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Jun. 24th, 2015


    Tesseract can apparently reach us here. Serum's not reversed, but I'm my body's been compromised. [...] I need some clothes. Smaller. I'm a It Women's sizes.

    I don't know if you're even at a place where you can respond to me, but I need y the Tesseract hit me again. I'm alright. It's just [...] it made me a woman. I look li

Jun. 17th, 2015


Filter: Jasper Sitwell
I know anniversaries aren't always the easiest things to deal with. How are you holding up?

Filter: Anne Weaver
So there's an attempt at recreating that lasagna from a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it's probably not as good as restaurant food because I don't load my stuff with butter. But I tried my best. If you want to crash and have some while I'm out, it's right there.


The images on the news to commemorate the explosion and crash of those SHIELD helicarriers are absolutely mortifying.

I'm speechless.

Jun. 12th, 2015


Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
Really think we have to work on your lines, Cap.

Jun. 8th, 2015


Jet lag and waking up in a new apartment is kind of like a bucket of cold water to the face.

[Nick Fury(mcu)]

The Sandbox has been cleared and now belongs to SHIELD once more. Managed to retrieve a few things. They'll be identifying and cataloging them. No scepter.


Keep me updated. Call if you need.


[Filtered to MCU Avengers + Asgardians]
The sceptre was not at the Sandbox.

We must discover where HYDRA might have taken it. Or what has befallen it otherwise.

Jun. 1st, 2015


Well this is certainly an interesting situation. Now, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Angie Martinelli and I was told that I'm seventy years in the future which is rather unexpected to say the least. Must remain calm. I've been told there's people here that I know though?

May. 25th, 2015


I don't get a chance to talk about him nearly enough -- or usually choose not to -- but even after a couple of years it's hard not to remember my boy, Riley, on this day. It was hard not to like him within five minutes of meeting him.. the guy just knew how to win people over with his dumb jokes. Seriously.. they were pretty dumb jokes, but you found yourself rolling your eyes at him all while not taking too much offense because you had to try to lighten the mood a bit out there.

Riley and I were assigned to the 58th Rescue Squadron. We were pretty much starting at the same time. You think you could do all the research before joining the Armed Forces and know what you're expecting? No, there is probably nothing that could ever prepare you for it. It was pretty important to know that you weren't going though that overwhelming feeling alone. Riley was there every step of the way. It was my idea to become pararescuemen. It was his idea to try out the Falcon suit. "Jet Packs, Wilson. Actual winged jet packs," he said, trying to convince me over, looking like he stepped right into a sci-fi movie. Truth be told, it really wouldn't have taken much to get me to sign up for it. Have you seen those things? You might, today.

There's a lot to carry on your shoulders when you serve. I don't just mean that physically while being a pararescueman. There's joy out there when you find your men, and bring families back together but also a lot of heaviness when you can't. The most important thing is having someone to share that heaviness with you. My boy had a lot of friends.. we all carried the weight of his loss together that day, and some of us still do.

Here's to you, Riley. Thanks for being one hell of a trooper.

May. 21st, 2015


Filter: MCU Avengers, MCU Bucky Barnes, Maria Hill
It's starting to look like the Tesseract is acting up again. Check-in time. Whose been affected?

Filter: Anne Weaver
For the record, I'm still the same age as I was yesterday. With just a 24-hour difference.

May. 15th, 2015


Filter: Natasha Romanoff(mcu), Clint Barton(mcu), Mara Jade, Sam Wilson(mcu), Sam Wilson(616)

Prom Night (the original)
Carrie (original)
And Dance of the Dead (which promises to be perfectly horrible)

Delivery pizza
Saturday night?


May. 13th, 2015


I may never watch a western again, let alone at 3AM after jalapeno cheese nachos.

[Sitwell/Steve Rogers (MCU)]

I do not harbor a deep seated sexism, and can only heartily apologize.


I need Legal to expunge a citation for horse theft. Fortunately, the subsequent restraining order was issued to the alias "Annie Colina", not one I've used in the past.

May. 10th, 2015


    JARVIS, can you help me out with Tony? I'm trying to figure out where he is, but he's...talking weird.

    Status report -- tell me someone out there hasn't been hit by whatever the Tesseract's gone and done now.

Apr. 30th, 2015


Well, at least I had time to watch all of the Star Wars films. How's everyone holding up?

    Looks like everything's back to normal for me. Let's not do this again, huh?

    How is everyone else doing?

    Thanks for everything, Tony. I didn't miss anything exciting, did I?

    Looks like everything's back the way it should be. Guess you'll be heading back to your place now, huh? Thanks for keeping us all company, Buck.

Apr. 23rd, 2015


MSS Text

[Natasha Romanoff; Clint Barton; Steve Rogers; Sam Wilson]

Which one of you wants to train teenagers? Don't make me pick.

[Nick Fury (MCU)]

I may have done a thing.


Filter: Poker Night group
Someone left behind a sweet pair of Ray Bans. Do I put this up for the next game or is anyone going to claim them?

Apr. 20th, 2015


A combination of ice and frost this close to May seems a bit ridiculous.

Supplies acquired. There's no scratches on the Quinjet, I checked. Do I get to weigh in on that movie selection or has the time frame expired?

I'm not dead. In case you were panicking worrying beginning to wonder.

Apr. 19th, 2015


Secured Texts to...


State side. Finally. Ape-Men are surly. Or frisky. Hard to tell which.


Tell me you didn't eat all my Little Debbies.


Did I miss anything good?



Apr. 6th, 2015


Greetings everyone,

My name is Steve Rogers. Some of you may know various versions of myself who have been here for some time now. Others of you, as I understand it, may have some memory of previous visits I have made here. I would like to take the opportunity, here and now, to extend an open invitation to any of you whom I have known and apologize for my lack of memory. If you would be interested in getting reacquainted, I would be more than happy to try and schedule a time that would work for both of us to work this out.

To those of you I have not yet met, or who I do not have pasts with, please do not feel this should detract you in any way from reaching out to me here. I would be interested in meeting any of you, especially considering it seems we'll be living side by side for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, I welcome you to direct them to me here, in public or in private, and I will do what I can to answer them.

Happy Easter and God Bless.

Apr. 1st, 2015


Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
First off.. good to see you back. I'm not sure if I would have been able to take you seriously with the other face.

Second.. you got any plans for Easter? I have a homemade hand-drawn invite I can send out to you by a really creative 8-year-old.

Filter: Anne Weaver
Hey, beautiful. SHIELD got you running around after that alien judgment?

Mar. 17th, 2015


Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
Nephew's awake. I see a few more people are too. How are you feeling, Running Man?

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