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Nov. 14th, 2013


[Daisy & Fury (616)]

Can we have a mission sometime soon? Or can I, at least? I'm so bored and I don't want to think about Thanksg I miss Kaldu

Nov. 12th, 2013


Cell Seven
Good work today, guys. How's everyone feeling?

Private: Dorcas
I need a drink. Worst part of active duty? Paperwork.
Actually I'll take a slice of a chocolate cake, yeesh.
I may have screwed up a bit today.

Nov. 10th, 2013


Cells 6 & 11
Lesson learned. Don't try to keep pace with Maya and Mordecai when drinking.
My head feels like it got run over by a mac truck. Still.

Anyone want to go a few rounds with me before I head to work? I need to sweat off this migraine

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Fury/Daisy's Tiny Team [Pym, Sandsmark, Override, Edward, Burn]
How's everyone doing? How's training going? Is there anything anyone wants more specific training on? I feel... useless this week, my cell's gone, and we've pretty much delegated everyone's training to someone more experienced, stupid winter blues I know everyone's been working you pretty hard so Saturday we'll head out into the city, catch up over some diner food, and just play it by ear.

Nov. 2nd, 2013


And now that I've worked off every ounce of candy I ate on Thursday, it's time to get back to work.

I hate this place. I forget that I don't have the same level of trust here that I do back home. I forget I'm not as awesome as I am in the future. And my control isn't the same. I hate the fact I'm stuck doing grunt work all over again. I ALREADY DID THAT. Great, am I getting all PMSy now? Christ, no, it's just this season. I hate holidays after Halloween. Just shoot me. No? Damn it.

Oct. 31st, 2013


I love Halloween. I do, I do, I do. I may have gone trick or treating. I can totally pull off 16. I have candy.

wished it were guns, or knives, or coffee

and now back to training. because I need to not eat all this candy and weigh a ton. boss might kill me

Oct. 25th, 2013


Text to Nick Fury 616
» How you feeling, Boss?
» Back to normal you, yet?

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Know what's fun? Working my ass off. I love it.

I may be bored again. and drinking coffee. and oh my god, found the best caramel apples in town

Filter: Nick Fury (616)
Any brand of awful fun planned for Halloween or can I safely find elsewhere in the world to avoid the festivities?

Oct. 9th, 2013


[Filter to Project: Viperfish]
Alright. We sent some people to Phoenix's shareholder meeting, What'd we come back with?

Also. Val. What was Mann's counteroffer?

[Filter to Fury's tiniest of teams C-Team (Pym, Sandsmark, Override, Edward, Burn + Daisy Johnson, Sharon Carter)]
I said I'd be working with you. Starts Saturday.

I'm sending a van to Potts Tower at 11:30. Dress neutrally and for field. Should be back by nightfall. I'll provide the rest.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


I love the smell of Fall in the air.

FILTERED TO: Cassie Sandsmark, Radical Edward, Henry Pym Jr, Dade Murphy, Kate Libby, Daisy Johnson

Good Morning Team. I wanted to start this early and get everyone on board and on the same page. I'm sure you all know who I am by now, but just in case, I'm Daisy Johnson. After making it past the Test the other week, you've been officially invited to a place on my team. Considering you've accepted Steve's training offer, I'll assume you've decided to stick around. If you want out, say it now. Last chance.

Otherwise, I'm glad to have each and every one of you. And I know everyone has a different set of skills, experiences and talents to give to the group. I know we've all seen a bit of those talents already but I look forward to learning about each of you better. I want to make us a cohesive group, able to work together in any situation. I know we'll be learning what many of you think of as basics, to start with, but we're starting there because we're learning to use those basics as a group and not just individuals. We're not your original team (if you had one). We'll have to work together to make this work well.

I know many of us are used to working on our own. Being the only one to lean on. And while it has it's place, I won't tolerate it in any situation where we need to work as a group. Communication is key. If you have a concern, let me know. If you have a suggestion. Let me know.

I also expect everyone to treat any other person myself or Fury (Non-Native Fury) brings in to help us. This includes Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter. If they deem it necessary to bring others in to help, then respect them too. Call them Sir or Ma'am, unless they request otherwise.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Text to Fury's (616) Super Secret Cell Phone #6? #7? Whatever, Fury. You get a text
• Can I keep her? Cassie, I mean.
• I like her attitude.
• She's feisty and curious.


[Filtered to Daisy]

So...mind telling me what all that was about?

[Filtered to Pym]
How are you doing today?

[Friends Filter]
My 18th birthday's coming up on the 5th and I was thinking of doing a camping trip. Anyone want to come with me?

[Fury (616)]
Some kitchen you've got there.

Sep. 19th, 2013


Walked by the Krispy Kreme at Penn Plaza today and was told since I was "dressed like a pirate" I could have a free donut.

It might be time to re-evaluate this shirt.

[Filtered to Daisy Johnson + Cassie Sandsmark, Radical Edward, Henry Pym Jr, Dorcas Meadowes, Dade Murphy, Kate Libby]
0930 Saturday 637 Stanley Avenue 11207. I want to see what you've got.

[ETA: Filtered to Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
so Il Castile seems a bit dull. Change of plans. Bring a passport, mosquito net, and your favorite assault weaponry. Same time.


I've been thinking about asking this question for a while.

This building, this tower is full of a lot of heroes. Not just super powered, not just costumed, but people who do whatever they can, and sometimes more than they can, to protect others.

And I want to ask -- why do you do it? What made you dress up in a skin-tight jumpsuit and fight crime? What made you earn a badge? Join the army? Push through medical school?

What made you?

Sep. 17th, 2013


It's starting to look like fall out there and I like it.

Filter: Nick Fury (the 616)
I'm good to go. Chalk it up to healthy living, and the fact I actually did what I was told to for once. So. Yes. I am going to start working myself harder, I hate being outsmarted and out-maneuvered. It's embarrassing. I'd still like your help.

Filter: Cell Nine (Humberto Lopez, Kate Bishop)
Sorry I have been MIA since the fear gas thing. You know how it goes. Anyways I wanted to check up on everyone and see how things are going? If you need anything, ask away. oh my god, how do I ever end up as awesome as my boss? I suck at this leadership thing. god.

Sep. 11th, 2013


Press skirting should be a sport here!

I'm resorting to parking my scooter in the back for quick exits most mornings and am very tempted to go blonde again.


See you tonight and want anything take out wise? Just has to be scooter friendly.

Sep. 8th, 2013


Holy empty paperwork in-box! I feel accomplished. And now I feel vaguely depressed about that, because I'm that person who's always behind on paperwork.

Filter: Dorcas
How you doing?

Filter: Radical Edward
Hey!!! Wanna pop by? I totally need company or I am going to drive bossman nuts. And he might take it out on my kneecap if I do that.

Filter: Nick Fury (616)
Boss! Clear to do non-abdomen and back abusing work! So.. basically powers only work as long as I don't go overboard. Who knew, they don't like you doing stuff when you've been turned into a shish-kabob for a couple weeks until the whole thing is done healing and not just the suture site. Also? Stitches? Are Itchy. Please don't let me get lazy and ever need more.

This not working out and being active thing REALLY is a killer, I hate being idle. It leads to me being annoyingly chatty at you. And I know you hate that. Yes. I'm grumping. I HATE sitting around being idle. Although every gun in the cabinet got cleaned and oiled and organized and put away neatly.

Sep. 4th, 2013


thanks boss for taking my phone, you sneaky fuck. but i'm caught up on sleep. I can walk without wanting to murder people for being alive, and it's all your fault I feel better. THANKS

Must remember : do not itch the sutures, but bonus? Bad ass scar.

And I located my missing phone, so that's nice. Now, I officially feel fat and lazy, I've eaten so much pudding I don't think I can look at pudding again for awhile. As such, anyone want to try to hit the gym with me for some light work outs? Um just don't kick me in the stomach and we'll be good, but I need to get back into it.

Filter: Bossman Nick Fury [616]
Thanks. I mean it. Sleep was good. I owe you for both stealing my phone and knocking me out.

Still want that extra training though. Um, once they tell me I can go back to full activity without pulling stitches open. They really don't like having me as a patient, I'm pretty bad at not wanting to get up and get back to work. What did you do to me, boss? I was a good for nothing layabout only a few years ago and now I'm a workaholic! Thanks! I like it.

Sep. 1st, 2013


9 • 1

Whatever painkillers they pumped into me to knock me out ... damn son, SHIELD be doping me good.

However now that I'm awake I've put my foot down, metaphorically speaking, no more painkillers for me. Assholes knocked me out on the sly. Ain't letting that happen again. Boss, that was your doing wasn't it?

Also anyone who makes me laugh until this is healed is getting shot in the foot. I am not doing that one again. Laughing, hurts. man, don't make me laugh. Just. Don't.

Filter: Runaways
Alright. So. This is going to be random and for the love of god, do not tell my boss I am asking this question. Logan let drop something about Nick Fury (mine, the white grumpy man) being small and furry. I need to know, I just gotta. And since my bossman told me he was with the cell on Runaway duty yesterday, I figured, it happened there.

I'll bribe you in cookies, candy, a favor (which, comes with strings attached to that one). Because this is something I need to know. Whoever tells me is also safe from the above listed threat about being shot for making me laugh. I'll take the suture ripping pain for this.

Aug. 31st, 2013


{Posted after the attacks are sorted out etc}

Cell Nine
Good work, Team.
Thank you, Humberto, for calling for the right person.
All healthy and safe?

Brandon Sharpe, Ken Mack, Julie Power, Logan, Humberto
Thank you for helping, Brandon, Julie, Ken - and for doing the hard work, Logan.
I appreciate the quick thinking on everyone's parts.
Good job today.

Nick Fury (616)
I formally request more training. She was a lot faster than I expected.
I've got the new scar to show for it. And a line of stitches, and angry faces from the doctors
when I got out of bed to head to debriefing and to write my report. This is incredibly embarrassing.

there is so much.. ow... totally did not need to nearly see my guts today, if she'd hit on center I'd have a new navel instead of just a side piercing and sutures, oh and you know feeling like a pin cushion. They told me not to get up out of bed for a few days. But I have reports to write....

Dorcas Meadows, Radical Edward
Check in time.

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