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Mar. 3rd, 2015


Every few years, a scientific or medical study shows up that sends shockwaves through the world. New evidence about combating or preventing diseases. Innovation in procedures that will save lives, or information about harmless practices being not so harmless at all.

It really is something.

Mention of 'Legitimate Rape' controversy, Women's health issues. Dicks, both literal and metaphoric )

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Anyway, while we're on the topic. Are your friends still giving you a hard time about where you're putting yours?

Feb. 12th, 2015


[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So I did a thing I think we probably should have talked about first. But actually, I don't

Feb. 11th, 2015


I have to say that the internet is so incredibly helpful. So much information right at your fingertips.

Though I will say I could have done without the section on my wikipedia entry devoted to that terrible radio drama.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


So, fancy news today. It was just announced that Harper Lee is publishing a second novel, so 'To Kill a Mockingbird' won't be her only book. And, probably most astonishingly, she's actually still alive, which I totally didn't know. Did you know? I bet you didn't know.


Jan. 22nd, 2015


[Tony St | Jessica Dre | Natash | Bucky |....Ste Nick Fury (616)]

I need you.

Jan. 12th, 2015


[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You've been kinda quiet lately. Everyone okay? There's no one you need me to rough up for you, is there?


Searching for "healthy" street food mission is almost a fail. However I'm happy to admit I've eaten more actual home-cooked or restaurant (not cheap diner!) cooked meals this week. I have discovered a like for chicken Caesar salads.

Was fun watching everyone at the tournament, good distraction from day to day life. Makes me miss punching people in the face.

Dec. 27th, 2014


[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
I need to tell you a thing.

Dec. 19th, 2014


[Jessica Drew]
Hey, are you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
[Tony Stark (616)]
Alright, asshole.
I need your help with something.

Dec. 16th, 2014


Huh. I'm not sure why the tesseract thought I either wanted or needed that damn Chinese knife I spent so much time hunting down on the islands. That things got some pretty freaking bad memories attached to it.

I guess I could sell it for a small fortune though, couldn't I?

Dec. 1st, 2014


I think I forgot to listen when you told me how hard it'd be to go through everything involving Bucky.

Nov. 16th, 2014


Sharon Carter (616 & MCU), Howard Stark, Tony Stark (MCU), Clint Barton (MCU), Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Jessica Drew (616):
Romanoff, Barton & Drew discovered that the site in Virginia is an active HYDRA site after all, and specifically, appears to be used or scientific/medical purposes. There were test subjects present, in pain and their bodies distorted, although the cause and to what extent, we're still unsure.

After talking it over, there's really only one clear option here. I hate to hold back, knowing what we know already, knowing that waiting is going to prolong the suffering for the people in HYDRA's custody, but we know little about what HYDRA is doing here and now, and where they're doing it. We're shooting blind more often than not. We need to learn more about this base, instead of bringing it down right away. The only way we can figure out what they're up to there - and how many other locations there are that are like this, and how to best help the patients in their custody - is to infiltrate the base. And for that, we're going to need someone special. Someone with an applicable background. Biology, genetics, medicine.

Between all of us, we should be able to find someone who'll fit. Any ideas?

Nov. 15th, 2014


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Steve Rogers (MCU), Sharon Carter (616), Clint Barton (MCU), Jessica Drew (616)
We've returned, with no one the wiser we were looking. The base is HYDRA - they're not shy in their use of logo, once you've made your way inside. It has a decent number of guards, but its primary purpose is likely scientific and/or medical. That kind of personnel was the larger presence, along with patients or test subjects, whichever they can be thought of. There wasn't an opportunity to take information from their computers without alerting anyone, and I doubt its the only facility of its kind they have around the world. The persons in question, whichever they were, screamed in a great deal of pain if they looked able. Their bodies were distorted, though the source was unclear. Perhaps radiation poisoning, though we didn't see a source for that.

That's only the tip of the iceberg. We could take it and shut it down. But, so far as I'm aware, our knowledge of HYDRA bases and locations are rather limited. It'd be useful to get something more out of it before it's burned, collapsed, or otherwise destroyed.

Nov. 14th, 2014


[Nick Fury, Natasha Romanova (both 616)]
So I sent a team out to follow up on the Virginia lead. They should be checking in with details either tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll keep you posted on the situation.
Hey. How have you been doing with everything?

Nov. 10th, 2014


[Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Clint Barton (MCU), Steve Rogers (MCU) + Jessica Drew (616)]
We've managed to decrypt some of the information off the ARSENAL robot that went after Steve and I in Colorado last month. The thing had set co-ordinates for a base in Virginia like it was some kind of homing pigeon. Now, the intel we have on that particular HYDRA base suggests that it's been abandoned for quite some time.

But I thought we ought to double-check. Barton, you've got experience with ARSENAL, so I want you to head up this operation. Natasha & Jessica, you do have a couple days you could devote to a trip to Virginia?

Nov. 5th, 2014


[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
So, I gotta ask.

You two kill each other, yet?


There's always something a little sad about campaign signs still stuck in windows and in fences the morning after the returns come in.

Or something a little schadenfreudig, I suppose. Depending on your point of view.

[ Gwen Stacy ]
I'm in the final stages of lining up a set of experiments looking at chemical hypoxemia prevention in low-oxygen environments, and I need a bunch of cadmium-rich fish for specimens. I was considering raising them from larvae, but seeing as we live downstream from the biggest source of cadmium water pollution in the world, I thought it might be faster just to drive up the Hudson a ways and collect them.

Obviously there's plenty to do indoors, but if you'd like a day out of the lab, I don't actually know anything about fishing and could probably use all the help I can get. I thought I'd bring lunch.

Oct. 23rd, 2014



Has anyone seen Bucky Barnes? The younger one.

Oct. 20th, 2014


[Filtered to Sharon Carter (616)]
You got a minute?


I've been putting off this post for several weeks as I struggled to deal with what it meant to me personally, but I can no longer do that. It's not fair to those of you who love her too. You should all be aware that Peggy Carter, the version that did not come through the Tesseract, is struggling more and more with awareness as she has come into the late stages of Alzheimer's. She rarely lives in the now and requires much more on-site care as she has begun to forget things like whether or not she's eating, how to eat, or when it's time to use the restroom. While she still lives in the same apartment in the care facility, she has a nurse who spends a good deal of her time with her. I've been told that

I'm writing this message in case you want to say goodbye. She may not remember it or you, but I think at this stage, it's really what's best for your mental state. Hers seems to reboot or reset or I don't even know -- she doesn't recognize me anymore at all. She doesn't call me late at If you'd like, I can put you on the visitors' list, which I've been keeping low for obvious reasons. I'd hate for HYDRA to make it in and do something shitty because they're assholes. Just let me know.

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