July 2016




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Apr. 28th, 2013


This...this is EXTRAORDINARY! Wizarding folk! I have just learned of magic that muggles have discovered!


I have eaten 3 bowls of this wonder food, though I think I might have gotten myself a bit sick...

Molly, Lucy...have you experienced this miracle?

Apr. 9th, 2013


Has anyone told Mum yet? About Fred, I mean.


Weasley-Potter role-call! They told me the lot of you were here and I need to know how much food to make for dinner.

Edited in later: Ah, right. Molly Weasley here. The first. I imagine some of you remember me a bit older or with gray hair. Surprise!

Apr. 1st, 2013


There comes a time in every man's life when he must realise that he is too old for birthdays and must face reality that the cake goes straight to his hips. Seems like 27 is it for me, and it's a wonder my wife hasn't left me because of my child-bearing hips.

Unfortunately, it also pains me to announce that WWW will not be opening a branch in New York City due to disheartening research findings and lack of an interested market. It was good while it lasted, boys!

Happy birthday, Freddy. April Fool's, right? I wish. Miss you, buddy, and bring my ear back in one piece, yeah?

Mar. 29th, 2013


I think my girl liked the early Easter basket I got her.

Mar. 21st, 2013


Sign me up. Some small part of me's always wanted to know what it would feel like to run away and join the circus, so I think this is a nice substitute.

Alright, everyone, listen up. Dominique's birthday is on Saturday, and I'd be willing to offer my apartment up for a party that night.


So is this normal then? People popping out one day and coming back 12 years older?

Goodness, my baby sister older than I am! I don't know if I can get used to this. Highly unusual!

Filtered to: Molly and Lucy Weasley

I was hoping I could implore an afternoon with both of you, perhaps to see a rehearsal of the New York Philharmonic? The tickets are quite reasonable, and I'm fascinated by such music.

Would that be amenable? Let me know post haste.

Filtered to: Oliver Wood, George and Ron Weasley, Harry Potter

I find it very strange to be here and not have many of my year about. It's quite nice that Mr. Shacklebolt and Professor Dumbledore and all are here, but they are hardly my contemporaries!

My children are wonderful, so that has been a blessing.

I was...well, perhaps we could have a social engagement?

Mar. 20th, 2013


Well, if you want to alarm someone then taking them very painfully from their home, pointing guns at them, and rattling off questions will certainly do it. I also should probably apologize to the man I hexed - but you shouldn't threaten to shoot someone just because they asked where their children were.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have sworn at him, but desperate times and all of that.

They told me I had been here before, at 15 no less. What a bloody nightmare. Sorry about that. But better 15 than 16. Or 17, come to think of it. Those two years were complete rubbish.

Name is Ginny. Anyone mind pointing me to my children or, possibly, my husband? Goes by Harry - Harry Potter.

Mar. 19th, 2013


EDIT: Filtered AWAY from New Girl people outside of Cece since she already saw it

So after playing True American, I went I positively have to see more New Girl.

And lo and behold Odette Yustman was guest starring.

[ooc: might have mild to real spoilers in comments!]

Filtered to Leonard "Bones" McCoy

Ooookay so any ideas on how much groveling and apologizing needs to happen for that one?

Mar. 15th, 2013


Just in case anyone missed Schmidt's invitation to our party tonight:


Tonight. Room 910. 8 pm. 21 and up only because I'm not about to get arrested in New York City. This face was not meant for prison. Ladies, bring your beautiful selves. Gentlemen, bring beer to share and something that we can stand on, or you'll be sitting in the corner with Nick all night, wishing you were a part of this much awesome.


So, do any of you remember when Luce's big dream was to be like TMNT and enter the sewers of NYC?

Mar. 14th, 2013


Lucy Weasley; Dream Achiever.
Kowabunga, mates.

Mar. 12th, 2013


You know what temperature it is in Fiji right now? 79°. The high today here in New York? 54°. Any other time, a spur of the moment trip to NYC would be more than welcome! Do some shopping, see a show, take a corny picture in front of Rockefeller Center...but today? Completely unacceptable. My boyfriend's kind of been abandoned at the airport. Oh, and I'm dressed for the freakin' tropics!

Mar. 11th, 2013


If you're going to take me out on a random date, Tess, the least you can do is buy me a greasy order of chips. I'm absolutely famished from traversing across time and galaxies.


I just spent the entire day watching something called "A Very Potter Musical" and then something equally amazing called "A Very Potter Sequel" and all I can say is that while some fans out there are completely bonkers, some are completely brilliant. Completely not factual, but that's basically what makes it great.

(And the first person that gets sassy with me for finding a parody of our world entertaining is going to be glared at like they've never been glared at before.)


As far as first weekends in a foreign city go, I'd have to say New York was pretty fabulous. Although I did not appreciate losing that hour.

Mar. 10th, 2013


Something is very wrong, this is all wrong, everything is wrong!


Filter: Rose
Time's gone off. Very off. This should be 2013, a little eclectic, a little too much pop-country. Not technology way beyond their means. What's the last thing you remember?

Mar. 8th, 2013


Who: Molly Weasley II and Kurt Hummel I.
When: Friday, 4PM.
Where: Starting at her apartment, going to Broadway.
What: Taking in the sights, impromptu songs on the streets?
Rating: G.

Kurt Hummel had a feeling that it was going to be a good day. )


I found my graduation gift on youtube.

All of this is still very strange, but I'm glad someone recorded it, so to speak.

In other news, I'm now also represented on twitter, facebook and Instagram.

Mar. 7th, 2013


What is Saturday Night Live?

I know that I could Google this and I did, but I just want to make sure that it's actually just a show with comedy sketches and not... something else entirely.

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