July 2016




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Jan. 30th, 2016


network post: charlie bradbury

[Private: Sam & Dean]




Jan. 28th, 2016


Hey. Have you got a minute?

Jan. 27th, 2016


[SPN Family]

Now that the Birthday business is over, I need to tell y'all something.

I got powers in the Macy's attack last month. I'm still me most of the time, just a superhuman at night.


Jan. 25th, 2016


It's come to my attention that individuals who were caught up in the odd event, which occurred last month at Macy's, have been developing incredible sorts of powers. Specifically, those who were temporarily trapped in that cocoon-like substance.

I was among those who were cocooned, but as of yet, I haven't developed anything out of the ordinary. I'm not quite sure if I ought to be relieved, worried, or offended.

Jan. 24th, 2016


For those who knew them, Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov were sent home again.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


Network Post: Castiel

[Sam Winchester]
I agree. You and Dean are the real heroes.

added later
I'm sorry.

Jan. 19th, 2016


I have to admit, I kinda miss the times when politics and debates and all those normal things that citizens worry about were someone else's problem. Even though I've been here just over three years and a month, I still have trouble remembering that I'm supposed to vote. And pay my taxes. Being legally dead was a whole lot easier, in some ways

2016 sure is off to an interesting start.



I just got asked out on a date by a guy in Starbucks. He was sweet, but his iphone case had a devil's trap and Impala on it... I'm trying not to be too concerned that he might be a crazy fan.

He seemed unconcerned by the Billion year age difference.

Anybody else here dated a local?

Jan. 15th, 2016


-- Sammy.
-- How are you doing with the parental situation?

-- Have you seen the Angels?
-- I've lost them.

-- Cas left his phone.

Jan. 13th, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

Okay, so I'm never, ever drinking tea, ever again.

Just so we're all clear.

Jan. 11th, 2016


Network Post: John Winchester

When I rang Mike to tell him I'd be late to work this morning I wasn't expecting to be thirty-seven years late. Or be in a completely different state.

Mary? They said you were here. Mind coming and telling me how this is possible?

Jan. 9th, 2016


I am so going to go get a gold doughnut tomorrow. Even if it is $100.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

So, I think Lilah mentioned that Wesley returned home. And just for the information of everyone on the network Widdershins is closed until we sort that out. If you have magical stuff you were getting from there let me know and we'll see what we can work out for you.

[Filter: Roy Trenneman]
Thank you for the Christmas gifts. I think
[Filter: RSTF]
So, as you all know we were kind of using Widdershins for base and I have a key and all that good stuff, but I'm going to have to sort out if running a store is a thing I can do I wish Giles were cause it's not really a thing I've ever done before. Where's Anya when you need her, huh?

So. For right now I don't have classes until they start up again in a couple of weeks so I'm going to focus on like, patrol, and figuring out how Wes left stuff.

So. I'll be at Widdershins and if you need something there you can come by.
[Filter: Oz]
So say there was a guy, and he's kinda awkward, and he kinda got you a bra for Christmas. What does that mean?
[Filter: Sam

Dec. 31st, 2015



Should we have a meeting or is there someone who wants to take over leadership?


Perhaps Wolfram and Hart's influence does reach this dimension after all.

For those who knew him, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce was sent home by the Tesseract today.


Filter: Sam Winchester
Would you happen to have an hour to spare this afternoon?

Dec. 26th, 2015


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
We'll be polite and say hormones are giving me the headache.
[Filter: Nick Fury]
attached image.
[Filter: Jasper Sitwell]
I'm looking for a place that serves a very good steak - any ideas?

SW: TFA spoilery, sort of, and probably will be in the comments if anyone still cares about those )

Dec. 25th, 2015


This Christmas has taught me a valuable parenting lesson: pay someone else to assemble the toys. And save the wine for after you finish. It's hard to put together a Lego Millennium Falcon when you've had a bit too much to drink. Please keep in mind that my child isn't even a year old , he isn't going to remember any of this, and cared far more about the boxes that contained the presents he unwrapped than the ones we put together for some inane reason.

Parenting makes you crazy. That's the moral of this story.

[Filtered to friends/family/other parents of small children that would know Noah*]
Noah's first birthday party will be Jan 2 at 2 p.m. at our apartment. Believe me when I tell you that he's gotten plenty of toys for Christmas, so you aren't obligated to bring him more. Books would be a great gift, if you just really want to buy him something. Those big ones that are meant for little hands, or the short story type. He loves for Castle and I to read to him. But you are welcome to just show up, eat some cake, and marvel at the fact this kid has somehow managed to grow so much in such a short time. I'm not sure how it happened, but it seems that it has.

[* if you want to be on the filter, you are on the filter.]


Merry Christmas, everyone.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Network Post: Castiel

[Dean and Sam Winchester]

Dean said our Christmas tree was looking bare and needed something on top. Is this appropriate?

image filtered )

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