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Nov. 13th, 2014


network post: alison hendrix

Who else here knits or would like to learn how? I've been knitting during down time, watching the news or after a long day in the clinic. But there is no reason it has to be a solitary activity. It keeps the hands busy, but the mind is free to some extent. From baby hats to afghans and all the scarves in between, who's interested?

Filtered: Clone Club
I thought about Donnie for the first time this month. It wasn't until I had done so - Sarah, I threw out the socks I found today, they weren't worth darning, but there are two six packs of new socks for you - that I realized it. I don't miss Donnie. And the Clinic, it's what I could have done with my life if my mother had fallen into a coma.

Oct. 25th, 2014


network post: alison hendrix

Filtered: Clone Club
I've made up the third bedroom here for Kira, if she ever wants to stay the night. The room needed something done with it, and Kira's a big enough girl I didn't expect you'd move back over here, Sarah. But there are plenty of craft supplies, if she'd like to do anything. And I'd be willing to sew her a costume for Halloween. Are the two of you doing anything for Halloween? I haven't finalized any plans of yet, as going trick or treating with Kira, or going to celebrations here, whichever, with her is the best way to pass the night I can think of.
Over a year, I have been here. It's been a couple weeks since the anniversary. Everyone has them, and it did not seem like something to celebrate, as much as I do appreciate being here. It's only when you're entirely removed from something that you can think about it clearly. Then the choices you make come from that, not the stresses of whatever ails you. Life is not easier here, nor without troubles, tribulations, and tragedies. But it's a fresh start, like pilgrims coming over for a new life. And we are more than an ocean away from the old world we came from. We are free.

Oct. 16th, 2014


Who: Anne Blythe & an all call to parents of children enrolled in Daycare and after school youth center activities.
When: 16 October, shortly after the electrical storm abated
Rating: Low

Hello, this is Anne Blythe with the Potts Tower Youth Center and Daycare )

Oct. 8th, 2014


Network Post: Sarah Manning

Hey, so I got this jacket the other day after Felix and something seems really weird about it. I'd think maybe the zipper was just busted, but it's like stuff moves when it's been in the pockets or pins I've put in switch sides or turn over and I'm seeing. Or I've just gone nutters, wouldn't be surprised. Anyone know something about weird jackets?

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Filtered Post: Sarah Manning

[Filtered to any acquaintances of all sorts of Felix Dawkins]

My brother isn't answering his phone has anyone seen him where is he?

[Comments mild TW: drug rehab/use mentioned]

Sep. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Sarah Manning

So if my daughter hadn't understood that bloody ridiculous lift question, would we have got stuck on there all night?

Sorry we're running late. Fuc Stupid lift hold up. We lose the appointment or can you still see us today?

Sep. 8th, 2014


I've never been a big fan of big city life. I grew up in slightly more suburban areas that allowed for large yards. Sometimes even patches of a meadow or a small wooded area. Central Park is not quite the same. Does anyone have any suggestions for day trips out of the city?

Aug. 27th, 2014


Oof, you ever just have one of those days where it starts at its normal time, but you look up and it's nine hours later, and it feels like you just blinked? That's how busy I was today.

I'm also really bummed that Willow's gone.

Do you know anyone who is a sequencing genius? I left mine back in my home world, and I could really use the help.
How are you hanging in there?
Dinner's on me tonight. What's on the menu, chickadees?

Aug. 16th, 2014


Network Post; Felix Dawkins

You know what?
trigger warning-mentions of drug usage below )

On the plus side, I have some really crazy art ready for sale, and I think I found a space to show it. It's a little rough around the edges, but watch edgy, cool gallery isn't? I'm thinking of going full out and having a whole SHOW, so if anyone is interested in collaborating, I'm very motivated and I probably won't sleep again for another month.

Private to Clone Club

Taking a brief hiatus from partying. Big mistake. Huge. Never again.

Feel free to yell at me, can't be much worse than what I've said to myself.

Aug. 9th, 2014


Network Post: Sarah Manning

That fucking box took my twin. I can't lose her again. Why's it have to take family?

[Filtered to Alison]
I know you've got your own stuff going on, but I really need you right now. Please. How do I tell Kira?

Aug. 1st, 2014


What I need is the ability to clone myself.

You up for another spar?

I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I need your help on something.

Jul. 31st, 2014


Network Post; Felix Dawkins

I feel like strange shit happens here and we're all supposed to just pretend it's all normal. At least back home when strange shit's happened I can freak out and have some wine and acknowledge it's weird.

Or am I alone in thinking that?

Maybe I just need some...herbal refreshment.

Private to Alison

Love, I need some dancing. And maybe someone to make over. Free soon?

Private to Sarah

Are you doing well with my girl? How's Helena with her? We should have sibling time.

Jul. 26th, 2014


network post: alison hendrix

Is it safe to come out? Are the ninjas gone? Is everyone okay? I hid and I knit. I'm sorry if I got you worried.

Jul. 24th, 2014


Okay, so that didn't go so well. On the way to work this morning, some ninjas ended up running into me. I say it like that, because they actually grabbed me by the arms and lifted me in the air. They also threatened to throw my air tank

Guess what they wanted?

Jul. 19th, 2014


Guys, we just got the luckiest of lucky breaks. I got a call from SWORD saying they had something of mine.

Not only is it the discs with all of Duncan's work on it. All those missing links. I've also got the copy of The Island of Dr. Moreau. We've got a real chance here. As long as I can hold off here

Jul. 13th, 2014


Network Post: Sarah Manning

Kira is here. KIRA IS HERE.

I know I haven't been at Sam's long, but I'm gonna to need time off for awhile before I can let her out of my sight. Got memories that say I just saw her like last week, but I haven't really seen my daughter in ten months-- damn good reason for a holiday, yeah?

Anyone got a twin bed they aren't using? Probably in a few days she'll want her own again instead of sharing. And any tips on cheap girls' clothes around here? Finally get to wear the necklaces Cos got us for Christmas but she's only got the pajamas she showed up in. Anyone I like who wants to meet her can, but you won't be seeing her on the network with all the shit we post.

Party, NOW. It's still morning for her and she wants to see everyone.

Jul. 7th, 2014


Filtered Post: Sarah Manning


Uh... So did anyone else have some way intense, uh... memory dreams? I don't know how to explain. Like the stuff we watched on the telly, except living it?

Jul. 3rd, 2014


I love it when celebrations consist of beer and explosions. And I mean that with absolute sincerity. For once.

Pity it's an American holiday designed to make people like me cry over over sour (and hopefully fermenting) grapes, but beggars can't be choosers.

Tomorrow's Agenda: Beer. Boom.


Jun. 24th, 2014


I need to get my hands on those floppies and that book. It seems to be our only hope, without some kind of miracle. And the one angel who is here is completely depowered.
Sorry I've been out of touch recently. Been trying to unlock the keys to my DNA. You know how it goes when you get buried in the science.

What's on the agenda for you guys?

Jun. 17th, 2014


Filtered to OB: Sarah Manning


What the hell was that?

Cosima, Alison, you were at work, yeah?

I went out the bloody window and took the bloody fire escape down. Guess when we picked that floor we had the right idea. Felix and Helena, you better be all right. Though that one I saw Helena pounce probably isn't.

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