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Jan. 24th, 2013


Filtered to Demigods

Hey everyone. I know there was talk about getting together for a meal or something. I know it's short notice, but I'd love to make brunch on Sunday for those who aren't busy. Nothing crazy, just a relaxing thing. And of course you can bring people, I just need to know how many are coming. Oh, and any dietary restrictions... like lactose intolerance or stuff.

Jan. 16th, 2013


Yeah, okay, so maybe it wasn't an actual job offer. What they really wanted was to see my portfolio and have me audition somewhere other than on the street. So maybe...I mean, they thought I was pretty...and they want me to apply for real. So it was like...I don't know...a callback, maybe? I don't know.

I'm a little disappointed but I'm not giving up. A nice lady has offered to help me get a portfolio together. And I'm hoping it all works out like I thought it had to start with. But...that's the way things go, right.

[Filtered against Leo Valdez]

Leo got all mad at me the other night because of it, though. I mean. I think he worries. He knows how freaked out my mom always got about me gaining weight, and I think he thinks that being a model is going to bring all that back. I don't know. Maybe it will.

[Filtered against everyone but Percy Jackson and Harry Potter folks (Leo can read this)]

But...I don't know. Maybe...I don't want to be a model. I mean, my whole life, that's the only thing about me that anyone ever acted like was worth anything. I was Fleur's little sister, a Quarter Veela...and I mean, I hate that. I mean, it's nice to have people tell you that you're pretty all the time...for a while, but then it gets old. I'm...more than that, you know? Maybe I shouldn't go for this at all. Maybe this is just going to make everyone think I'm shallow and stupid. And I know I totally seem that way sometimes but that's just because it's easier. Because I'm not sure who I really am is actually very nice. Or very happy.

Jan. 15th, 2013


This place and the people who live here are becoming more insufferable by the minute. What I would give to be back home in New Rome where my services are appreciated and I receive at least a bit of the respect I deserve.

Yes, yes, I am sure that there are some who are very sad that Rachel Dare went home today. I was actually growing rather fond of her myself, despite the fact that she claimed to be a prophet when she was only so in the Greek sense, ergo, not at all But to act as if I had something to do with it, or am somehow to blame for their loss is ridiculously immature. Of course, I suppose I should not be surprised at that.

At least being business manager at the Youth Center gives me something vaguely satisfying to do. I don't know what I'd do if I had a great deal of extra time in this place. Despite the enormous population of this city, I doubt more than two or three of the people here would be even a tiny bit worthwhile to get to know.


Filtered to demigods

So I don't usually read those advisory things, but Rachel Elizabeth Dare's gone. Do we know anything about where people go when they disappear? Like, back home, or to a world of shrimp?

Jan. 13th, 2013


So, right. I've been here about a month and a half now, which is really hard to believe. Not sure I actually like New York, but not much I can do about that. School is...okay. But strange. I've never actually been a student like this, you know? It's always been training, and reading Roman history, and learning how to be a good Roman Citizen. I guess I'm just lucky that my dyslexia isn't all that bad. I can't imagine how hard this would all be if I were.

I feel like I haven't been out much these days. That I've kind of been hiding away in my room and being kind of useless to everyone. I'm sorry. I need to be brave, like Lupa trained me to be, and stride forth and face the things that frighten me, or make me uncomfortable. Piper, I'm sorry I've been such a bad boyfriend lately. Reyna, are you going to be participating in the Comptalia games?

Also, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, I'm thinking that we should get together once in a while, just have dinner or something, just have some Roman demigod time. What do you think? I don't want to lose track of you guys.

Yeah. And I should probably try to find a part-time job.

Jan. 11th, 2013


I am so excited. The Tea House is getting close to being ready to open. I have acquired the correct certificates and licenses. Spent most of the money I had saved on them! I'll give you a sneak peak!

Photos here, not filtered )

Jan. 7th, 2013


In Ancient Egypt they used to have magic duels. They also wore fake beards but I don't think that was a sporting event. But who knows maybe it was. Wizard beards or something.

Also they played a lot of board games. Which I totally reccomend when you're not playing against a god cause they're totally lame about it.

[Filtered to Neal Caffrey, Ty Lee, Mindy, Kurama, Marlene, and Frank]

I'm not homesick So I was like thinking that the Met apparently has like a great Egyptian exhibit and I don't think I've really see it and maybe it's, you know, different from my world. Definitely won't have my dad's books in the gift shop which is totally embarrassing so save there. Probably some other girl getting all embarrassed her dad is lame instead of me.

I mean it's totally lame or whatever but it's just weird not seeing the stuff all the time? And I think they would totally frown if I took it. Not that I would. I mean I could but whatever.

None of you have to go or anything just thought maybe one of you might want to come with me or something. I can totally cover admission if any of you want to go. Maybe I should get a membership Ugh that's stupid this is all stupid



On the 26th of January, the Potts Tower Youth Center is holding the Compitalia (for more information please click here and here.

The Compitalia is a Roman holiday that honors the lares of the crossroads. We are going to resurrect the tradition of the Compitalia Games, giving everyone who is interested a chance to compete. The games will include gladiator type games, with fighters using their weapons of choice to compete against each other until we have our winners. There will be two divisions: Amateurs (those who would compete just for fun), and Professionals (warriors, hero types who fight in battles most of the time). There is a one time$10.00 entrance fee for Professionals which will cover all events; Amateurs compete free, and are welcome to compete in events that are outside their areas of expertise. Proceeds go towards the Potts Tower Youth Center.

Winners receive laurel wreaths and extreme bragging rights.

The competition will be held in the Potts Tower Gym, except for the foot races which will be held at Stuyvesant High School.

Competitions for each division include:

- Combat with weapons
- Hand to hand combat
- Long and short footraces
- Long Jump
- Hammer Throw
- Discus
- Javelin
- Archery

Those interested should sign up here, or email myself (pipermclean@pottstower.com) or Octavian, the Youth Centers expert in Roman culture (octavian@pottstower.com) no later than the 16th of January.

Victory feast will be held at the end of the day to honor the winners. There is a $5 entry fee, which for the Professional competitors, is covered by their entry fee. All welcome.

Detailed schedule to events to come when all registrations are in.

NOTE: No human sacrifice, no fights to the death, no crippling injuries.

Please register with your name, category, and the events you wish to compete in.

Jan. 5th, 2013


Who wants to come with me to buy school supplies? I will pay you in gum.

[Filtered to Mindy]

So Miss Susan said you might want to go to like an actual school instead of whatever it is they've gone and set up here. I'm the only other one whose actually going to a real school here I think, so like if you had any questions or whatever you can totally ask me.

The semesters only just starting but I mean I've toured my school and talked with the teachers and stuff.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Um, so, someone PLEASE tell me why if I'm in New York I can't live in my fabulous penthouse and instead am stuck in some lame housing that reminds me of dorms? And I have none of my CLOTHES and most importantly, my PINK EYELINER??? We have to buy everything, and they give us less allowance in a month than my dad gives me in a WEEK. They mentioned getting a JOB. Really?

I guess, if this is a version of New York, I can at least see if Bergdorf's is hiring...

Also, when I asked for a pink laptop they didn't even acknowledge me. RUDE MUCH?

I'm told there are other Camp Halfblood people here so...hello!

And for all you cute boys out there, I'm Drew.

Dec. 29th, 2012


I got a job! You are now looking at the, er... type face? Words? Whatever. I now work at Sephora! Which is amazing because I need to restock my makeup and I get an employee discount.

Filtered to Piper McLean:
Hi Piper! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out anytime? I'd been meaning to ask you sooner and admittedly am the worst for not doing so, but hopefully you can forgive me?

Dec. 25th, 2012


So many places are closed.

And I'm hungry

Dec. 23rd, 2012


Christmas Gift Post!

Who: The whole game!
When: Leading up to Christmas
Where: Under tree. Delivered with bows.
What: Christmas presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Dec. 17th, 2012


As hydras go, this one has got to be the cutest I've ever seen.

Oh halfbloods, don't think you're off the hook for getting me a birthday present just because some people think the world's going to end on Friday. I still expect a party on Saturday.


So this is probably going to come out wrong, but are there any dudes that want to hang out? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the friends I have made here, but it would be nice if one was of the same sex.

Dec. 13th, 2012


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Elysium anymore.

I was told that there are other demigods here? I'm Silena Beauregard.

Dec. 11th, 2012


Leo and I are going to take over the world with amazing force of awesome.

Just thought everyone should know.


I have been told that there are other gods here, but I have not yet met you. Are you from my world?

And I know that there are demigods from my world here. I have talked to my son, but I know that there are others.

And I hear there are some here from the Roman camp as well?

Greetings to you all, and Salve et bonum salutem to the Romans.


[Filtered to Gabby Delacour]
Hey. So. What do you think about telling people about us? I mean. We're not really a secret. And we're basically, you know. Together. And I'm crazy about you. I want them to know.

[Added later, Public]
Hey. Hey, demigods. Friends of mine and Gabby's. It's probably obvious to you all by now. But. We're together. Like together-together. And Nemesis said I'd be forever alone.


Dec. 10th, 2012


Text to Alaric Saltzman

>>Do I need to do anything?
>>I mean...
>>Class wise?
>>Or studies?

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