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Apr. 24th, 2015


-- Sort of ex girlfriend jedi lookalike.
-- The tesseract is mocking me

Apr. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Caroline Forbes & Birdie]
So I have to go do a thing. You've got this till I'm back right?

Apr. 17th, 2015


[Fangtasia staff]

Well at least it's not a slow night?

[Amazing Avengers (Bruce Banner / the Hulk (616), Amadeus Cho, Henry Jekyll, Rick Jones)]

Calling an assemble. We've got some weird thief guy who's made his way into Fangtasia.

Heads up, no violence. It's a thing. I wouldn't recommend trying.

Apr. 13th, 2015


Network Post: Oliver Queen

Well damn.

Thea's gone. I went by her place today and all her stuff is there but she's not.

Sara? Felicity? Roy? Are you still here? I hope to hell you are

I love you. I just needed to tell you that right now.

Apr. 9th, 2015


[Filtered to Secret Avengers + Kate Bishop + Sara Lance]
Hey, so Iron Man's giving out like 1000 pizzas. So wanna go get pizza?

Also Captain America's joining our team so that's cool, right?

Apr. 2nd, 2015


So when does the drinking age turn back to 21?

Mar. 25th, 2015


I think I've spent the past two weeks watching Star Trek Next Generation nearly full stop. That and pigging out on Pizza. I'm craving a salad now though. That or something else incredibly healthy. It's not like me to eat like that for so long.


[Amazing Avengers (Banner(616), Cho, Jekyll)]

With Spidey getting himself sent back that leaves us down a leader.

But his wife's old place was hit up by some anti-supers writing. Given the attack last night that ended upon the news even if it turns out to just be graffiti it's better to make sure it's not related.

Anyone else in?

Mar. 19th, 2015


network post: caroline forbes

It's terrible news that MJ has gone back, and my condolences go out to everyone who knew her. Further, Parker's has closed and many of you are out of jobs. That's the risk of a refugee owned business. But we look out for each other. If you worked at Parker's and are looking for a job, Fangtasia's got open arms. We have openings for bartenders, waitresses/waiters, hosts, etc. The only positions not open are our chefs. They've been doing well. And if you're not interested in Fangtasia, I'll help you find a job somewhere else. I am a Housing Assistant as well. So get in touch with me, and I will do what I can.

Mar. 6th, 2015


I was just about to say that it's a fucking relief to see the tower still standing but then I remembered, this place isn't my home universe, so of course it's still standing.

Filter: Clint Barton
You had flowers and candles all set up for me.

Mar. 5th, 2015


You know this snow could end at any point and I'd be okay with that.


You know you missed a pretty important meeting there.

Mar. 4th, 2015


Network Post: Caitlin Snow

If Cisco ever shows up here, he's going to be seriously bummed that he missed the tribbles.

And hello to the residents of the 25th floor. Felicity and I are now living in 2510. We'll try to keep the wild parties to a minimum.

If you believe we're having wild parties then clearly you've never met us.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


I don't think I have ever been this relieved to fall into a bed that has only been mine for two months. Not even in my days of law school.

Filter: Arrow/Flash-verse
I'm sorry. I don't know how it all happened, or why it happened, but it just did and there were things you did not need to see. Tommy was If I had it in my power, I'd wish you'd never seen it.

And before you ask, I'm not ready to talk about it. In due time, maybe but I think I just want to sleep. Thank you for everything.

Feb. 21st, 2015


WHO: Laurel Lance and Arrow/Flash-verse
WHAT: Laurel's dungeon
WHEN: Midnight and after, February 21
WHAT: Laurel's worst fears and nightmare come true! Sort of.
WARNINGS: Drug addiction, alcoholism


Hey did anyone happen to leave their statue of Doctor Doom in my living room? Because I totally found it for you.


( Arrow-Verse )
Uh, guys? Is anyone else seeing Laurel on tv right now?

Feb. 11th, 2015


So one time. When I was like eight or something, I showed up at school and I was a little late, cause I had missed the bus. Anyway, I ran. And I get to school and no one else was there, like the entire building was empty and unlocked, and no one was in the hall. And it was really weird.

It turned out that everyone was in their classrooms hiding under their desks cause there was a tornado or something happening. But like, does anyone else feel like today's kind of like that?

Cause it seems like a lot of people are missing.

Feb. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Oliver Queen

[Kurt Hummel]
So I thought you might like to know that I have made reservations at a very nice hotel that had a Valentine's package for Saturday night. I was going to surprise Chloe but I probably should let her know so she can pack. What do you think? I'm not very good at surprising people, at least not in a social way. Sneaking up on bad guys, that I can do.

Saturday night. You and me. I'm taking you away from it all. We're not leaving the city but we're not sleeping at home either.

How is it that we live in the same building and I never see you? Want to get coffee or something tomorrow after I get off work. If you're not working that is.

It's been a week and I haven't fucked up yet. I think that might be a record.

Feb. 8th, 2015


If someone is summoning man eating giants, it would be nice if you let the rest of us know.

Just in case.


So that blonde you're spending time with moved to the third floor.

You live on the third floor.


How's the job hunt going? I have some superbowl winnings I can treat you to dinner with.

Feb. 1st, 2015


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Hank McCoy
Others have been preparing for the Superbowl. It's a truly quiet almost dead time in Fangtasia. Sundays are never our busiest days on less snowy football-less weekends to begin with. As such, I've been putting thought into our wedding. I want to announce it in the New York Times, which has a remarkable number of guidelines. My hometown doesn't even exist here, but given it's fully verifiable information, I'm sure they'll accept it. There is a symmetry to having our eyebrows photographed on the same level. It's aesthetically pleasing, and it would be lovely to save many copies of that issue. I don't know whether or not we'll be able to win the Vows Column, but I have already started on the second half of it.

My mind's been swirling on the date. If it's the summer, I was thinking June or September. It's so much hotter in July and August. But five months isn't that much time to plan a wedding. But it's doable, definitely manageable. What do you think? I might accidentally plan the whole thing without realizing I haven't asked you. And it is your wedding too.
Filtered: Elena Gilbert
It's been quite the Mystic Falls/New Orleans arrival party lately. More New Orleans than Mystic Falls, but Rebekah, Kol... they're originally from Mystic Falls, so it counts. But I was wanting to speak with you about options... Sire bond dealing options. We have some more, some less, than dealing with it the first time around. And we can learn from that. So, would now be a good time to discuss that?
Filtered: Fangtasia Employees
One year anniversary coming up, February 15th. And I know it's all romance and glorious times for many couples downstairs, good times for singles upstairs on the 14th. But I want to do something special for our one year anniversary. It's a Sunday, a slowish day, but that also means we can do what we want and not drive business away if it's too crazy. So while I've had some ideas for a while, none of them seem like Just the Right Thing to Do. So I'm open to suggestions.
It's really 2015. It only ever completely settles on me that it's a new year once we reach the second month. It's not as though I've been writing the wrong year until now, but it really feels like it. I've also been doing an amazing job at staying calm. No Bridezilla moments. It's almost a miracle.

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