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Jun. 17th, 2015


Cosmic kidnapping, so not cool.


Violet's gone again.

Jun. 10th, 2015


Pietro and America are gone.

I'm out.

Jun. 9th, 2015



Time for Fuck, Marry, Kill.

I'll start you off: Sif, Captain Marvel, Falcon.

May. 28th, 2015


I still miss Violet. She was a good roommate and Luna liked her a lot. I hope she comes back. I guess for now it will just be Luna, Thumper, and I.

May. 27th, 2015


So. Now that I'm out of the food coma I've been in (awesome BBQ by the way, not that I'm surprised)I've been thinking. I sorta-kinda miss the private investigating gig. I know with all this tesseract business there's plenty to do to keep me busy but, what can I say, sleuthing is a good time. I've been thinking about re-opening the business and, considering my assorted cadre of awesome associates here, I think it might actually be more successful.

Thoughts? Potential job leads?
( Young Avengers )

So. How's everyone fairing though the current round of insanity?

( Bartons, all )
This is an obligatory check in to make sure none of you have lost an arm or anything.

May. 21st, 2015


[Young Avengers + Friends]
I don't mind this. This is fine. Good job, Tesseract.

May. 16th, 2015


Uuugh, you know what's worse than boys who suck? Boys who suck but you thought they were perfect because they led you to believe that and then when the truth comes out, they BLAME YOU for being misleaded!

I have a really bad headache. Does anyone have half a bottle of Tylenol to spare?

May. 1st, 2015



My dear brother. Thank you for all your support during the last few days. I needed you and you were there.

I'm sorry.

Apr. 28th, 2015



Apr. 26th, 2015


Hey there Violet.

Looking pretty official.

Apr. 24th, 2015


Tommy Sheperd.



I'm going to ask for a favor.

Apr. 20th, 2015


[OOC: posted earlier today]


Anyone up for being vibrated through their door?


[Young Avengers (+ Kamala, Violet, etc)]
So, I'm pretty much taking over as the Recreational Activity lead for the Potts Tower Youth Centre, I think? So like, we're youths. What would you guys want to see?

Also, Kate. I need a Hawkguy favour. I think maybe you can talk him into it?

Apr. 19th, 2015


Network Post; Dawn Summers

Last week was a difficult week, but I'm reminded of something Anne of Green Gables said, which is 'today is a new day with no mistakes in it'. And because I'm here in this tower, I can say that as someone who met her, and interacted with her, and even saw how she lived it - and you know, that's kinda cool.

I'm going to be honest, I still really miss my sister. But last week I was reminded how we treat each other like family in this tower, and so I'm kind of thinking we should impromptu picnic today. If you're interested, bring food, we'll wander over to Central Park and enjoy this brilliant weather and have food and stuff and I'm making three types of cookies, as well as my mom's potato salad, because thanks guys.

Apr. 17th, 2015


Filter: Young Avengers + Friends
I can't stop thinking of I think I need a break from the city. If you guys wanna join, you can. I'm thinking somewhere in South America on Saturday. If you have other plans, then its okay. I still just need to get out.

Apr. 15th, 2015


Hello, Potts Tower! For those of you that do not know me yet, hi! My name is Violet Parr, and I am here to announce that I am running for Youth Representative. If there was a chance you've missed it, Alex Vause has been holding nominations for a variety of seats for our very own board! It's an excellent way for our voices to be heard and to make a difference for everyone here at Pott's Tower. I'm not sure if nominations are still being accepted, but either way I encourage everyone to look over that entry.

Now, as I have mentioned, I am running for Youth Representative. This position, no matter who holds it, is incredibly important for the youth here in Potts Tower. We need someone to voice our concerns and to look out for our interests. I believe I am the representative the youth is looking for. I have held positions in STuCo in my home world as Freshman & Sophmore representative. I have also lived here in New York City for a year now, and I have seen a lot in my time here. I have worked hard in class, and I fought hard to keep the city safe. I would like to go further for you. I have seen the challenges we face here, especially in the youth. I know what it's like first hand to arrive here with no friends and no family. I know what it's like to feel unimportant and invisible (pun intended!). I have worked along side youth and adults during my time here, and I know I can a difference. I would like your vote for Youth Representative to prove to you all that we can make positive changes here. We may not know if/when we'll be sent home, but until that time comes, this is our home. It's time to make our new home great!

I would like to invite the youth to stop by room 1804 on Thursday evening from 5pm to 8pm for a Meet & Greet. Snacks of course will be included, I encourage you to stop by, say hi, and let's start talking about how we can make some positive changes around here! I hope to see everyone there!

Apr. 10th, 2015


[Text to Tommy Shepherd]
-- It's way too quiet
-- And I think there's no way I can sleep
-- Are you awake still?

Apr. 7th, 2015



I never want to leave!

cut, not filtered )

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