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Jul. 9th, 2013


Filter: Steve Rogers (MCU)
I think I have this streamlined even more so now, if you know anyone who wants a better view of the buildings security (internal, obviously, SHIELD included as long as they promise not to break my setup) let me know. I have each building set on different sides of the lab. So far so good. If you need any other computer assistance, do let me know, this isn't taxing me.

Filter: Sam Winchester
Is it wrong to enjoy the work that a tragedy brings? I, of course, wish it never happened, but find myself enjoying the sensation of being busy once more.

Filter: Radical Edward
Did that set of components I sent over the other week work for you? Do you require anything else?

Filter: Xmen
What I am working on feels an awful lot like home. Sad that a tragedy had to make it as such. How is everyone? I haven't been back in Potts Towers for three days now, so what am I missing among us?

I redesigned how my lab looks. I think it is an improvement.

Jul. 7th, 2013


Filter: IT Division of Stark Tower + anyone working on security for both Towers
(If you're character works in this division or are working on the two towers right now this includes you)

All security will be tested, although no one should even notice. Please report anything you do notice so I can fix it, or get someone to do so.
 I'm currently working with JARVIS, but am making my abilities available to anyone who needs them. I have no problems multitasking on both towers, if necessary.  If anything comes that is Cyber-related, I will be on top of it in moments, but I can also work on external security - camera systems, etc, as well. If anyone needs me to keep tabs on all of it, I can do so, so everyone can focus on the physical.

I am open to suggestions. 


No time to chat. Tony and I are packing for a little trip, and we won't be saying where we're going. I'm sorry, but if you need either of us, please contact us via email. vpotts@starkindustries.com or pepper@pottstower.com. Either of those will get to us.


So much time and not enough work to do.
Are you an idiot, boss? oh sweet heavens I wonder sometimes if I pick the most insane bosses to work for.

Filter: Tony Stark (MCU)
In light of your... challenge ... is there anything I can do to assist?
I feel somewhat like I should offer, after all I was. Am. An X-man.
designing new computer systems for better security is not taking up enough of my time. I should ....

Jul. 6th, 2013


Filter: Tony Stark (MCU)

I have cut my trip abroad short upon hearing of what transpired. News comes slowly where I am and it seems my personal connection to the Network was hampered by the physical landscape of where I was. If you require anything from me, do let me know, otherwise I shall return to the Tower and keep an eye on the place.

Filter:, X-Folk, Lucy Stillman, Bennett H., Other friends etc
I have cut my trip abroad short upon hearing of what transpired. News comes slowly where I am and it seems my personal connection to the Network was hampered by the physical landscape of where I was. I am home as of an hour ago, if you require me, do let me know.

Filter: Ororo Monroe, Sam Winchester, Tali
I have cut my trip abroad short upon hearing of what transpired, I unfortunately heard about it later rather than immediately. Interesting how the landscape hampered even my network connection. I am sorely upset I cannot assist in any real fashion. I have a few things for you, if you would like to stop by and grab them at some time.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Multiple Layers of Security and Encryption
To: Ensign Chekov
From: Sage
Attachments: Files labeled Feedback, Detailed, J & Electrical Outputs

You have 1 new message )

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Filter: X-Folk, etc
I have arrived at my destination safely.

Filter: Sam Winchester
I have left the City, but will be reachable if you require me for anything.

Filter: All Friends (X-men, Lucy Stillman, Sam Winchester, Bennett, MCU Stark, etc)

One of my first sights upon arrival:

Despite the problems of the place, it is utterly gorgeous too.


[filtered to: employees of stark industries]
friends! country(wo)men! … fellow nerds.

the rumours are true: i am back in sunny california, working on my vitamin d levels. i hope to avoid getting electrocuted during this time away. i also hope that someone on the payroll comes up with a witty riposte to the funniest review of all time. here's a tidbit:
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials
[Introduction] The parachute is used in recreational, voluntary sector, and military settings to reduce the risk of orthopaedic, head, and soft tissue injury after gravitational challenge, typically in the context of jumping from an aircraft. The perception that parachutes are a successful intervention is based largely on anecdotal evidence. Observational data have shown that their use is associated with morbidity and mortality, due to both failure of the intervention and iatrogenic complications. In addition, “natural history” studies of free fall indicate that failure to take or deploy a parachute does not inevitably result in an adverse outcome. We therefore undertook a systematic review of randomised controlled trials of parachutes.
your play, guys.

stark tower is up and running again after the recent hoohah. security protocols have been upgraded, and some of chekov's ideas have been integrated to optimize the power. labs are secure. JARVIS is happily humming around. blow things up in the name of technological improvement with my blessing.

Jul. 1st, 2013


Filter: Tony Stark (MCU)
Do you require me to be in the area for the next few days?
If not, I shall be taking the time off. If you want me to stick around, I shall. The lab's secured again, at least mine is,
and my work's locked down. I am always reachable, no matter, however if you require me.

If... if you and your folk need me and my talents, do feel free to ask.
I am not used to sitting on my laurels while the world is thrown into chaos.
I am sure you know what I am capable of.

Filter: X-Folks
I will be out of the country for a few days.
not that anyone really will notice
I will be back by the 7th.

Jun. 30th, 2013


Maybe one of these nights I will leave my office and lab and come back to the apartment.

Private to Rachel Summers )

Jun. 27th, 2013


Filter: Bishop
I lied. I won't be home.

Filter: Public
Anyone want to order me a few pizzas?
All this work is making me starving.


A hard left into a Space Gate usually does not mean driving into a whole other time period. But at least my laptops survived the unplanned detour this time around. Finding replacement parts will be a challenge but I've faced worse.

Radical Edward by the way. I'm 24 and from 2080 and well being told that you're not only in a whole other time period but your past is all over the TV set in a Japanese cartoon is even stranger. So I think I'll go back to a combo of scooter repairs, laptop repair, slamming soda (love the stuff after only one can) and napping.

So pardon the mess if you're on the 25th floor? Plus can I borrow some clothes and would love to have an actual next move? Knowing me it will help.


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers


With everything going on, and the telepaths we have on hand, I think it'd be a good idea to come up with a psychic "mayday" signal. It'd be a way to call for help if the usual networks are down, flooded with traffic, or reserved for emergency services.

It'd work best if we kept everyone in light psychic contact instead of picking out the word in all the noise. Especially because in the kinds of situations going on lately, there's a LOT of that flying around.

Comments trigger-warning: (mental) assault and abuse


Filter: Tony Stark (MCU)
Just checking in.
Salvaged a lot of work last night.
Shouldn't put me too far behind.

I hate idiots.
They get in my way.
They break my toys.

Filter: BISHOP
I'll be home later. Finally.

Jun. 26th, 2013


via Sage's secondary network

Filter: Bennett & Lucy Stillman
Hey, you two alright?

Filter: Bishop
Where are you?

Filter: X-men
If anyone needs me I am sorting out the ruins of my work.
One handedly no less.


It's been awhile since I've been shot. Tickles a little.

How are you feeling?

Jun. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to X-Men, past and present]

Since Summers suggested I "familiarize yourself with the roster," that's what I'm doing. For those of you who don't know me, the name's Julio and I go by Rictor. I control seismic energy and shockwaves. I was depowered during M-Day, but it was reversed recently. Sound off, who's here? Anyone up for a drink tonight? Alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic. An attempt at not brawling would be good.

[Filtered to Jamie Madrox (616)]

Checking in, you alive, man?

Jun. 16th, 2013


Happy Father's Day, Dad. I miss you.

[Filtered to X-Men]

Brunch, anyone? I need a stack of french toast.

EDIT: I apparently suck at planning, what I meant is come over, apparently Alex is making french toast and I got ingredients and space. Bring your own silverware?

Jun. 13th, 2013


I came across this link today, and for some reason thought of this tower. Perhaps it's a little silly, but it's all in fun.

Then again, I say that and mine was Surprisingly Hairy Lion.

Jun. 5th, 2013


[Filtered to Bennett and Bucky(MCU)]

There is definitely something going on with your scans, Bucky. But it's not something that I can say I'm familiar with. It's not a block that is placed there by your own mind from what we can tell. Do you think you would be able to handle another scan?

[Filtered to Bennett and Sage]

While your scans were fascinating given how different your brain seems to work from the typical human, we were not able to completely pinpoint anything that would directly relate to sleep itself and what's causing your dreams. We have managed to acquire a portable EEG and if you are comfortable with it, perhaps a 48 hour observation period with it to help see what is going on? Of course if you are not comfortable with that we can always try to think of another approach.

[Filtered to Natasha Romanova(616)]

I realize that I've never spoken to you before, but likely you have already looked up my background just from my contacting you suddenly.

I had been planning to contact your version of Bucky Barnes. I am acquainted with this worlds version of him, prior to the events that are as it seems inescapable for him. There may be facts leading me to believe the process for whatever he becomes had already started though he does not seem to have any recollection of them.

There is no escaping what will happen to him, his future is already the past and his appearance here does nothing to change it. Without your Barnes continued presence here, you seemed like the most logical person to ask when it comes to what he does become and frankly how it was managed to at least bring him back from the orders he was being given. If you would rather I not though, I do understand.

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