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Oct. 23rd, 2015


a question to whomever: do these scientific demonstrations include anything to do with poisons? asking for a friend.

    i did not think it possible, but i find myself incredibly bored. the lack of bandits and darkspawn and other murderous sorts has left me quite lazy. so, my love, i propose you and i go for a small journey out of this city. just for a few days, i promise. we should not leave alistair alone too long, after all.

Oct. 13th, 2015


network post: beverly katz

In honor of 1941, I'm attempting to recreate my grandparents' recipes. While I know how it's supposed to taste, it's yet to turn out just right. But half the fun is trying.

Filtered: Grey Wardens / Former Grey Wardens
I have been analyzing tainted and untainted blood from the Hawke brothers to isolate and identify what is responsible for the Calling that Grey Wardens eventually experience with the primary goal of developing a method to neutralize or suppress the Calling in Grey Wardens that arrive through the tesseract. I've eliminated pathogens (anything that causes disease) and immunoresponses (how your body fights off illnesses) between the brothers, and I believe I am close to identifying the taint. My writings tonight have twofold purpose.

First, I would like to confirm my hypotheses by also analyzing other samples of Grey Warden blood, to ensure that it is not simply the result of some illness Carver Hawke faced that Garrett Hawke did not and to analyze its effects on the body over time (to see what it looks like in further and less developed cases). I have no magical abilities with which to manipulate your blood, and I will not label or record any results using identifying information, for what good that will do given the small number of Grey Wardens here.

Second, the Stark Expo is coming up this month, and I do believe I could achieve results faster with input and discussion from other scientists. However, I will not discuss any results in public without express permission of everyone whose health could be affected by this information. I may also be able to present the information without identifying which world the disease comes from to offer further protection. But I will need to inquire about that, if you would like that to be a condition.

Oct. 12th, 2015


Beth keeps trying to "rescue" me from the pigeons on the balcony, even though some of them are bigger than she is. Maybe she's part mabari after all.

Does anyone want some of this candy corn? One of the regulars gave me some to take home but it's not really to my taste.

Oct. 4th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

How do we request more dogs from the tesseract? That's far more important than limiting how many mages there are. And that'd only be useful for not seeing Morrigan. Big evil MWAHAHAAHAHAHAA mages haven't been arriving that I'm aware. Or evil cackling people in general. At least there's that.


To which inhabitant do I speak for pest control?

Specifically the infestation of mages.

Sep. 21st, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

The dogs are all okay. Even Samson looks like he's just had a fine few days. Still, most dogs are not used to seeing these events, and in case anyone's pets were harmed in any way over the last few days, I have scheduled our veterinarian to come in all day the next few days. Injuries will be highest priority. But we'll also make sure the animals feel okay too, and after that, you can take care of updating any standard care they might need. Please speak with me if your animals need anything.

Sep. 18th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

And people asked me why I keep my sword and shield. We're at peace. There are dances, and they're nothing like ones in Orlais. I am in full armor, with sword and shield, and Cora, I believe we should go out again like the old days. I'd missed it, being together as a party, not all the darkspawn and smelly entrails. But since they're here anyway, we should really make the most of it and keep people safe. Cora, Shale, Zevran, Duncan... who's in? Other people welcome too. Old parties can have new patrons.

I've asked Samson to guard the other dogs.

Sep. 15th, 2015


I was going past a pet shop not far from the Tower and, well, I just had to bring this young lady home:

Cut for image, not filtered )

She was slightly unimpressed that I was taking photos of her instead of playing with her. I'll have to come up with a name for her now.

Sep. 9th, 2015


So now that Koda's getting older and bigger, I'm wanting to get him into more advanced training. Anyone know a good place around?


It is good to have returned to Midgard. I found myself eager to come back, if only because I've come to truly appreciate the reputable hot dogs vendors on the streets. While nothing is quite so delicious as roasting meat over a fire, perhaps I've grown more attached to that stale warm water nonetheless.

    I am afraid I have been rather [...] distant since you returned through the tesseract. I would like to speak with you, if you would allow it.

    While I was in Asgard, I retrieved something for you. It is likely to be far heavier than the swords you are accustomed to wielding, but I have faith that you'll adapt just as well.


Somewhere between work, stopping for a bite to eat in the park, and coming back to the building, this... dog... creature found its way into my backpack. It's wet and muddy and looks like it's still more puppy than dog. Not that it looks much like what I'd call a dog. I can hold the thing in one hand with room left over.

I don't suppose anyone knows a reputable veterinarian?

[ooc: oblique discussion of death in Garrett's thread]

Aug. 26th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

Filtered: Duncan
You've been asleep since you got here. You haven't done anything. And you haven't sounded like the man who used the Right of Conscription to forcibly get me into the Grey Wardens. So that's enough of that. I don't know why you're sleeping on your feet, but we're going to spar. We're going to fight. Because hitting usually knocks some sense into me.

Aug. 21st, 2015


This world certainly has unusual ideas of what a mouse is.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Got a problem here
Seems today I have to speak
In fucking haiku


I have heard that is good business practice to have a sale from time to time. I will therefore have one at Pepper's Closet. Discounts shall depend on how little customers annoy me. And how bored I am of looking at the items purchased.

Aug. 16th, 2015


I'd been doubtful about a business whose sole trade was the indoors equivalent of a training yard, but gyms appear to be fairly profitable. And I have a selfish reason to like the one down the block, because they run a self-defence class and they're letting me teach there.

Treadmills still mystify me. If I'm going to run, I want to get somewhere. But the rest of the equipment is useful.

Aug. 11th, 2015


I hate when I lose days cause then I get all confused as to whether it's arm day or bow day or like, Tuesday. Right? If Hank were here, he could totally just invent us 3 days to make up for the weekend we don't remember

except like, not that we don't remember the weekend, cause I totally had a great time being Robin Hood, but like, we didn't remember that we were forgetting so we forgot what we wanted to remember. And now I don't remember my point.

What day is today?


Well, I've spent a worse few days than in the Barking Lot because I couldn't figure the cars outside and dogs made more sense. Seems a bit unfair to have the headache without having indulged, though.

You guys are the big guns here, right? That memory thing happens again, or anything like it, track me down and sedate me through it. Safer for everyone.

[ Vanessa Ives, Regulus Black, Newt Geiszler, Alistair Theirin, Thorin Oakenshield ]
Everyone make it through okay?

Aug. 7th, 2015


I don't remember having a dog. I don't remember having anything, really.

But there is a really REALLY big one in my living room right now and I don't know what to do!


network post: alistair theirin

My name is Alistair, and if this crown is anything to go by, I'm the king.

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