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Oct. 1st, 2014


TEXT TO Christopher Pike:
-- I was wondering if you would care to join me for dinner and chess?
-- I am free any evening this week.
-- I have some questions regarding some files from my previous time here.
-- I believe you may be the best person to speak to regarding them.

Sep. 29th, 2014


I seem to consistently forget about posting here and elsewhere when events of import happen to my little shop. This week it's that we have reopened after the vandalism of last week. As a result of this vandalism, we will be selling the least damaged of the damaged books at a significant discount, and they will be sold until they are gone at that rate. Do please stop in and pick over the lot, and feel free to browse our regular selection. If you aren't able to find what you're looking for, please talk to me and it will be located and shipped to the shop. Or, if that is inconvenient, shipped directly to you.

Shall I look into acquiring a shop cat? I've always fancied myself a cat [...] person. Angel. Entity.

Sep. 30th, 2014


I believe I caused some amusement at the Indian restaurant I often frequent when I do not feel inclined to cook for myself. The owner and I have had many discussions about their food, which I find quite flavorful and well-spiced but somewhat mild in terms of its application of chilli. Last night they served me a vindaloo which I found quite adequate on that score but I am told it would have been all but inedible for the vast majority of humans. Certainly the reaction of the staff and the other regulars did support that statement. The owner, Manish, said that now that he has an idea of what I find adequate in terms of 'heat', he'll tailor anything they cook for me to suit.

Sep. 26th, 2014


Even with all the time I've spent in this realm I still cannot account for its fixation with pumpkins. You'd think no other crops came with your fall harvest, that you are driven to put them in your coffee.

Sep. 9th, 2014


FILTER: Rose Tyler
As I'm sitting in my office at work basking in the notion of having one at all, there's something I can't quite put my finger on. Are you feeling all right?

FILTER: Simmons
I'm sure you've noticed a correlation between that light and the recent advances in some of the humans here. It's getting a bit personal for my tastes. Have you got anything new for me?

Filter: Star Trek!verse
I'm sorry, should have said this ages ago. Had quite a bit going on, no excuse though. Pavel Chekov, he was my friend. Now he's gone. I've some of his effects, tech namely, that he entrusted to me. I wanted to let you know that I'll hang on to them for safe-keeping should he ever return. He is ridiculously clever, that one. I hope to see him again one day.

September's shaping up to be quite the topsy turvy month already, isn't it?

Sep. 3rd, 2014


There's some kind of vegetarian dinner going on today. I'm looking to check it out if anyone wants to join in.


There haven't been any labs with incidents, have there?

It's probably not related at all. But my world had an incident with a particle accelerator. Was a huge thing, supposed to provide clean energy for an entire city. Put some people in a coma. Not exactly a bright white light covering half the globe but it's something.

[Jon Kasiya]

Good to see you're still alive, little bird.

Aug. 31st, 2014


The internet in this place is a fascinating experience. Obviously we have a version of it in my time but it is vastly different, even more so on an exploratory starship such as the Enterprise as we are often too far from the highly inhabited worlds and their satellites to be able to easily access their networks. Our internal shipwide network is, of course, highly popular and a significant portion of the ship's available computer memory is dedicated to it. Our Recreation Officer, Lieutenant Tanzer, calls it a release valve. It is certainly fascinating to watch the type and amount of traffic during the ship's more stressful times.

Aug. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to ESD Advisors + Teaching Staff]
We have a week until classes resume, and though I know this is following a long weekend, I was wondering if everyone could clear Tuesday and Wednesday for discussion of our regents certification, syllabi, and policy changes as we transition from SHIELD's purview to that of Stark Charities.

I also think we should further develop the emergency schedule protocols. Finals have now twice been hampered by unforeseeable circumstances that most high schools do not confront.

A last point, if anyone knows anyone interested, we have last minute vacancies for Chemistry (4), Cooking (1), Linguistics (3), Magical Defense (3), and Swimming (1). However, no one is registered for Linguistics, Magical Defense, or Robotics, so it's not as pressing to get those filled.
[Filtered to X-men+]
We have a long weekend, and it has been some time since we have gone upstate. I was thinking about heading up to the mountains. It may be slightly busy, but I have faith that we can find a place remote enough to train. Or just make s'mores.

Is anyone else in?
[Filter to Advisory Group Beta (Usagi, Jack Frost, Azari, Illyana, Claire, Billy, Penelope)]
If you have any last minute questions regarding your courses for the fall, I will be reachable by [Cell number] for the next few days, though it may be advisable to leave a message as I am uncertain of the reception situation.

However, I would also like to meet with each of you in a few weeks to discuss plans beyond simple education here, so keep that in the back of your mind, if you would.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Given my current lack of familiarity with the corporations and organisations of the 21st Century in this world, I have chosen, in the interim, to take on a teaching position within the Educational Services Division. I have always seen my role as the Head of the Sciences Division on the Enterprise as being as much a teaching as a leadership position to the crewmen and women under my command so the role is not unfamiliar to me. I shall be teaching Astrophysics and Computer Science and I look forward to meeting my students when the new teaching period begins. If any student or potential student has questions, I would be more than willing to answer them to the best of my ability.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Just a friendly reminder that the ESD will be resuming courses on September 4. For all refugees under 18 this is a mandatory requirement following the laws of the State of New York and the guidelines set forth by the New York Board of Regents. However, it is somewhat more casual and flexible than attendance at a New York City Public School. You have been assigned an Advisor who should be contacting you briefly and will be able to help with registering for classes and planning for the future.

ESD classes are also available for audit to adult students, in modern culture, education, and technology for those from radically different times, and we offer preparation for the GED as well as a high school diploma.

If anyone is interested in teaching with the ESD, we offer full-time paid and part time volunteer positions. Classes are small, often 3-10 students, and meet 2-3 times per week in a seminar style. We are flexible about lesson plans and are eager to accept new courses based on unique areas of expertise.

At this time, we are particularly for classes whose professors have been returned through the Tesseract:
Aircraft and Flight Procedures, Algebra I and II, Anthropology, Archeology, Astrophysics, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, French, Geometry, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Human Mythology, Linguistics, Magical Defense, Modern Dance, Music Appreciation, Spanish, Trigonometry

[Filtered to Jan van Dyne]
Thank the Tesseract, but I may be a bit late to tonight's training.
[Filtered to ESD advisors (Rachel, Ororo, Mary Margaret, Pietro, Pike, & Logan)]
Kitty was taken back, with classes starting up again in less than a month, we don't have a lot of time to regroup. If we could meet this afternoon-- perhaps 2:30 at Edible Complex. Hopefully today's will be short, but we'll need to have more later this week and I'm hoping today's can focus us all on the action points necessary from which to move forward.

Also, Logan will be stepping in to cover Kitty's advising group, and Mary Margaret will be joining us, providing a solid bridge between the PTYC and ESD.

Please communicate with your advisees regarding signing up for classes in the fall.
[Filtered to ESD professors (previous)]
If everyone would be so kind can you please confirm that you are able to teach the classes you offered last term or are interested in offering anything new.

Aug. 3rd, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

July had a good many excellent moments, including a much needed holiday and a very interesting experience at San Diego Comic Con.

It's deeply fascinating, sometimes troublesome, and sometimes touching how much people here are invested in our lives. I had a young man tell me that he went into astrophysics because he watched our show on reruns when he was ten and never could get space out of his head. He's hopeful before he grows old there will be a way for normal, every day people, to visit beyond Earth's surface, and perhaps there will be. I certainly hope that for this world as well. I miss space travel more than I can say.

[Filter: Spock]
Ambassador Spock, I believe that I missed saying so earlier, but welcome to Earth, and to New York City. There are fewer of us from Starfleet here than there have been in the past, but there is a small group of us yet. I don't know if we have met in your timeline yet, in fact I would suspect perhaps not, so allow me to introduce myself - Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. We will know each other in your future, if we have not met already. It is a great honor to see you here and if I can assist you with anything please let me know.

[Filter: Christopher Pike]
We had spoke previously of NASA, but had been concerned about movement. I am currently wondering if perhaps SWORD might be an option. Have you heard much of its purpose?

Jul. 28th, 2014


Good afternoon. I am Commander Spock, First Officer and Science Officer on the U.S.S. Enterprise. While I had already been aware of the validity of the theory of multiple or alternate universes, it is quite fascinating to find myself in this particular one, where I am considered to be a fictional character. I shall be most intrigued to discover the differences between this Earth and the one that I know.

May. 13th, 2014


Okay so whoever it was who invented resealable wrappers for my chocolate bar needs to ... be banished or something. I'm not not going to eat the whole thing. But I'm going to feel worse about it, now that you've given me the reasonable option of save half.

It's been a crazy two weeks, guys. I need my chocolate.

Moved from Montreal to Queens. Got a nice little apartment with hardwood floors older than my grandmother. Right now I've only got the appliances it came with and a futon. But I'll work on it. Also, started at the new job, and am slowly letting my body adjust to the fact you put high fructose corn syrup in everything. I missed you, America.

[Jasper Sitwell, Howard Stark, Spock]
What a motley crew we make So if you see a half-eaten candybar in he staff refrigerator, you can steal it. It's not mine.

May. 6th, 2014


-- All personnel, please check in ASAP.
-- Location & status.

May. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to SHIELD tech & biochem/medical]
Do you want to see the real world of SHIELD science? The kind they don't show you in Redacted documents or on CCTV?
[Filtered to Percy Pinkerton]
So I just thought I'd update. I've got a guy on it. That business aside, it was nice to have you down.
[Filtered to Mara Jade]
236 5th Ave. ETA 17 min

Apr. 15th, 2014


Sully mentioned the ranch a few weeks ago and I wanted to extend the invitation to folks again. Serenity ranch is 45 minutes outside of the city. It's a great place to come to get some horseback riding, hiking, woodworking, tinkering. We've got a few outbuildings that can be made to be workshops if folks need and an old helicopter that is almost flight worthy. If you ned time away from the city, want space to work on projects or just want to see the stars for a night, there's usually space. Just talk to Sully or me.

We're looking for a few people to get involved hopefully, to make sure that the ranch stays in refugee hands as sort of a retreat and sanctuary for those who need it.

It seems we've lost more of our own - Deanna and Archer. Would people be interested in a group dinner tonight or tomorrow? I- It's hard losing this many people.

Apr. 5th, 2014


Network Post; Byron Sully

For those folks that are new round here, Admiral Christopher Pike and I have a ranch outside the city that we keep. It's belonged to others before us, and lots of folks that have come through the Teseract (and some who have sense gone back) have enjoyed it as a place of respite from the city.

We'd like to open it up next weekend to anyone in the tower who'd like to get away. Whether it's get away from the city for a bit, just enjoy nature, if you like horseback ridin' we've got a good set of horses, and there's a lot of space to walk around. We're thinkin' of havin' folks out and perhaps havin' some food available, just keepin' it casual.

If you think it's the sort of thing that might be interestin' to you, let me know. Whether you've been out there before, or this will be your first time, you're invited.

Myself, it seems like a lot of folk have been goin' back of recent, but maybe that's just cause it's one I knew and cared about a lot. It's hard to lose friends - no matter what the reason.

Apr. 4th, 2014


I am very pleased to be able to return to my laboratory and my research, though I perhaps would have preferred not to be incarcerated in the course of affairs. Still, these things do happen when one chooses to listen to the demands of c'thia and one can only deal with them as they arise. It is also not the first time I have ended up 'behind bars' as they say. I did enjoy the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Mr Dugan so I cannot consider it as time wasted.

I do apologise to the students undertaking my classes for my inopportune absence and I shall endeavour to make myself available for any of you who wish to discuss any matters that arose while I was away.

Mar. 22nd, 2014


We have sensor readings on an inbound aircraft. Activate assigned earpieces for orders. Repeat, we have sensor readings on an inbound aircraft click

Earpiece chatter )

Mar. 21st, 2014


Who: Those aboard the helicarrier
When: Today, midday
Where: 25,000 feet above NYC
What: Hill has a couple answers. Well, one.
Rating: PG

Any Questions? )

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