July 2016




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Mar. 19th, 2016


How long until beer goes back to being normal color? I just was introduced to beer, but I got used to it being gold. When it's green it freaks me out. Looks like there's something wrong with it.

It doesn't help that the bartender called it "left over" green beer either.

Mar. 18th, 2016


So far tonight, we've had no Michael Malloy Wannabes, but I did have to put a wrist cast on a girl with a green wig. Stay safe out there, and remember: drink water. Drink lots of water.

Mar. 17th, 2016


What the stars is this insane ritual of pinching people who aren't wearing green on this day? These human holidays just get more inane by the moment.

Next you'll tell me that you celebrate the best of humanity by hunting for food.


It's on.

Mar. 13th, 2016


okay, avoided the trees. that was kinda weird, but i think kinda weird is kinda normal. gonna focus on painting eggs, found a few neat things i want to try.

still don't know what i want to really do, but i do figure i should make myself useful. might be a bit tricky, but nothing that'll be too bad.

Mar. 8th, 2016


I need like ALL THE FRENCH FRIES. Or anything else that goes with ketchup.

You know you just did me a favor right? I love ketchup. But I'm totally gonna get you back anyway.

Mar. 5th, 2016


[Filtered to Steven + Gems + Peeta and Katniss]
Steven and me are going to go find Molly and Cassie because they found a unicorn!

How do you get around in normal woods?

Mar. 1st, 2016


Someone seems to have the misconception that I'm a pancake.


You're dead.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


I miss my dog.

I need to talk to you.
How are you feeling? Worse?

Feb. 19th, 2016


man is this kinda late, but thank you everyone for the flowers. i'm gonna press them so i can keep them longer. i think the next thing i'm kinda looking forward to is easter, but that's still a bit away.

Feb. 10th, 2016


The color of the clothes are a bit off but like who really cares, I'm a doll!

unfiltered images )

Feb. 4th, 2016


okay i know everyone's a bit freaked out by the latest weird thing but i figure i should ask. i'm gonna make a bunch of valentines cards so if you don't want one/don't celebrate please let me know. i'm gonna get some candy too, because i can't make that so if there's something people don't like or something let me know.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


So this whole other universe thing is pretty freaky but hey, they gave me a sandwich when I asked for one so it can't be that bad, right? And yo, I heard Pearl and Steven are here, you guys around?

Feb. 2nd, 2016


Today is World Play Your Ukulele Day!

Does anyone want to learn? It's pretty easy to pick up the basics. Someone even wrote a song about it! (She says a bad word at one point, be careful).

The Tesseract gave me the ukulele my dad gave me, but I'll let you borrow it while I show you how to play it. They're really cheap, I hear. You can buy one of your own and play sweet sweet songs like me!

Jan. 28th, 2016


I guess one thing my show's fan base likes to do is mess up my name. Lapdance Lasagna, Linguine Lesbian, Lactose Lampshade, Lapizza Lazuli.

It's better than being called Big Buff Cheeto Puff, or Space Dorito.

Jan. 20th, 2016


hokay so i don't think i should take out the long fall boots anymore. this'd be the fourth time i slipped. so far, only bruises so no more tempting fate. but on better news, i am getting a hold of this weirdo power i got. a few people are a little weirded out so i just bring my notepad with, and the device edwin gave me.

Jan. 16th, 2016


If you had to recommend one album to someone who's really far behind in music, what would it be? Preferably anything released after the mid 1950s. I'm pretty much covered there.

And Steven Universe, I'm looking at you. Don't leave me hanging. Just no more... whoever those guys were. The ones with that drum.

Screened to Finn
I'm taking some of the introduction classes they offer refugees. They don't really have any courses on who you shouldn't ask for directions from, but you should definitely check them out.

Jan. 15th, 2016


This is your last chance to sign up for tomorrow's Charity scholarship tournament. Everyone under 21 is welcome to try out for the prize, and adults are welcome to participate or come for support. I'd love to see a few more names, some come on out!

Jan. 12th, 2016


Well now I feel like I'm missing out on something.

Jan. 10th, 2016


Just when I didn't think my life could get any more messed up, I'm walking into my new quarters on a strange planet, getting staffed in the face by my roommate. Not for the first time, either. That's the important part.

Jan. 7th, 2016


Assuming this is real, I think I officially have no business in saying that nothing can surprise me.

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