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Mar. 17th, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

I tried to go to the parade, but there were too many people I got hit with a really bad headache and had to go back to my room. I hope someone took lots of pictures and I'm bummed I missed it. Damn faerie gift. I wish I could return this one

My head feels better now, away from all the people noise, at least, so thank goodness for that.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all.

Mar. 14th, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

I've seen some pretty weird things, but this has got to be the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. I suppose if vampires and weres and witches and all that are real, time travel shouldn't be much of a shock, but still. It's hard to believe this isn't all a dream.

Anyway, hi! I'm Sookie Stackhouse. I've never been to New York before, so I guess I'll at least have some fun exploring!

Dec. 18th, 2012


Who: Sookie (books) & Elspeth
What: Testing out telepathy
Where: Sam's Bar
When: Tuesday
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Read More )

Dec. 7th, 2012


Ok so I just got here yesterday and I think I got it all. I'm supposed to be on tv and I'm in New York. Whatever. They forgot to tell me the important shit. I'm in moving pictures on the internet. At first I thought it was fuckin' weird but then I got to thinking. If people wanna look at me they can, I got nothing to hide and I'm pretty. What'd y'all think about everyone seein' your picture?

ooc cut )

Nov. 28th, 2012


Introductions, introshmuctions. That sounded much better in my head. Actually, it sounds much better when I say it, and this whole typing computer thing is going to ruin my shtick. Bummer.

I am the one and only Buffy Summers. Except for that one from the alternate "I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale" world. She was kind of scary. And butch and that is SOO not me angry. I'm the Housing Assistant for the 3rd and 4th floors, so if there's anything you need, please feel free to hit me up.

But don't literally hit me. I hit back. And hard. Trust me on that one.

I'd like to apologize now because, uh, apparently I abuse the English language and fill every sentence with pop culture references like a bad pop culture referencing thingy. Oops?


Show of hands, who's read/watched the books/shows/movies they're from? Thoughts? Regrets?


I'm getting used to this place, though I still have no idea of my way around - well at least. I can navigate this tower but nothing else. Actually I stepped outside and turned back around, it's like nothing I have ever seen before. There are so many minds here too that it's rather overwhelming and it took all of my self control not to read them and go mad - I can usually control it as to only do it when I require too but all of this made my powers fly out of control. They're thankfully getting back under control though.

If there is one thing I hate it is invading people's privacies, especially when they don't have the same power and therefore can't tell I'm doing it nor respond if I tried to communicate with them.

Would anyone be willing to give me a tour or tips on how to find my way around here?

Also I am still looking for a job, I'm not exactly qualified for much from what I have gathered. Does anyone have any suggestions?


» text messages

» Did you notice that Harry is here?

» It's not easy being fictional, is it?

» Remember I told you that my son is the main character in these books I'm from?

Nov. 27th, 2012


What is that noise? It sounds like cats fighting.


Hi everyone, it looks like I'm a few days late introducing myself, but being late is my th better late than never. I'm Steve Rogers, and I'm the housing assistant for floors one and two. If you need anything, I'm in 101 and I'm here to help. I'll be checking in with you now and then, so don't be surprised if I knock. The same goes for anyone else, if you need something, just ask and I'll do my best to help out.

I'm not very good at talking about myself, so I'll stop here.

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is being lit tonight at 7 pm. If anyone wants to watch, we could get a group together and all head over that way so no one gets lost. I know the city can be overwhelming sometimes. I grew up here, and I still learn something new every day.


It's colder than a witch's tit outside and bloody raining as well. All I can see from my window are grey skies and miserable people. It's all overwhelmingly sad. It's always sad when people have to do something they don't want to do because they haven't a choice. Money, isn't it? You're go out in the cold and the rain to a place you hate and deal with people you despise so you can bring in a few quid.

And then pay it out the nose again to bloodthirsty landowners just for a bit of shelter over your head. And looking at the cost of food, of the fact they're now selling water in bottles. Seems like a damn trick to me. The lot of it.


Ah well. I guess I can forget about complaining I want to go home: I look outside and it all feels about fucking right.

Nov. 26th, 2012



this place needs a better shooting range. the plasters all acomin off the walls something fierce.

name's jayne cobb. loudest name youll ever shout if youre lookin for a good wallow. last face youll ever see if you get too smart. you sit tight and dont make a trouble of yerself and well get on like a crazy in a bughouse.


I would have been a far more charitable murderer than the confusion which now falls upon this realm.

Fettered and gagged as I am, do you think I will loose the secrets of the Tesseract into Midgardian air? No. As your city swells and collapses beneath the weight of unknown, uncontrollable entities, may you all remember I was brought against my will. This is not the penance I wish to serve.



So, according to the people-with-guns that swear they're the good guys, the portal o' pain has dropped me off in some alternate world. And according to Guard #003 in the corner, I'm the least likely 'superhero' they expected to see this week. Thanks, buddy.

I met Audrey in the receiving area, and it looks like she experienced the same thing and we're even from two different places ourselves, so I guess they're not making it up. Still. Always something new. Any kid who grew up wanting to be a superhero doesn't know what they're asking for.

But yeah, so, introductions and such. I'm Joseph Curry. Of CD Comics, apparently. Or something like that. Or maybe better known as Aquaman. Hi.


Hi SHIELD folks! I know I'm supposed to be fictional and everything, but I have a fictional war against a fictional Protogenos to fight so anything I can do to help you get the Tesseract thing to work in reverse, just let me know, okay?

To everyone else: hi, l'm Thalia. I hear there are people here from different times and even different planets so if you need help getting around and the nice people at SHIELD are somehow not available, let me know. I think this version of New York isn't so different from mine that I'd get you lost on the subway or something.


This is brilliant, simply brilliant, I've never seen anything like it. There's a long long list of things I've never seen, but this is at the top for sure. I wish it didn't start out with guns since I gave up guns, but after that the blokes were right welcome. I've heard of Earth but I can't believe I'm here, and without the need of a spaceship too. That's one way to travel!

I heard there were people from "my world" here, though I don't think it's from the world I'm actually from. We're from something called Doctor Who, and I think that's a bit strange because that's who he is, the Doctor. Doesn't that seem obvious?

Hello, I'm Jenny!

Nov. 25th, 2012


So. This is sort of terrible.

I was starting to think my life couldn't actually get weirder, but here we are.

I'm Alaric Saltzman. You guys can just call me Ric.

Anyone else here from Mystic Falls?


Hi all. I'm the other Sam you can find at the Bar & Grill. I've been around on this Earth since late July; I've got my bearings down to a certain degree, so feel free to toss questions my way.

Skills include basketball (though pyramid = superior), projection and stroking guitar strings. Rrrr.


This feels weird but I'm giving it a try.

I'm Elena Gilbert. I've been here since September. I work at the Barnes & Noble on 5th, and I can get a reasonable employee discount. I thought maybe anyone from another world who needed some research into the modern time, I could make a list of some books? You can get most of it online, so. I thought I'd put it out there anyway. I know a few good places to hang out for anyone under 21 too.

So there we go. Hi and welcome.


Hey everyone. I've meet a bunch of you already, but for those I haven't, I'm Sam Merlotte and I'll be running the bar downstairs. New York's a far cry from the town I called home, but the folks here are good to us. Been here a while, after getting dropped in Asgard first. I'm in 702 if anyone needs me, or I'll be at the bar.

Now, some rules about the bar. In this country you've got to be 21 to drink. Under 21s can come before ten pm, since we're a restaurant too. After that, only overs. If I catch you buying drinks for someone underage, I'll kick you out and you won't be back. If you drink here and you're under 21 and I catch you, same goes. That card y'all got for your key and your money is also your ID. No ID, no drinking. I'm not ending up in jail for you.

New folks here get a free drink on the house. I'm keeping track, so don't try to trick me.

Alright. I'd love to be open full hours with a full menu right now, but for that I'll need help. If anyone's got bartending, serving or cooking experience, you can come work for me. Just stop on by and ask for me and we'll get you an interview set up.

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