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Aug. 7th, 2015


How do you know if leftovers are still good?

Jul. 28th, 2015


One thing I'm glad I never had to fight before: robots. I don't envy those that do.

Still on for Thursday?

Jul. 21st, 2015


[Avengers - All Teams]
By now, I'm sure you've all seen what happened in Johannesburg, and you deserve an explanation.

Someone, who we encountered at Strucker's castle, has the ability to control or influence minds. We don't know how she gained these abilities yet. We know about the White Event, and we also know that HYDRA has been messing with human experimentation and cloning. This person has, thus far, influenced the majority of the team, and she influenced the Hulk while the Avengers were in Johannesburg for other reasons.

Stark Charities have already allocated relief funds and resources, and we're going to do whatever we can to help the area. And we're ignoring, and going to continue to ignore, the protestors who are demanding for the arrest of the Hulk. That's non-negotiable.

But, I think... we all need to aware of what else is going on right now -- Why the Tinkerer's toys were back in play.

Bruce Banner and I were working on an AI system which has escaped Stark labs, taking on a life of it's own. He was responsible for taking JARVIS off line -- and was in Johannesburg trying to find weapons, from what we've been able to figure out.

We also know that he's calling himself Ultron. Which is why I thought we should... talk about what to do next.

[Potts Tower Residents, Stark Tower Employees]
There are protesters outside Stark Tower calling for the arrest or surrender of the Hulk. Whether you agree or disagree, that's up to you. But I ask you show the protestors nothing but respect.

[Howard Stark & Edwin Jarvis]
I'm fine.
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Well, I didn't die. And we're safe.


Someone in this city has an odd definition of 'week' but then as far as I know, there is no word for a three week period. So NYC Restaurant Week stretching three weeks makes a bizarre sort of sense. Why they simply didn't stretch out a further week and call it 'NYC Restaurant Month' is beyond me. But quite apart from any of those conundrums, I intend to enjoy myself exploring New York's restaurants.

Jul. 19th, 2015


network post: xavin

A metal unicorn tried to impale me on my way to work. Fantastic Avengers, lets destroy it. Anyone else who's dreamed of hunting a unicorn... or a large metal man on stilts - really? at least be King Kong - may join us.

Jul. 9th, 2015


Seriously. I mean, I know New York is a rough place and everything, but diverting a train to an abandoned station to try and get your grubby little fingers on my wallet is every kind of overly elaborate. Good thing I took those self defense classes.

Mindy McCready

All the crap aside, nice moves today.

Jul. 5th, 2015


The PTYC rented out a few rooms at the Broadway Hotel on the Jersey shore. Anyone is welcome to come with, we're bussing out at 4:00pm today, and we'll be back on Thursday, so it you need a post-holiday holiday on the beach, now is your chance -- going once, going twice.

[Johnny Storm + Ben Reilly]
I'd tell the two of you to stay out of trouble while I'm gone, but that feels like I'm just asking for something to happen, doesn't it?

Jul. 4th, 2015


You know, of all things that were once considered fireworks or could have been considered, I think the one that is simultaneously disappointing and relieving that you wouldn't find in stores today is the Pharaoh's Serpent. On one hand, how freaking awesome is that?! Like you have sparklers and Roman candles and then this thing which is like a bunch of tentacles reaching out from beneath the ground. On the other hand... mercury (II) thiocyanate being toxic means we stay safe especially when you have to be up close to watch that happen.

Thankfully, there are less chances now of fireworks killing us of mercury poisoning.. and of all my years in NYC, of memories of when doing fireworks on rooftops had not yet been considered illegal, I don't remember ever hearing of Pharaoh's Serpent being a thing so I guess we've always been a little safer.

This slightly morbid outlook on fireworks has been brought to you by Gwen and her empty stomach who are both waiting for stuff to cook at this BBQ.

Happy Fourth of July!

Filter: Mayday Parker
Just for the record because I know you'll consider it... you do not have to bring anything. We have more than enough here

Jul. 3rd, 2015


network post; johnny storm

Today really sucks.

Jul. 1st, 2015


I'm looking to hire on a couple extra people at the The Roadhouse, so if you have bartending, serving, or cooking experience, come down and see me tod tomor Sunday.

[Johnny Storm]
Hey, I think I forgot to mention this, but so you know: I moved down the hall to 1910. My friend Sam's brother and friend got sent home, and we're from the same world and all, so he asked if I'd be his roommate and I figured I'd keep him company.

Jun. 30th, 2015


text messages; johnny storm


-- How's that nostalgia working out for you?
-- The lobby's seen better days.

Jun. 24th, 2015


Well...this is interesting. Least I'm still hot.

Sydney...I think I might need your help in clothes shopping.


network post; johnny storm

I don't mind when a beautiful woman wakes up in my bed but this isn't how it usually goes.

[Filtered to Sue Storm-Richards]
Hey, I need pants. Oh, and shoes.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


[Fantastic Avengers]
All right, Fantastic Avengers, looks like we took another hit: Mikasa has been sent home. So now it's just the three of us, but maybe this business in Hell's Kitchen will stir up a few more recruits.

But i put in the paperwork, and I'll be the new team lead.

Jun. 17th, 2015


Violet's gone again.

Jun. 12th, 2015


Filter: Johnny Storm and Sue Storm-Richards

Filtered to Johnny Storm and Sue Storm-Richards )


Whoa that was a FREAKY space trip! Whoever wants me here coulda just ASKED, y'know, me and Val woulda found a way without doing THAT to me. Hmph.

I can't believe they're calling my mom to pick me up like I'm a little KID, too. I could totally blast any bad guys or creeps or muggers! And I don't even have to take the subway (but I COULD, I've lived here all my life, I mean, I know it's a different New York that doesn't even have a Baxter Building but STILL), I could fly and then it would only be, IDK, flying muggers who could get me. Are there any flying muggers?

Well, I guess now I think about it, I don't exactly know where this Potts Tower is anyway... Whatever, I'll wait with my boring SWORD babysitter for Mom.

Anyway, hi, I'm Franklin, I'm eleven years old, and I like video games and baseball and spaceships. The end.


[attached: photograph of this dog lounged across the sofa]


I think I'm going to need a bigger apartment.

Jun. 11th, 2015


Garden Party

This weekend the Potts Tower Youth Centre will be hosting a trip out to the Jazz Age Lawn Party even out on Governor's Island. The organizers of the even are offering discounted tickets through the PTYC, so anyone who wants to go just needs to sign up! Our budget will be covering the costs.

There'll be lots of great food, music, drinks -- and an excuse to wear suspenders and do the Charleston. I can't think of any better reasons to go than that!

[Johnny Storm]
Interested in coming with? You can bring a date.

Oh -- Have you built one of those wheels with girl's names on it yet, or has that been ruled too tacky?

Jun. 9th, 2015


I missed my birthday. I take cash, check, and tickets to see Billy Joel on the 20th.

I guess this makes me 33 now.

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