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Apr. 10th, 2013


For various reasons I have never had much of a chance to travel. I have decided to take some leave and do just that before the schools here end their year and the places I might wish to see are overrun. I have the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, New Orleans and San Francisco on my list so far but I would welcome any other suggestions of places that would be worth visiting.

Apr. 9th, 2013


First of all: it's spring! It's beautiful (not right NOW but... you know...)! I don't know how long this'll last, but spring is my faaaaaaavorite season. I always hated it when the JLA took me into space with work because although space is a different kind of awesome, it never changes. It's Eternal, with a capital E. And that's great, but I sort of like nature mixing it up every now and then, right? Variety is the spice girl of life!

Yesterday I got a free coffee! Some guy who was a fan of my comics asked me to arm-wrestle. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to touch me, but It was a very short contest. Anyway, he bought me a coffee afterward and asked me some questions about my "future in comics" and whether or not Terra and I are "lesbian lovers" and then stated that Batman was way better than Superman (sorry, Supes), which wasn't much of a question so I just drank my coffee. Still, he seemed pretty nice! Glad I could drop a house on him either way just in case.

Anyhow. Supersuds! is having a SPRING CLEANING SALE! All past oils are on sale at 30% off, plus as residents of Potts Tower, you get an additional 15% off. So come on by and see what we have! In honor of our spring sale, we have three new seasonal fragrances! Hopefully no one will get all weird about them

Dreaming of Summer Series

Joseph Wants an Ocean: Joseph's been harassing me for an ocean scent, and we had a talk about how difficult they are to pull off. Do you go for a beachy smell? Do you go for a marine smell? Weirdly a lot of perfumers add fruity notes in to capture that elusive scent, but I didn't want to do that. Instead, this scent perfume the smells of driftwood, salt, myrtle, ambergris, and a touch of ozone for a more-natural experience. It leans masculine but a lady can pull it off just fine.

Stocking the Summer Picnic Basket: I don't know about you, but I like to be prepared. One of the things I always do is stock the picnic basket with essentials in case I do a last-minute picnic. This smell is fun-loving, airy, and weird. More wearable than you think! Lacquered wood from the picnic basket act as base notes with touches of spearmint (breath mints!), salt, and a hint of Coppertone sunscreen weaving around the top notes of freesia and frangipani.

The Boys and Gal of Summer(s): We've got a lot of people here with the last name of Summers, so I thought I'd honor them! This scent is complex and unisex. Bright California wildflowers, juicy blood orange, and a solid smack of patchouli make this scent a long-lasting ode to the beautiful things that hail from the West (lasers and stake not included).

Apr. 5th, 2013


So I totally noticed there were no theatre classes on the list. Which is a total travesty. But there is now! If we get enough people I'll break things into groups, production and acting.

I'm a Theatre Goddess literally so I know theatre like no one's business. My specialty is Comedy, but I can do the others, they're just not nearly as much fun!

Apr. 3rd, 2013


I'm so glad that I stumbled upon Etsy. They have the most darling pieces of clothing.

I might try my hand at selling my knitting once I've gained more experience.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Text to Diana Prince:
» So. Fancy dresses.
» NYPF gala is coming up,
» In two days,
» Oops.
» Apparently I am being encouraged to go.
» My girlfriend's not really the type
» (Not that I really am either.)
» But want to wow them?



As far as superheroes go around here there's Team Avengers, Team X-Men, and Team Batman-With-No-Batman.

Where does that leave someone from Team Fantastic Four? (other than just being The Fantastic One, which I obviously am already)

Mar. 28th, 2013


Perhaps it is finally turning round to spring.

I snapped this photo just last evening up near Houston St.

cut for photo )

I went in search of gelato and ended up in the East Village. There is too much going on in this city.


Network post; Bridget Jones

Somebody made the bloody sun go away please.

Mar. 27th, 2013


Never thought I'd say this but I miss my brothers. It's great having a couple of sisters who I don't hate and I didn't have back home but I don't care for not having my brothers around. Dick's an asshole and Damian's a shit...but damn, if I got a chance to do over with the kid I'd spend some time with him. Maybe it'd change his death. Or maybe we'll luck out and he'll come on back like I did. Only without the crazy period hopefully. Little shit would be even worse than me. And I'd do damn near anything for Tim to be around. He was good at the smart shit, and doing the intelligence side of our work. He'd be geeking out.

Fuck I even miss my team. Harper's skill with technology, Kori's good sense...still don't know why she dated Grayson. Temporary leave of her senses I guess. And if Alfie were here I'd be in fucking heaven.

Fuck I need a flying partner. A good round of rooftop tag would get me out of this funk. Anyone out there do grapple flying or something like that?

Mar. 25th, 2013


Hello Network. I'm new.

Plus sides, I've been inside S.H.I.E.L.D, my mother didn't follow me through the Tessaract and there are lots of Super Heroines in this building.

Down side, I'm living with a crazy, train obsessed Texan.

Penny, bring me luck?

Mar. 20th, 2013


Is it wrong to think that the person you share a face with sometimes is hot? Because damn I don't think I've ever cleaned up like that.

I'm not compliment fishing. I'm just pretty damn impressed.


[Filtered to Kara/Peej]
So it's not catching muggers on my lunch break or anything, but I did work with four others to stop a bank robbery yesterday. I've never been part of a team before, so there were a few mistakes, but in the end no one was hurt and the police took all of the robbers into custody. A win for the good guys.

I ended up calling it a night after all of the questions and reports (so much paperwork, why?) and I just remembered today that I never even finished what I was in the bank for in the first place. It took a small loan, but you're looking at the proud owner of a '76 Herreshoff Nereia. She's old, but I didn't want some fancy plastic-looking white boat.

I've got a little hibachi grill and the night off if you're bored and want to see what sailing is like.
[End Filter]

So... any sailing enthusiasts out there, by chance?

Mar. 19th, 2013


Network Post; Byron Sully

For all its changed from the New York City I grew up in there's a lot that's remarkably the same: Still a lot of wealthy folk and a lot of poor folk just trying to scrape by. I think it might be possible the wealthier are a lot wealthier. But can't be sure if the poorer are actually poorer or if it just looks like they are in comparison.

I haven't gotten used to living this far out from nature either. I don't suppose there's anywhere nearby one could go to see actual ground?

Mar. 15th, 2013


I miss my boyfriend.

Okay, THERE. There, I said it. I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of lovesick girl or whatever. But going from living year round with him around at a camp followed by living with him in Elysium, not having him around at all is absolutely driving me nuts.

I know that he's happy and fine back in Elysium, but gods. It makes me wonder sometimes if maybe my being brought here doesn't have anything to do with weird random alien technology, but it's actually the gods thinking twice and realizing that I'm not the hero that they decided I was, so they're bringing me back here as punishment because of everything no you can't write

So, Tesseract, if you don't mind me being selfish and want to just do me an absolute solid, bring me Charlie Beckendorf. Please.


So normally I'm more questions than answers, and there's lots of congratulatory posting I could to to
who graduated training today. But I want to say something for a second. And it's not elf drama even so it's okay.

cut for length )

DC extended Universe
We're thinning out a bit it seems. And now I'm all nostalgic.

Anyone interested in dinner Sunday?

Mar. 9th, 2013


Who: Thalia Grace & Diana Prince
When: Saturday night
Where: the woods of upstate New York
What: camping & bonding
Rating: PG

Diana took a particular interest in Thalia Grace, understanding her to be a daughter of Zeus and a counterpart of Artemis. )

Mar. 7th, 2013


Text to Diana Prince

>> Hey there!
>> Good news
>> Got approved to move in!
>> When's good for you, O Future Roomie of Mine?

Mar. 2nd, 2013


As a boy, I read comic books. Thus, I have a long-standing question that I find I am now able to (perhaps) find an answer to:

What on earth were you all keeping in all those pouches?

They were strapped to every thigh, wrapped around every waist...one little pouch after another, just rows upon rows of them. So please, tell me what was in there. Then maybe I can stop imagining you all carrying 15 pagers a piece on your thigh, or stowing bullets like individually wrapped snack cakes.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Introducing: SuperSud's Spring Lineup!

Limited Edition:
Garrus Vakarian: Neroli, honeydew melons, white amber, magnolia, sun-scorched wood and green musk. The musk cuts a masculine note admist lighter, clean fruits.
Setsuna Meioh: Mysterious, beautiful, and patient. Cinnamon against the background glow of amber and cardamom, pimento berry and creamy benzoin create a smoky, warm incense smell.
Claire Bennet: Deceptively girly with an edge that appears in the drydown. Sun-warmed daisies and pink musk against the base notes of caramel, fresh-cut grass, and metallic copper.
Diana Prince: Calming herbal lavender made powerful by the undercut of vertiver and amber. A frothy, diaphanous vanilla laces through a sharp lime. Unique, unisex, and beautiful.
Raven Darkholme: This one's a morpher, and is composed of ingredients that smell different depending upon your personal chemistry. Cotton candy goes straight to winter berries and black musk. Jasmine and orange peel in the background keep this perfume anything but traditional, but always lovely.
Rose Tyler: A blast of rain-tinted ozone, lime meringue, and freesia makes this perfume light, breezy, and clean - perfect for the office (or for going on space adventures and not making the doctor sneeze!). Adventurous and uncomplicated.
Sam Merlotte: Cozy, warm, and definitely sexy (sorry Sam, but everyone knows it's true!). This fragrance mixes ginger and caramel in a gourmand vein without ever getting too sweet. Smooth benzoin and single malt whiskey notes add depth, while brown musk makes the scent feeling... well, just a little bit furry.

Special Spring Scents: inspired by a comment made by Ellen Ripley. Thank you! This scents are available as perfume oils or as room sprays!

Flowers in Space This was a bit of an experiment - pure ozone, cold, clinical mint, and stray hints of a floating bouquet. Daisies, Queen Anne's Lace, and fresh stems hover at the edge of the scent. A unique take on smelling of flowers.
Flowers on the Battlefield: Lay down your wreath, and honor your heroes: Stately rose, white orchid, calla lily, rainfall, and cold stone. Serene and solemn.
Flowers in the Lab What happens if you deliver flowers to the lab geeks? Spritely, spicy carnations, a zap of electricity, and a light undercurrent of mint, smoke, and cologne of uncertain origin. Playful and silly!
Screw Flowers; They Suck For those of us who were spurned, get allergies, or otherwise loathe flowers: A forgotten bouquet of love-lies-bleeding (a spiky, plush flower known for its tendency to injure), despondent pear, and a box of discount Valentines Day Chocolates.

Also! The business has really taken off, and I'm so grateful to everyone who's purchased and enjoyed my products. It wouldn't have been possible without you, and without taking advantage of the strangely obsessive nature of NYC's bustling fandom.

That said, I would love to hire anyone interested in the following roles:

Packing/Shipping/Delivery: This person would ideally be able to lift up to 40 lbs easily and travel the city to deliver my products to participating stores. He/she would also need to manage the shipment of products from the web, and make sure that the orders are filled, packed, and picked up by the post office.

Shop Clerk: This person would need to be friendly, like meeting new people, and willing to help sell products in the store! I track sales but we don't do commission - just end of the month bonuses. All I need is enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, though an interest in bath and body products wouldn't hurt.


So I'm disappointed I didn't get my act together fast enough to get a hunting license during actual hunting season, but maybe it's for the best. After hunting chimera and giants, I don't know if I'd have much fun with deer. And I'd need someone over 18 to supervise me, which is kinda silly.

Still need a reliable way to get to the parks. Getting a car is so expensive here.

[Filtered to Youth Center Staff]
If you haven't already gotten a nutritious breakfast today, I put cupcakes in the lunch room. There was a buy one dozen, get two groupon. I couldn't resist.

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