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Jun. 2nd, 2014


[Filtered to Pacific Rim people] )

May. 28th, 2014


Sherlock, you should have told me we were famous. That is the sort of thing I like to know about.


Surprise. Though I think I already ruined the surprise.

May. 26th, 2014


Moya's gone.

May. 25th, 2014


[Anyone Who Attended Last Night's Opening of the Kamchatka Peninsula]
I wanted to thank you all again for coming by the place last night. Real and honestly, I didn't expect those numbers, and it filled me with a tremendous amount of affection and pride to see you all there.

Now if anyone needs me, of course, you'll probably always know exactly where it is I'm likely to be found.

[OOC: I'm sorry I didn't get around to putting something up yesterday, I did mean to but I got really busy :( -- all refugees over the age of 21 were invited. the KP is a classy, membership required lounge and club, fully stocked for the opening with an impressive bar, and lots of delicious appetizers. There was live music, a smoking room/balcony, and at some point, Pinky would have delivered a speech about the restaurant, Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, and the beautiful girl he met there which is how the club got it's name. >.>]

May. 22nd, 2014


Apparently a bunch of you know me.

If not, hi. Dean Winchester. Currently sitting in the backseat while Grandma up there drives 65 like an invalid.

(ooc; spoilers for the season 9 finale in the post!)


I am not nearly high enough for this.

This isn't Heaven. I know Heaven. So what gives?

May. 21st, 2014


You know, they got nice doctors here. Ones who ain't lookin to be on the run and who are a far sight prettier than the doc I got on my ship. Although the one who took care of me today does know how to give Looks when you try to walk faster than she thinks is necessary.

They say I been here before, and that I got some stuff somewhere. Not that I'm complainin, this apartment they got me in is a hell of a lot larger than my room on Serenity.

They also say that this is Earth-that-was. That true?


Does anyone have a 3/16" slot head screwdriver and a pair of wire cutters?

May. 16th, 2014


Just saw Godzilla.

It wasn't that great, Pacific Rim was better. Buuuut, the main character looks like Billy. Insert wolf whistle here.

May. 8th, 2014


network post: sasha kaidanovsky

My 7" Cherno Alpha has arrived. I cannot fit inside, but I have Cherno again.

Cut, not filtered )

Delivery to Mako Mori
From Russia, with love )

Delivery to Herc Hansen
From Russia, with love )


Apparently they don't particularly like you climbing the outside of the Statue of Liberty. Who knew!


Hello, network. I'm in the need of a sciency person, particularly for chemistry. I'll buy you pizza. :D Or chili dogs.

Filter: Sharon Carter (616)
Why did you not tell me you broke up with Rhodey?

May. 7th, 2014


Hullo, I'm Remus.

I was told James, Lily, and Sirius are here?

I was also told there are a few like me here.
When is the full moon this month?

May. 4th, 2014


All this talk about peoples' shows got me curious and I looked myself up. Apparently there's another version of me. A more recent one. Though I can't seem to work out whether he actually is me or my descendent or just a version of me. His story is different though. No Keepers, no Woodsie Lord, no Viktoria, no Karras, no Hammerites, no Mechanists. Bastard doesn't even lose an eye, just gets it changed in some way.

He's still got a Basso though and could still steal all your possessions from under your nose without you knowing so I guess he's alright. Might have to get the game and see if I can figure out how to play it. Just for the fun of it.

Apr. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

That prom was like 300% more Russian than last year's, so that's прохладно. Definitely glad I wore the сарафа́н instead of a prom dress this time. Super happy that my under-18 pick for queen got it! But bummer that Cassie didn't win for her group.

[Sam & Willow; also open to Buffy, Dawn, and Wes per Sam's original request]

Hey, so. No answers yet about finding that soul. But I have something to offer up that could possibly be useful if/when someone does find it and needs to get it back to the body. It's not useful in itself, but maybe there's something to it that can be adapted or reverse spell-engineered or something to help contain and transport it, or maybe help with thinking of ways to free it if it's trapped in something. Sam already knows about this thing, and right before the last time Willow got taken back, I was going to tell her about it because boss and stuff.

My soul isn't intact. I have with me an amulet that contains three parts of my soul turned into bloodstones, with two empty spaces that would've held the rest if it'd been finished. It took very dark, demonic magic to do this, and it's irreversible, so definitely not something to try to replicate. So maybe examining the bloodstones or the amulet will give you some useful insight or inspire something.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


I have been asked a number of times whether it would be possible to build a jaeger here in this world. This world obviously has the same access to resources and people to create the infrastructure required to do so. That only leaves the subject of money. Disregarding the lack of any real need for a jaegar - other than, as one questioner put it, because it's 'cool' - I estimate, based on the cost of building Striker Eureka as well as the original initial start up costs of the Jaeger Program and taking into account the lack of urgency here that would increase certain costs but decrease others, that to build a jaeger in this world would require close to $200 billion. So the answer to the original question is yes but only if you have $200 billion to spare.

Apr. 21st, 2014


Mako did you misspell Hermann on all the court announcements?

Otherwise we are in a feud right now!

Apr. 17th, 2014


It isn't simple, I think, being a rallying point. And it's even more difficult when one is meant to symbolize that which is sacred to a nation at war for her very own identity. And in seventy years, I suppose I've found that we're still learning the lessons that my father's generation faced (and his before that, and so on). So, I find it most disingenuous if we were to simply not recognise those in our midst with shared experiences.

Not only could we perhaps be a support to one another, but also to those whose war experiences are all too fresh in their troubled minds. Therefore, I would like to hold a monthly meeting (the 21st of each month) of veterans of war at McSorley's Old Ale House. 8:00 o'clock sharp. If you've need of transportation, see me privately and we'll get it arranged.

We'll hold our first meeting on Monday, right after you've quite had your fill of Easter.

[HOWLING COMMANDOS MCU - including Peggy & Howard]
And please understand I would hope that you would all attend to not only share your experiences with those who are in varying stages of coming to grips with their war experiences, but to share insight and intelligence regarding the war to come amongst thhose of us with our loyalties aligned.

Apr. 15th, 2014


Shale of House Cadash has returned to Thedas through the tesseract.

As much as I will miss her sparkling company I am assured in the fact that she is far happier to return to life as a golem. And that this world's bird population is now far safer than when Shale was about.

[Sydney Sage]

You were still interesting in learning about your gifts, yes?


Well, I've just re-discovered Fentiman's Mandarin and Seville Orange Jigger. And it's as delicious as it was in 1957. Not that I'm about to harsh on High Fructose Corn Syrup, but my God it's nice to find something without it.

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