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Mar. 10th, 2013


The amount of festivals this city provides per month makes me wonder when people bother working. Now it's a festival for coffee and tea? What's next, a festival for toast and jam? A celebration of tap water with a slice of lime?

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]

I apparently have three children in the other world. How thoughtful of my counterpart to take time out of his plan for mutant supremacy to add to the mutant gene pool.

Mar. 5th, 2013


[Filtered to Avengers & X-Men (all verses)]
My name is Natasha Romanoff and I am speaking to you because it is my understanding that we come from very similar worlds. Given that there seems to be multiple versions of some of us, it makes sense that there are multiple versions of the people we have fought against. It seems like a waste not to pool our knowledge. If we have some idea of the strengths and weaknesses of potential enemies, we might be more effective in fighting them should we ever cross paths.

I don’t expect any of you to remember every person you’ve ever fought against, but any information you might be able to give would be helpful. If anyone is interested in working on this, please let me know.
[/End Filter]

For those participating in the scavenger hunt, I have access to one of the Furys and I am happy accept bribes.

Mar. 4th, 2013


I am not going to be productive today. Which is a shame. Hawaii is brilliant, as will be this conference. Sun's barely up here, and it is simply... peaceful. I wish I felt as peaceful as it appears here.


FILTERED TO X-MEN (all sources):
Drinks on me.

Mar. 3rd, 2013


network post: Daryl Dixon

I've been watching the past episodes of my show. I'm nearly caught up to what has been on so far. It still kind of weird to watch but its Sunday again and that means my show is on. And I will be watching. I'm sure Rick will be too.

I'm starving. I think I'm off to go find some food.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Ai, so March has come at last. Spring hastens, and the days will continue getting longer until they are at last longer than the nights. Trees will bud, blossoms will bloom, and animals will bear their young in a cacophony of life and renewal.

It is a glorious time of year, and one that is close to my heart. The air, I think, never smells sweeter than it does in the springtime, or is the world full of more hope.

What do Men of this world do to celebrate the awakening of the Earth after its winter slumbers? I am very curious and should greatly like to learn of your customs.


I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Without anything to do I feel bored. Which is not a comfortable space for a girl like me to be in. I've got a hundred things going on in my head but not a one of them is keeping my focus.

Dreaming is rather fascinating.

Feb. 20th, 2013


I'm not sure if I'm bored or just feeling lackluster.

Filter: Daryl Dixon
Do you have plans for the weekend?

Filter: Logan
What's the word on your survival course?

Feb. 15th, 2013


Retreat gave me a few ideas to run a survival camp for anybody interested. Weekend or two a month, teach you what to do if you're stuck out in the woods or rough terrain. How to hunt, fish, build shelter, survive without your goddamn phones for ten minutes, that sorta thing. Already been told I can't just throw you in the woods and wish you luck

Get enough interest and I could use a hand or two to help set it up. You gotta be experienced, though. None of this sat-in-a-cushy-house-all-your-damn-life, you're the people that I wanna shove in front of a few dinosaurs oughta benefit from the class instead.



Well. That was an interesting night. The view from Upstate is gorgeous, I had forgotten what the stars looked like at night from a place not drowned out by city lights. It was incredibly lovely, even the bonfire, the roast rabbit, the s'mores - it wasn't the worst retreat ever.

Filter: Daryl Dixon
I hope you received the things I sent yesterday. You would have enjoyed the retreat, I wish it had been opened to those not of my team.

Feb. 5th, 2013


[Filter to X-Women]


Wolvie needs love. Not that I don't appreciate his deep seeded seated hangups (hi, Jean!), but he's becoming Yoko. We are on a mission, ladies. A mission of love. Not with anyone on the team, it's basically incestuous at this point. Just saying. We know he likes them 1) tall 2) gorgeous 3) taken 4) with red hair. We can work with that.

[End Filter]

I made thirty bucks pimping out my powers today. Awesome.

Jan. 31st, 2013


Text Message to Daryl Dixon )

Jan. 29th, 2013


So since I have nothing better to do with my time at the moment and I'm not learning only the basics because of having to settle into another version of my own life, I've been making a list of universe differences I've spotted while browsing on the internet or newspapers (filled out some of the crossword for you too, Linc) and TV.

1) Tom Cruise. Who's idea was it to let him become a movie star here? Keep him in soap operas.
2) MLK doesn't get nearly enough credit in this world.
3) You guys are missing out without Star Wars: Legion of Droids and there is no better Marty McFly than Eric Stoltz.
4) I have a pretty advanced ear cuff that works like a bluetooth. Anyone know how to adapt that to these phones?
6) Superheroes are apparently real, and
6) I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for a latte or a good salad though, so it's still all fine by me.

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Several of us more technologically inclined have been working on a sort of unofficial side project regarding arrivals and departures and correllations to popularity of our sources or presence of other members of our groups--it's highly multivariate, And while it's easy enough to google practically any one of us and know everything from our birthdays to our deep dark secrets and futures, it seems people who are Avengers or Xmen or things like that are a bit harder to pull publicly available information on.

So is anyone a big fan of Marvel comics who'd be interested in joining up and helping fill in the gaps?

[Filtered to Sage and Sam Winchester--editted to add Finesse and Lucy Stillman cut for length )

Jan. 20th, 2013


[ Filtered to Mutants – 616, Movies, Animated ]

I’ve scheduled a retreat for training purposes on Thursday, Feb 14. in a hill-town within the Adirondacks. All mutants are welcome. Participation is optional, but encouraged. Bring comfortable clothing and shoes. Water, first aid, and food will be provided.

Transportation has been pre-arranged. Meet downstairs at 7:00am promptly. We will return to Potts Tower on Friday, Feb. 15 at 11:00am.

No bus songs.

RSVP here.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Emma Frost ]

Long weekend that week work for you?

[ /Filter ]

Jan. 15th, 2013


This Padalecki guy needs to get a haircut. Amazonian hobo is not a good look on us.

I mean, Christ, I'd need to wear a wig to pass as my own doppelganger.

Hi, Emma. My name is Sam, and my friend Castiel and I are trying to figure out what's going on around here. I talked to Snow White recently about her departure and return through the tesseract, and she said I should ask you for more information. Do you mind answering a few questions?

Hey. It's Sam. I know we met at the breakfast-for-dinner thing, but we didn't really get a chance to talk. How're you?

I should have the full list of sources and people from them by tonight. Think you can calculate how popular each source is (how many views or readers) and see if there's a correlation between popularity and number of individuals here from that universe? And do you think there's any way to calculate the popularity of each individual character (besides the obvious 'main character' or not thing). If I'm right about that being a key factor, the next people to show up would probably be any other popular characters from that series.

And actually, if you have any ideas for how to predict who's likely to leave as well as who's likely to show up here, that might be even more useful.

Any luck with finding out more about the time you were here before?

Jan. 14th, 2013


text message! Sage & Daryl Dixon!

Who: Daryl Dixon and Sage
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )

Jan. 13th, 2013


I'm compiling a list of the source materials we're all from. If you could all check this list, I'd appreciate it. Let me know if you know of any that I don't have on my list, whether yours or someone else's. If I have even the wrong version (i.e. if I have the book down, but you're from the movie) or you know something more specific about your source, please let me know. There's a list at the bottom of sources I haven't been able to pinpoint.

It's important, and it should only take you a second. Thanks.

list under here. cut, not filtered )

I know we haven't met before, but I have a few questions for you, if you have a moment.


Who: Ororo Munroe / Storm and Sage (616)
When: January 11, 2013. Evening (backdated)
Where: Ororo's apartment (2401)
What: Tea for two ♪ ♪ ♪
Status / Rating: Thread (incomplete) / PG?

If Ororo were being honest, the past three decades had been stressful. )

Jan. 11th, 2013


Pro tip: never take anything from a fan. Especially if it's a drink.

Just trust me on this one, okay?

You both alright?

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