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Feb. 23rd, 2015


You need to quit leaving me for other dimensions.
There were all kinds of spikes this weekend with the Tesseract. You know what that means for the next week.

Feb. 22nd, 2015


[Filtered to Asgardians]
I am back. Somehow.

Fandral, I hope you survived your party unscathed?
[Filtered to Peter Quill]
If I Your words are kinder

I am not entirely certain what has just passed, my friend, but your words are kind, perhaps speaking more of faith than history. I apologize if I have let you down.

Feb. 21st, 2015


WHO: Peter Quill, Jaina Solo, Anne Weaver, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Beth Greene, Abigail Brand, & Thor
WHERE: Eclector Tower w/a touch of the Kyln.
WHEN: Midnight on Saturday night, February 21st and onward
WHAT: Meet some aliens, fight the good fight, let your emotions out
WARNINGS: Violence, explosions, attacking a "kid", touchy feely moments

Main post for Peter's dungeon. Anything posted elsewhere can be linked to here. Team gathering being of first order, if they all can figure out they're in the same place. =D

Feb. 12th, 2015


Hey everyone. I've kind of been AWOL, I know, but I'm back and better than ever. Maybe? I guess that's up for you to decide. How is everyone? Tired of this damn weather yet? And we're supposed to get more this weekend.

Note to self: get a standing desk. Your back can't take much more of this.

Remind me again what's going on outside the lab and our apartment?

Jan. 28th, 2015


It has been some days since I have spoken to Fandral, or Thor, or Loki. Where could they be, I wonder? And who has found himself in the most trouble? I'll take wagers.

Dec. 23rd, 2014


My friends, heroes of Potts Tower, the television says that Santa Claus is missing.

Dec. 17th, 2014


I won a date with Thor.

Yo, Thor. We should probably get on that.

Dec. 2nd, 2014


The U.S. Treasury estimates that the average life of a one-dollar bill in circulation is 5.9 years. Roughly six years ago, I was obliged to spend a one-dollar bill (series 1993, serial number L 67301723 C) in a vending machine outside Ashland, Maine. It was brand new when it was given to me, and, accounting for the presumably low vending machine traffic (or indeed any other kind of traffic) in and around Ashland, Maine, I suspect it's reaching its shelf life right about now.

So, here's the deal: anyone with the time and inclination for scavenger hunting who wants to track me down said one-dollar bill, I will give you a less beat-up one-dollar bill and have your name retroactively added as a co-inventor to U.S. Patent No. 5,614,39X.

Happy hunting.

Nov. 10th, 2014


Friends and Companions of Peggy Carter.

Her sjaund begins at Sam Merlotte's. We are providing mead and bear in her memory.

Nov. 6th, 2014


Peggy Carter passed away Monday evening. While the services are for very close friends and family members, the wake, held at [Address. Posh neighborhood.] is open to those refugees and friends who knew the younger version of her. It will begin at 4pm.

I swear I didn't forget about your birthday. I was just dealing with the funeral home and other arrangements. By the time I got home, it was way too late to call to wish you a happy birthday.

[Insert audio file of Sharon (badly) singing Happy birthday. It ends with a 'Love you.']
I wondered if you six would consider being pallbearers.

Oct. 21st, 2014


[Filtered to Thor, Fandral]
So. Billy's boyfriend/fiancé disappeared through the tesseract.

How soon is too soon to move in on that?

Half the length of the engagement plus seven?

Most recent, of course, not the one that preceded it?

Waking hours only?

Divided by two (since there were two of them)?

Minus time served before Teddy got here?

Oct. 8th, 2014


You guys should know that my team and I ran into the Venom symbiote last night. We don't know much, but there were tiny versions of some superheroes we know in our world there as well. There was a skirmish between them and the symbiote.

Last time the symbiote was spotted, you guys called an Avengers meeting, so I'm leaving it to you guys. I haven't had much contact with it, so someone who knows it better should know about it.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


I think it's official. Torunn's not here anymore.

Sep. 6th, 2014


[Filtered to Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers (EMH)]
We shall be confirming Gamora's tale with Heimdall and hopefully our delegates amongst the Nova, but for now it appears she is not a threat to Midgard or the Tesseract. Should you like, we can discuss our talk. She knows nothing but heresay of any galactic White Events.
[Filtered to Sif + Fandral]
If the daughter of Thanos is to be believed, the Stone of Power is in the hands of Nova Corps, the Aether unaccounted for, and we have the Tesseract.

I wish to confirm or deny this story posthaste, and if it is true, I think we should depart. We may need to in any case to see of this White Event on Galia-9.
[Filtered to the Guardians of the Galaxy + Thor, Sif, Fandral]
My friends, I feel we have stepped off on the wrong foot. Let us share a flagon of mead and combine our knowledges.

Sep. 1st, 2014


I am Groot!

Aug. 31st, 2014


[MCU Avengers ]
Roll call.

Locations & what did you see? What's happening where you are?

Aug. 29th, 2014


[ Filtered to David Al Tony St Sansa Americ Asgardians ]
If I asked all of you for advice regarding a delicate situation, which of you would give me a hard time, which of you would tell me to go fuck myself, and which of you would actually say something useful that isn't about slaughtering beasts?

I'm beginning to wonder if I actually know anyone who falls into the latter category.

[Individually filtered to David Alleyne, Tony Stark (MCU) and America Chavez]
Quick question.

Are we friends?

Aug. 28th, 2014


Friends of Midgard!

I was drawn into conversation with a young woman that I see at the shop of coffee I have come to frequent today about a challenge she had been given by one of her own companions. Being that I have never turned down a worthy challenge in my life I questioned her on it. In the name of charity and service to ones fellow Midgardians, one is to be doused in waters of ice while sending funds to help derive cures for Midgardians who have been laid low by a terrible affliction.

And so I have found myself challenged by my friend and as I have said, there is certainly no going back once the challenge has been issued. Her own companions were kind enough to film our attempt, as well as assist with my donation. I had pondered on what to spend Midgardian money on.

[Here is a video of Fandral and his favorite barista taking the challenge. It looks sort of like this only Fandral was kind enough to forgo the shirt. They give the highest of fives at the end]

As such I challenge any and all of my fellow warriors.

[ooc: If you want your character to do this (like I just thought it'd be hilarious for Fandral), this post can be used as a 'challenge hub' so that the game flist doesn't turn into copy of our facebook flists :D For all of those who have done the challenge or donated so far, you are saluted, as any and all charity is awesome and it's great to see a meme take off in such a positive way]

Aug. 17th, 2014


Filtered to Thor Odinsons (Both)
What do you do when you like someone, but not for your own personal gain?

I don't understand.

I mean, I assumed I just liked him because he was incredibly powerful and he could alter the fabric of reality, and that could be fun. And like-- yes, I did briefly consider stealing his powers and leaving him stranded. And I did sort of try to manipulate his boyfriend into breaking up with him once just because I thought it would be interesting. And --

But then he was gone for a week and I was sad about it.

I even tried to help him with a problem I didn't create. Just because. With no other objective. I just wanted him to not accidentally destroy the world or die or anything.

Is that normal?

Aug. 7th, 2014


[ Voice-to-Text Stateside MCU Avengers]
Hey guys?

Guys, you better get down here. I don't know what's going on but there's a guy down here that's dayglow blue and he's


Hang on. I think I know this guy. Hang -- Oh, geez

I'm in trouble.

Time Square.

[ Voice-to-Text Peter Parker (616)]
Um. What was it again you said about Max Dillon?

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