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May. 23rd, 2014


Something tells me this was a great idea.

cut for image )

May. 20th, 2014


The week I am having

The first person who calls me humourless or mean for taking SHIELD-mite's trading cards has to buy me dinner. Anyway, you guys should probably take a look at the dozen cards I got. I mean seriously, I don't even know what to make of this...

First up, we've got the stunning Black Widow and Hawkeye cards. Clint, I like that yours is purple. I'm sure it speaks to you.

And then Coulson it looks like I've got a few from your team -- May, Ward, Triplett and I also got Fitz.

Director Fury, Deputy Director Hill it also looks like I picked up your cards, too (I think they both speak for themselves) -- as well as Sitwell's and Hand's. Agent Hand, I don't know about you, but I sure found your card pretty funny...

And finally, I got your founder himself. The D in SHIELD?

this card...this card I don't know what to do with

May. 14th, 2014


Is there anyone among the refugees who knows how to care for a monkey? A talking monkey that speaks and claims to be James Buchanan Barnes?

May. 9th, 2014


Do you have plans for this evening?
How do you feel about beer?
How's Maisie?
What's the status on the consultant on the bus?

May. 7th, 2014


Refugee #869 - Joruus C'Baoth - escaped basic quarantine procedures and has entered the city unchecked. Report to the Hub for immediate briefing and deployment for recon and tracking.

Anyone with specific knowledge of this refugee should see me immediately.

May. 3rd, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Victoria Hand]
I've flown a number of vessels in my own reality including smaller planetary vehicles, small space fighter, and larger space yachts as well. I would like to be considered for training and licensure as a pilot for SHIELD missions.

I believe this is a skill that I could easily learn and would excel at, and would potentially be useful to the Espionage 1 team as well and I'd like the opportunity to discuss this possibility with you further at your earliest convenience.

Apr. 26th, 2014


cut for cake! )

April was a really long time to stick to a New Years resolution. If you don't count that I actually kind of broke it in February and picked it back up again for Lent. Which I don't.

But the important question now becomes what coffee goes with a cake like this?

[Filtered to Phil Coulson]
Hey, I heard they got you back.
[Filtered to Victoria Hand]
So, even if you're ignoring me, you've still got my cat.

Apr. 24th, 2014


[Level 8+]
Retrieval was a success despite the lack of support. The woman known as Raina has been taken into custody.

It's in my report on your secure line, but...he was hooked up to some sort of machine. I think they were trying to go into his memories - he says he doesn't know what they were doing, but I'm not sure that's true.

Ready to talk to me yet?

Good job.

[Phil's team]
Good work.

Apr. 21st, 2014


[SHIELD Level 8+; Secure channel]
We need backup at [location] immediately. Coulson has been taken by the Clairvoyant, Ward is down and Peterson is believed dead.

Apr. 17th, 2014


Deep talk time. How much do you think people are capable of change?

[Filtered to Victoria Hand]
Is it still a massive misuse of power if I brought you a present?

Which is I guess an avoidant way of not being sure how to best say thank you.

But also? It's a pretty way.

Apr. 9th, 2014


[Filtered to Victoria Hand]
I certainly hope this does not come off as impertinent, but may I ask an opinion somewhat off the record?

Apr. 8th, 2014


[Collect call for Victoria Hand]
Avete ricevuto una chiamata a carico di Padova carcere da ALEX VAUSE IT'S A FUNNY STO-- Accettate le spese?

Apr. 5th, 2014


[Text to Victoria Hand]
-- I need a cover team on Abraço Espresso tomorrow.
-- 86 E 7th.
-- Probably nothing but jic.

Apr. 2nd, 2014


[Filter to Victoria Hand]
Hey so my boss has been asking about that hard drive.

Apr. 1st, 2014


You're not getting your cat back. You abandoned her.

Mar. 27th, 2014


[Encrypted Filter to Peggy Carter]
Hey, Sweeto Burrito. Turn on your phone. Angry Birds is updating tomorrow morning.
[Encrypted Filter to Victoria Hand]
Artist's rendition. Helicarrier, tomorrow. Let's end this.

Mar. 25th, 2014


Our new boss just said she's going to shoot me out of the sky.


SHIELD. if you're currently at-large or in a safehouse, you're not on this filter
There are many of you confused, and unsure of your path within this storied old organisation. There are many of you who question allegiances and entertain thoughts of rebellion. And still yet there are a great many of you who understand that SHIELD's goals have been bastardised by those loyal to Nick Fury. There are a great many of you who realise the world is no safer than the moment after the portal was closed in New York.

Why? Because of weakness, because of disunity and because of an uncommunicated message to you, the hands and the feet of SHIELD. So allow me to tell you, SHIELD. Allow me to fully introduce to to these are desires. SHIELD's goals are:
  • Expand upon - and further strengthen - our offensive technology and our weapons systems.

  • Subdue and eliminate security risks; be that the Tesseract and its many fluctuations, or the traitorous agents turned by Nicholas Fury.

  • Reclaim stolen property including any R&D technology taken by Agent Philip Coulson as well as the Tesseract itself.

    Agent Coulson, you missed your deadline.

    Be advised that Agent Phil Coulson is now a wanted man. I might also offer you some small congratulations regarding coming to a greater completion of your operative goals. I should think that you will have information for me shortly? If you haven't the stomach to do what needs doing, I will myself.


    [Filtered to Ashley Williams]
    OK Williams. You can come home any time now.

    Or get in touch.

    [Filtered to Buffy Summers]
    Hey, gave you heard from Ash lately. She said she had a thing and that was a while ago. I wanna make sure this isn't another zombie thing. or worse
    [Filtered to SHIELD administrative]
    So I know I can't ask for details, but I was wondering if I could ask the status of my fiancée, Ashley Williams. She left on SHIELD business about a week ago and I just wanted to make certain she was alright since I haven't heard anything. Thank you for your time

    Off. Renee Motoya
    BN #1275

    Mar. 24th, 2014


    If I might be so bold, Agent Hand, I should like to inquire regarding the state of your house. I am in possession of a very capable broom, and a strong desire to set things to their rightful place.

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