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Dec. 9th, 2015


This eagle knows what's up.

Dec. 8th, 2015


As a preemptive measure, if anyone hears rumours of a blonde kid in a holiday-themed hoodie and a Santa hat who may or may not have rudeboxed two guys trying to mug an old man in an alley near Queens, those dicks deserved it.

Also, what does one get an old dude who ended up in the hospital with a heart attack that may or may not have been due to the shock of nearly getting mugged? Are flowers okay, or is a burger better?

Dec. 5th, 2015


I love this time of year.

Dec. 4th, 2015


Here's something to keep in mind - when someone tells you that your fly is down, it means they were looking at your crotch.

Dec. 2nd, 2015


Sometimes it's hard to tell what's Christmas-oriented and what's an advertisement in some parts of the city, but this time of year is hard not to enjoy. Though it sure seems pretty warm for it to really be December.

    You up for helping me find a tree?

    Very funny, Tony.

    I'm starting to wonder if I should book a flight and bring you back here myself, Buck.


Okay, I don't even care that the movie 'Home Alone' is older than I am, this is awesome.

Oh, hey, I'm feeling much better, but should I get checked over by a doctor before I get back into my usual hardcore level of training? And would anyone like to train with me? Last time I tried I was able to do five pull ups, I'm hoping I can get to ten if I really work at it!

Dec. 1st, 2015


Since I've been here, I have had the immense opportunity to learn more and more about this world and its people. The culture here is not entirely different than the many I became familiar with in my own galaxy -- this holiday season is comforting in its similarities to some of the ones I remember from home.

    A while ago, you mentioned S.H.I.E.L.D. to me. I'd be interested in learning more about what you do there, and what services I could bring, if you've the time.

    [...] So, you're back.


Hay. So say you lost your keys to like the Tower and Avengers Mansion and your work and stuff.

Where do you go to get new ones?

Nov. 28th, 2015


I am sorry I ate all the food.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Nov. 27th, 2015


So the FBI predicted that this year's Black Friday would break the record on gun sales.

I did my part to help make sure their predictions came true! Anyone else?


The emphasis people here placed on eating yesterday is almost as ludicrous as the fervor some people are exhibiting about shopping today.


I'm still full.

(Filter: Mindy)
Did you have a nice time?

(Filter: Bucky 616)
Are we ready to talk yet?

Nov. 22nd, 2015



It's me.

Nov. 11th, 2015


Posted Earlier - Veteran's Day

Today has become one of those -- you know, controversial days. Remembering veterans, remembering those that fought and died - that's important. But I don't think, in 2015 we should overlook the imperial and colonial implications of war, and the crimes against humanity committed by even the winning sides.

So we're right to be conflicted. But wars have always had a very, very human face. And as much as today is about peace, ending war, it's also got to be about the individuals who fought because it was right, because they were called upon to do so, and because it was their duty. Looking back, gaining perspective, it's not always kind to those soldiers, but today, let's do a little, give a little, and support a little a community of men and women that need it and who are all too often forgotten, no matter their sacrifice.

With that in mind, today I've got a few things lined up with the NYCVA. They're be a few talks, and you're all invited, as well as some workshops out at the Legion in Brooklyn with some of the local vets.

Tonight though, I'm going to be back at Sam's Bar, holding a get together for refugees, particularly those who've been in wars or conflicts that aren't known to this universe. It'll be a place to talk, to share experiences and to to remember the people who were important to you.

[Warning: Some conversation about actual wars and the implications of colonialism and colonial conflicts in the comments]


Network Post; Anakin Solo

Fiver seems to have not destroyed the apartment while we're away, so that's good. He does seem to have completely rebuilt all of my Lego collections into new designs. I guess that means the personality modifications are working...

[Filter: Wedding Attendees]
We'll be getting all those fancy thank you cards out to everyone, but in the meantime Rikki and I would like to thank all of you for attending our wedding and for your gifts and just for celebrating with us. We're grateful to everyone that was able to be there.

[Filter: Jaina]
Hey you. I want my BB-8 back.

[Filter: Rikki]
So about those thank-you notes... I'm thinking if we rent movies this weekend, we could probably just write thank you's and watch films and take care of it in a couple of nights?

Also? I may have told you this, but in case I forgot with the whole not being able to talk and all, you're beautiful.

[Filter: Jedi & Force users]
The idea of an Order here has been discussed before and it is a topic that seems to hold a positive association for some, while a very negative association for others. In my time the Jedi Order was built around teaching and in passing on what had been learned and I still believe that this growth journey is one of the most important we undertake as Jedi. What we learn becomes what we use to serve the galaxy, but where we serve will be as varied as the skills we have, and we can serve with or without an Order behind us.

With that thought in mind, I make an offer. And it is not an offer intended to replace any of us who have masters or apprentices here that we work with, but rather as a supplement and an opportunity to learn another skill or another perspective and additionally to get to know each other a bit better perhaps. Saturday morning I will be downstairs in the gym and I welcome anyone who wishes to join me.

Nov. 8th, 2015


I suspect some of you are enjoying this far more than others.

So. Tony. About that talk...think now's a good time?I have to say, it's been a good opportunity to get some reading done.

Nov. 2nd, 2015


Just when you thought you'd seen everything...

Firstly, I'd like to give my compliments to S.W.O.R.D. I've endured enough trips like this one to know that it rarely goes this smoothly. The warm welcome and explanation of events has been beyond helpful and I am beyond grateful to have their hand in making sure I hit the ground with both boots firmly planted.

Secondly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Steve Rogers. I've been told I'm a bit of a frequent visitor here, which hardly seems outside the realm of unreasonable these days. Unfortunate as it is, and is all too common as of lateI have no memory of these trips. To those of you whom I may have built ties with, I welcome you to reach out as soon as you feel comfortable so we might start the process of bridge building over again.

I look forward to our time together and getting to experience a whole new version of New York City. I don't suppose anybody's got good news about the Dodgers here?

Nov. 1st, 2015


Has anyone else had like the weirdest luck all day?

Oct. 28th, 2015


[Jade Team(Jade, Kincaid, Skipper, Surik) and Black Team (Fury(616), Romanova, Carter(616), Queen, Walker)]

Everyone's very surprised there are explosions at Stark Expo.

Cross Technologies seemed to have taken their display a little too serious. Looks like powered suits, but they're causing a ton of damage. And there's a tank. So that'll be fun.

Focus on containment and protection of civilians. If we can bring these guys in all the better.

I'll be running back up should you guys need support. But location and travel instructions have been forwarded.

Oct. 24th, 2015


For all my complaints about having been brought here against my will, I admit I'm relieved to have been brought to a place where information is readily available. It seems I've come at a time where politics are in the spotlight. At the very least, it's good to see some things aren't too different when it comes to this.

    We should talk.

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