging or not - and part of me agrees. It's hard to look at the world around me and adapt to the fact it's not my world. Some days I take it for granted that, generally speaking, I'll live forever. Of course that's not entirely true - I get thrown into the Abyss back home. Which isn't certain death, but it can be. Chaos is not a friendly place, after all. There are many creatures in the Abyss who feed on me and my kind. But I may survive it - who knows. But generally speaking, I have relatives that are thousands of years old. Then again I think they cheated - we can move between realms where time flows differently - but I digress.

Some days I find it hard to adapt here. Not only am I the warrior princess of my family used to war and fighting, not so much down time, but here I am looked at as a woman - a weaker sex. Back home our biggest issue was that us women could not rule the kingdom - but it didn't bother me because I never WANTED that. But here? I see women treated poorly. I don't understand it. I don't get it but I don't blame people. Each culture has it's own idiosyncrasies. I just hope I can adapt enough to survive here, but never lose who I am.

There might have been a point to this but I can't remember it. I suppose it was more about rambling and letting all the things in my head out for once.

Cut and Filtered to Reyna )

Mar. 11th, 2013


I'm Colonel Cameron Mitchell, brand spanking new to this timeline, universe, whatchamacallit this time.

I pretty much understand what is going on- save for the protesters, what's their deal? We must be too handsome for them to deal with-, have been made aware that a version of Doctor Daniel Jackson is present here, and that there's currently no way home. I can't accept that. Pretty sure I'm not the only one, either.

And knowing that sitting here on my pretty ass is pretty much going to drive me crazy, I'm looking for a jogging partner and someone knowledgeable in fencing.

Friend and foe, I'll be in 1207. No autographs. Bring Coors Light.

Mar. 8th, 2013


I'm still enjoying my training. I've yet to have something thrown at me that I do not enjoy in some form.

Mar. 5th, 2013


Tifa's gone. I always This is the way it She'd punch me if she saw me doing this. I'd better get used to being alone if the enhancem

I'm not great company most of the time. Kind of worse than usual right now. But I could use a sword fight. Someone who won't back down. I'm pretty durable. You don't have to worry about hurting me.

Mar. 4th, 2013


Filtered to Deirdre, Jason and Lancelot

The weather grows warmer. We'd better go up to the mountain before the ice begins to melt. This weekend?

Jason, do you have a tent? If not I can go buy one with you, or you can share one of ours.

Mar. 1st, 2013


International Refugee Festival

Friends! The Displaced, the dispossessed and refugees all. I beg your attention for one moment that I might share an idea.

We have come from all different walks in life, alternate worlds, and in that way are we unfamiliar with each other beyond brief scatterings of knowledge found in printed, published or other media. And so I would like to take a moment to suggest an idea to change that.

My cousin and I propose an event for our Springtime season to promote knowledge, understanding and acceptance of our cultures and our worlds. I would like to design an international festival for all of us here so that we might come together in one place and show each other the pieces of our world that we the people feel represent us.

Have you any objects, items, lore on your person, in your rooms, or in your minds that you would share with us on one day then I bid you, join me and my cousin in planning this. I We would dearly love to learn of you. And I we should dearly love to share my our world with you as well.

It would be good, I think, to span universes and expand our knowledge of each other.

We welcome all! Large, small, old, and new.. to friendship and peace.

Feb. 26th, 2013


Spring was a big deal back home. We'd have festivals and all this other stuff that brought everyone back together. It was rather nice, I'll be honest. A lot of the time I hated them. Hated having to put on the royal clothing - I am not a dress girl! - and had to look pretty and all this other dainty stuff my other sisters LOVED and I hated. I was too close to all of my brothers, or most of them, to really enjoy dresses.

I'm glad that I've had things to distract me here - training and ice climbing - because I really miss my brothers. Sure, all of them are a handful but they're MY handful you know? I also REALLY miss the endless things to do with the Pattern. I mean, I can do most of the same things here, strangely enough, but the ones I took for granted - travel, changing realms, etc, are gone and it's almost like a void, you know?

Bah. Anyone want to go train with me? I'm feeling a need to spar.

Feb. 20th, 2013


Would anyone like to join my friends and me in a community service project? We're going to build a playground for some inner-city kids. Could use some supplies, some brains, and some brawn to help. X-23, I'm lookin at you girl. Finesse, you better be in on this too. The more the merrier. Costumes are a must, this is like.. PR stuff and kids dig heroes.

[Filter to AA/Runaways]
Yo, what are you guys doing for work these days? I feel kinda useless being cooped up in this shack. Plus, these funds won't last forever.


I'm still enjoying training. Although I feel like I need a vacation - or a spa day. It's great work, but it is tiring a bit. Even for me. Maybe if I didn't give it 200% all the time I wouldn't be tired but that's okay.

I find myself being a bit melancholy here. The winter is dragging on - I miss Dad and his Jewel, if we got sick of snow he'd whisk it away for us - although I miss being able to travel the most. Just walking and ending up in a new realm was the best for these melancholy days.

Feb. 12th, 2013


I can't decide if SHIELD training makes me feel young again or incredibly old. I'm going to say young and pretend I always got sore this easily.

Jan. 28th, 2013


I'm starting to wonder about the emphasis on violence in this place. Everyone always talking about sparring or getting involved in competitions to beat on each other. It's all so bloody destructive.

Why aren't there any competitions to create instead of harm? To build, not break. Sciences, philosophies, arts. Write a poem, write a play, paint a picture -- draw a bird, just something forward or positive or nice or different of pleasant or not building up the fucking strength to break someone's nose.


I am more out of shape than I thought. This must change.

[Filtered to Dick Grayson and Ty Lee]
I admired your free-climbing ability during rooftop tag. I don't suppose you'd be willing to teach me to do the same? I think you'll find me a fast learner.

Jan. 25th, 2013


Loving the snow, super excited about the Compitalia games tomorrow, and stressed the hell out because getting those two things to work together is going to be a little bit more excitement than I was planning on.

But never fear! The games will go on! The only events in danger of cancellation are the footraces, since coming up with an indoor solution for the longer ones may be outside our abilities right now.

[Filtered to Thalia]
Wanna come with me to pick up the lambs for roasting? The snow just made that drive to the butcher in Queens a lot longer. Leaving in about an hour.

Jan. 16th, 2013


Anytime not spent in my SHIELD training has been spent in the gym, crafting or sleeping lately. I am enjoying my time so far - even if the lot of it has been tedious paperwork. Although I feel it will be worth it. If not, there are other career paths for me. Though I doubt I will need them.

I am working on a new bow too, which has been hard work and expensive. I cannot wait to see how it comes out at the end of it all.

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