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Jan. 26th, 2015


I've been a recluse way too much this month. I need to change that.

Jan. 24th, 2015


I can't decide whether hot and dry is better or worse than hot and humid.

I do know one thing though. Either one is better than freezing my balls off in New York.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


Okay. I have been told I've been here before? An alternative dimension I take it? Also... I was told that Oliver was here? How is that possible?

Jan. 18th, 2015


So Johnny's really gone then? I thought maybe he was playing a prank when I saw a few people talking about it on the network, but a week and a half without crashing in for dinner? What really sucks is that he's not the Johnny from our world, so he wouldn't even know us if he came back.

So I know I'm a little late on this, and with Elsa disappearing recently, I think it might be a good idea to get one of those watches -- or at this rate a few of them -- and keep it in my office with all of us attached to it so we will actually know if something happened.

So this is me asking for permission to include you.
Don't you dare leave me.

Jan. 11th, 2015


Kind of thought I'd make is farther than that

Congratulations to the winners of yesterdays competition. Some of those matches were really fun to watch.


So, since lack of family fortune is a thing. And, compelling people is apparently stealing. And with people knowing who I am, that makes staying under the radar harder Apparently, I might need a job.

[Filtered to Faith]

So, what was that I bumped into you doing the other night?

Jan. 6th, 2015


I'm really starting to grow attached to New York, I think.

ETA [After this]: Beginning next week, I'll be offering an alchemy class through the ESD. I'll also be taking over teaching the Chemistry class.

[Filtered to Adrian Ivashkov]
What are your thoughts on Autumn?

[Filtered to Rose Hathaway]
So now you won't have to worry about me staying in so often.

Dec. 27th, 2014


Does anyone ever actually keep New Year's resolutions or is it just something to make yourself feel good about yourself for just the month of January? Or do you purposely pick something that'll only be good for one month?

Dec. 25th, 2014


Hi, my name is Laurel Lance and I'm looking for a Sara Lance or Oliver Queen..

And probably a job too if what I'm told really is true and I'm stuck here against my will. Though this place seems 90% a better option than my own considering how it looked when I left it.

Dec. 16th, 2014


Huh. I'm not sure why the tesseract thought I either wanted or needed that damn Chinese knife I spent so much time hunting down on the islands. That things got some pretty freaking bad memories attached to it.

I guess I could sell it for a small fortune though, couldn't I?

Dec. 14th, 2014


Gotta say this is one of the stranger things that've been through. Roy Harper.

Dec. 12th, 2014


( Jason Brody )
Hey, I'm Thea.

I thought since I paid for a date with you, introductions might be a good place to start.

( Damon Salvatore )
Hey, you. Settling in okay?

Dec. 9th, 2014


I can't wait for you all to see the club this weekend. It's going to be amazing. Make sure to bring your appetite and your dancing shoes. It's going to be a blast for a good cause!

Dec. 8th, 2014


Well, this doesn't suck.

And while I do always love visiting New York. I was busy.

Dec. 4th, 2014


I've been here long enough that it's definitely time to start looking for a job. Running my own club might be a bit ambitious in a city where I don't know anyone and don't have my dad's money to back me up, but if anyone knows of a place that needs a server or bartender or anything along those lines, please let me know.

In other news, my room is all Christmased up. It's not like home, but home isn't exactly like home anymore, either, so I'll take it.

( Filtered Private to Sydney Sage )
How are you holding up?


When I first got here, it was hard to see how I could even be who I was meant to be. How could I be a Guardian on my own? Or if there wasn't even anything to protect like there was in my world? And then I tried to have a little fun, to do what I always did before and bring laughter into people's lives, and they get mad about my magic, instead of finding it joyful like it's supposed to be. Does anyone know what that does to someone like me? My entire existence was dependent on kids believing in me. In us. If they forgot us, we'd disappear. Poof. That's it. So it's awful to find people who don't like it, who don't think it's fun or a good thing.

But it is, and I know it's not childish or stupid or inconvenient to bring some happiness into the world. I know it's important. It just makes me angry that other people dismiss it as something annoying or stupid when there's already too much bad stuff in this world.

So I've been trying to figure out how to still be who I'm supposed to be, and I saw one of the Santas, the ones at the malls. And I got to talking to him, because he recognized me, and he said he visits sick kids for Christmas, too, and brings them presents that people have donated. So I'm gonna go with him, because the kids'll know me, and I can make it snow for them or whatever else they want. There are a lot of kids who don't have much this year, or any other year, and if all of us gave something - a toy, winter clothes we don't need, there are a whole bunch of groups that take donations, or you can go to the post office and get one of the cards a kid sent to Santa and fulfill their wishes - we could bring smiles to a lot of faces.

And that's really what it means to be me.

Nov. 27th, 2014


I normally love the holidays, but so much has changed in the past few years that it's harder to find things to be thankful for this year. Rather than wallowing in my own self-pity, though, I have plans to spend my day helping the really less fortunate. I'm grateful to Sam's for making sure everyone in the tower has a place to go, but I can't help thinking about all of those people who don't have a place to go - today or any other day of the year.


[Posted somewhere around 4:30am]

How early is too early to order for food to be delivered? I can't go back to sleep ever again and I kind of really want a cheeseburger even though I know it's not a good idea right now and I don't want Adrian to leave. Also is there anyone around here who can trim hair? I...can't remember at the moment. And all my clothes are too bi

Oct. 27th, 2014


[Filtered to Under 21]
If you’re still sober, I’m setting up shop for fake IDs. All for the low price of 60 bucks a pop.

70 if you want to choose your name and not be John Doe or Ponyboy Mussolini.

Oct. 26th, 2014


You know, if I was going to visit New York, I can think of several more comfortable ways to get there. And, honestly? I was pretty happy where I was. Not cool, Tesseract.

I guess, while I'm here, I might as well introduce myself. My name is Thea Queen and they told me there were some people I know here? Ollie?

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