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Jan. 14th, 2015


[Filtered to May, Carter (MCU), Weaver, Wise]
We have any idea what the hell that was about? I don't think I've seen New York that dark without nearly being dead.
[Filtered to SWORD]
Sitrep. Everything everyone knows about this blackout.

ETA: McCoy, Smith. I've been ordered to set up a liaison team with SHIELD medical on this. I want you two because of your history with the organization. Scully, we could use your eyes. I should be on base in about 2 hours. We'll brief then.

Summers. Take Picard, Organa, and Skywalker and see what you can find online and through media on this event.

Washburne, Mulder. When you get cleared by medical the Director wants a team leading interviews of individuals affected in the last White Event. I'll print you a list if you don't have one.

Jan. 13th, 2015


Need a sitrep on the Latverian Embassy. How's it looking in there?
Things have been awkward between us. How can we make that stop?

Dec. 31st, 2014


[Filtered to Sharon Carter (MCU)]
I was thinking of dropping by when I finish up at Fort Hamilton and going over those satellite intercepts, how late are you in tonight?

Dec. 17th, 2014


We're two weeks out from New Year's Eve now.

This year has gone by very quickly.

I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your help last week. While the outcome wasn't exactly what we intended, the most important thing is that we're all okay, and hopefully what we learned will be useful.
I should have n How are you doing?

You know, when I sat down to write this, for some reason I wasn't imaging you would all add up to that many people. It seemed like less in my head.

If you don't have any plans for Christmas, I was thinking about cooking breakfast, since that's something I'm actually good at. Sadie can vouch for that, if you don't believe me. And that'd leave the rest of the day free for you to do whatever else you have planned. Let me know.

Dec. 15th, 2014


[Filtered to MCU SHIELD agents]
We have a problem.

Well, I have a problem, but it could become a bigger one if the past is coming out of the woodwork.
[Filtered to Anne Weaver, Claire Wise]
Additionally, and I'm not entirely sure what happened here, but I'd like if you could check out Claire before she heads back to work.

Dec. 12th, 2014


Filtered to Mara Jade
My other son came through the Tesseract.


I think it might be time to read some of those books you're we're in.

Filtered to Leia Organa
I think I know a place where we can forget all of this crazy. What do you think?

Filtered to Sharon Carter (MCU) & Claire Wise
Either of you ladies got any ideas for this date that you won?

There are some days I wish I'd stuck to smuggling as a career.


Eyes on Rumlow. I'm in pursuit.
[For those involved in today's Rumlow shenanigans, you can feel free to use this post to OOC/IC what your character was doing, etc]

Dec. 10th, 2014


Filter to Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers (both MCU), Melinda May
Simmons missed her check in. She was supposed to have attempted to get into a lab and then get in contact afterwards.

Recap: they've got some strange experimentation going on that she was supposed to look into in that lab. I'm assuming that she's found something they don't want her into.

Dec. 9th, 2014


Austrian chancellor disappeared at a Latveria consulate. How does that happen without inside help? Eyes in the area?

Dec. 8th, 2014


I, Sweet Cheeks Fluffernut, do hereby request that you all reveal your elf name on this gloomy Monday, the eighth of December.

cut for image, not filtered )

Dec. 4th, 2014


To: Newt Geiszler, Felix Blake, Sharon Carter (MCU), Anne Weaver, Alex Vause, and other friends*
From: cwise@gmail.com
Subject: Happy Thursday!

you each have 1 new message )

*If you've spoken to her at least once and think she'd have a reason to have your email feel free to assume you are included.

Dec. 2nd, 2014


The U.S. Treasury estimates that the average life of a one-dollar bill in circulation is 5.9 years. Roughly six years ago, I was obliged to spend a one-dollar bill (series 1993, serial number L 67301723 C) in a vending machine outside Ashland, Maine. It was brand new when it was given to me, and, accounting for the presumably low vending machine traffic (or indeed any other kind of traffic) in and around Ashland, Maine, I suspect it's reaching its shelf life right about now.

So, here's the deal: anyone with the time and inclination for scavenger hunting who wants to track me down said one-dollar bill, I will give you a less beat-up one-dollar bill and have your name retroactively added as a co-inventor to U.S. Patent No. 5,614,39X.

Happy hunting.

Nov. 25th, 2014


Heavily Encrypted Filter to Jemma Simmons
You got this? This is the channel we'll be using for you to check in. Remember, I'm close enough that I can get in with an extraction team if you need it.

Filter to Sharon Carter (MCU)
Hey. You doing okay? Sorry I haven't I'm sorry I sort of dropped off the face of the earth.

Nov. 24th, 2014


I'm actually looking forward to eating too much. That is if I get the night off. Don't ask me to cook though.

However I'm not looking forward to the day after. Black Friday is a nightmare.

Nov. 17th, 2014


Captain America contacted me. They had a run-in with a 1950s era Stark robot in the hands of HYDRA. They traced that robot to a base in Virginia, which turned out to be an active HYDRA site where they're experimenting on human beings.

Steve's asked me if we have anyone -- a scientist preferably with a background in genetics -- we could send in to do some recon. They don't know how far this experimentation has gone, and I think it's something we need before anyone goes in there to clean the base out. Any suggestions?

Nov. 16th, 2014


Sharon Carter (616 & MCU), Howard Stark, Tony Stark (MCU), Clint Barton (MCU), Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Jessica Drew (616):
Romanoff, Barton & Drew discovered that the site in Virginia is an active HYDRA site after all, and specifically, appears to be used or scientific/medical purposes. There were test subjects present, in pain and their bodies distorted, although the cause and to what extent, we're still unsure.

After talking it over, there's really only one clear option here. I hate to hold back, knowing what we know already, knowing that waiting is going to prolong the suffering for the people in HYDRA's custody, but we know little about what HYDRA is doing here and now, and where they're doing it. We're shooting blind more often than not. We need to learn more about this base, instead of bringing it down right away. The only way we can figure out what they're up to there - and how many other locations there are that are like this, and how to best help the patients in their custody - is to infiltrate the base. And for that, we're going to need someone special. Someone with an applicable background. Biology, genetics, medicine.

Between all of us, we should be able to find someone who'll fit. Any ideas?

Nov. 14th, 2014


[Nick Fury, Natasha Romanova (both 616)]
So I sent a team out to follow up on the Virginia lead. They should be checking in with details either tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll keep you posted on the situation.
Hey. How have you been doing with everything?

Nov. 12th, 2014


[Filtered to New SHIELD]
Call me paranoid, but Latveria's never been up to any good back home, and I don't see why that'd change just because the backdrop has. Viktor Zlakob does not seem so much a stretch from Victor von Doom.

But they're here, and they'll be hell to get rid of, might as well keep an eye on them. I hear they're groundbreaking an embassy and that seems a right time to get in on the ground floor of bugging the place, I'd say. We got enough numbers and interest to maybe put together a convincing construction team?

Nov. 11th, 2014


[Filtered to Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers]
I'm uncertain how good your reception is out there, but last night at about 9:50, there was a global peak in auroral activity extending nearly to the tropics and lasting for about 30 minutes.

There didn't seem to be a concurrent peak in global radiation. And I've been on and off the phone with ESA and NOAA all morning. But it looks as though there were reads we can get on this event. I'm hesitant to call it a Green Event just yet, though that's what they seem to be calling it in Sweden.

Still, I'll send what teams I can and we should have a full report ready upon your return.

News: 1 2 3
[Filtered to Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder]
In gathering information on last night's event there are a few observatories across the globe that I think we should consult on site with. I've had a very productive conversations and made arrangements at two such sites.

Harkness, you're taking Mulder, as well as agents Ibbott and Gaido to Pingelly Heights Observatory outside of Perth. Agent Shadi Mohammed will be taking Jones, Scully, & Musarrah Mohammed to Tromsø Geophysical Observatory in Norway. I have flight arrangements, and Op details at Command. Please proceed there ASAP.

Both Pingelly and Tromsø have affiliated recording sites and should be able to begin organizing exactly what occurred last night.
[Filtered to Sharon Carter (MCU)]
How was your marathon with the Asgardians?

Nov. 10th, 2014


Who: Sharon Carter, Antoine Triplett
When: Saturday, November 8th; long after everyone left the wake
Where: The house the wake was at. AKA Steve's house now.
What: Trip comforts Sharon. Stuff happens.
Rating: PG

It had been the longest day of the longest week of the longest year for Sharon Carter. )

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