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Feb. 21st, 2015


What the hell is going on here? Where am I?

What is this place?


network post: xavin

Tell me, who is responsible for this fun? I was just talking about how boring non-aggression can be. You're a fascinating person, Moriarty. But this place seems beyond your doing.


WHO: Tommy Shepherd and friends
WHERE: Another pocket dimension?? Except this one isn't Billy's fault.
WHEN: Midnight on Saturday night, February 21st and onward
WHAT: Time to get friendly with Tommy's subconscious :D
WARNINGS: Prison, children fighting monsters, creepy doctors, some body horror.

Main post for Tommy's dungeon. If you post outside this let me know and I'll link it in here for easy access for everyone!

Feb. 14th, 2015



I made 2 dozen red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting! Anyone is welcome to stop by 1804 for delicious treats.

Feb. 12th, 2015


I've been here for three weeks now, and I suppose there are worse places I could have ended up. I still have my body so I am going to put that on the list of positives. Not having the Mikaelson account is definitely going on the list of negatives.

I'm going to have to find a way to make money.

Lord, if Elijah could see this he would think the world is ending.


picture, no filter )
This dog seems like a legit doc.

I could be a doctor. Like Lucy from Peanuts. Come on down, psychological advice for five cents.


Hey! Just thought I'd check in. Good job not setting anything on fire so far. Does anyone need anything?

I think we should get some whiteboards for the doors, like dorms have. Might be fun.


Seriously though, what's with this weird television thing?

Usually when I break my television it doesn't play creepy little shorts at midnight. There hasn't been a creepy little girl yet so I don't think this is some seven days murdered the ring shit, but come on.

Is this someone's new super power? Because if so congrats, you're part of a horror movie.

Feb. 11th, 2015


I am going to incommunicado for the next two days. Leaving bright and early tomorrow for Boston for the LONE BELLOW tomorrow night OMG. See you guys on the flip side!

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Filter: Usagi
So, thoughts on having a party for my birthday on Saturday?

Jan. 31st, 2015


-- A. You okay?
-- B. Are you at Lord of the Nerds?

Jan. 30th, 2015


For those of you that know him, Jack Frost is gone.

Okay. Trying to stay positive here.

Jan. 29th, 2015


[Tommy Shepherd]
Hey, dude. This is going to sound really crazy, but I'm in Bayonne, New Jersey. This universe's Spider-man is here with me, and someone really whupped his ass. Can you get him back to the Avengers Mansion? Spider-man can't die on my watch, so we need speed.

[Genome Project Team]
Hey guys. Harry Osborn is nowhere to be found, but I tracked down Spider-man. He's in critical condition. Dr. Gates, can you get to Avengers Mansion? I have a friend dropping him off there.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


You know what I never thought I would have to consider while on an extended vacation from home and from the rest of my family? College.

So instead of considering, I'm going to stay away from that scary thought with a request for fanfic ideas because I got a Valentine's Day fanfic contest to enter! I'm currently having a massive writer's block. :(

Jan. 21st, 2015


Dude who put the gross graffiti on the side of the tower.

It's creepy as hell. This whole "If they glow, you know" is in a couple places around the city I've seen today.

[Added] Any of you glowing people, if one of these assholes starts messing with you let me know. You need out, I'll get you an out.

Jan. 15th, 2015


[Young Avengers]
So remember how I used to be a mutant?

[Gwen Stacey]
Hey. I know it's the middle of the night, but if you're up late studying/when you wake up: That happened in England too, right?

[Peter Parker]
This is going to sound really random, but what would you say is the weirdest thing that you know how to do?

Jan. 14th, 2015


I amar prestar aen. A starry sky brought low to greet the earth. I cannot say whether it comforts me, for I scarcely see the path for which I walk, but it is beautiful. Your forest of hollow metal is not so glaring in this dark.

But there are many travelers here. Le suilon! To whom do you hail leader?


Well, that's never good. For a second there, I thought there was another cube portal thing with the stars and everything. Everyone okay?

Any of you guys hurt?

Jan. 13th, 2015


Does anyone else find it strange to stay in one place as long as you have so far? I know you haven't all stayed in New York consistently, but I mean more like... settling in one place instead of jumping around. I feel like I'm waiting for something else to happen.

Maybe I should take a trip and spend some of this money I've made. Maybe that'd help.
How do you feel about beards?

Jan. 10th, 2015


I clearly haven't been practicing enough!

Congratulations to the winners! It was fun, and I learned a lot.

Jan. 8th, 2015


network post: xavin

That was the best morning I've had in months. No coffee needed. My mind has been more alert today than it has been. I've been relaxed, letting it operate at a lower level. I used to have whole days like this. People are too touchy here about risky violence, even when it is consensual.

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