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Mar. 5th, 2015


[Filtered to Sam Merlotte and Ruby Lucas]
Can one of you fill me in on this?

Feb. 28th, 2015


As much as I enjoy the times when our show isn't airing here, I have to admit that for once I'm curious to see what happens next.

[ EMMA: ]
So, I've been thinking.

How are you holding up?

Feb. 26th, 2015


March is one of my favorite months here, but not for the weather. It's all about the alcohol in March. International mead competition, NYC Whiskey Walk, NYC Craft Beer Festival. Forget St. Patrick's Day. Those are the things I'm looking forward to more. Now I've just gotta decide if I want to go to all three, or if one of them can give.

Not the competition, though. I'm bringing something to show there.

Feb. 21st, 2015


I have a feeling I can't be the only werewolf here. Adam Hauptman, Alpha of the Columbia Basin Pack back home and somewhat recent arrival.

Feb. 18th, 2015


David's gone.

To everyone who knew and loved him: I'm so sorry. There's no good way to break the news of a Tesseract departure, is there? But please know that your friendships have meant so much to him, and to me.

God, he won't even remember his own son when he's

[Filtered to students of her ESD classes (Modern Education, Modern History, and Geography of this World; also CPR/AED/First Aid)]

I'm afraid I'm going to have to take the rest of the week off. Assignments will be collected next week instead. All I ask is that you enjoy the extra free time and, if you can, use it to try something new in this world. I'd love to hear about your experience when we meet again.

[Anne Blythe]

Do you think you could hold down the Youth Center without me for a few days?

[Emma Swan]

He was so happy to have this time with you here, you know. And to see you so happy with Killian. I'm glad he got the chance to.


Filter: OUATverse
Has anyone heard from Mulan? Inara has been looking for her, and she's not answering her messages.

Filter: Sam
I finally finished my chocolate stash.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Network Post; Inara Serra

Has anyone seen Mulan? I went by, but she did not seem to be there and I have gotten no response on her phone.

[Filter: Luke Skywalker]
I have not heard from you for a few weeks, but I hope that you are well?


Well, the worst part of coming home was the snow. So much snow. I could tell that it was time to come home because I think that Mary Margaret would have flown the plane home Sunday night if she thought it would have gotten us home any faster. I have never seen a woman hug her children for so long. And then I hugged them for a slightly less time. Charleston knew how to treat us, and the weather was nice and there was no snow and there were beaches, but the best part was coming home to my kids, and sleeping in my own bed.

Emma, Killian, & Mary Margaret
Thanks for watching Neal over the weekend. It was good to have some time with just Mary Margaret, but we did miss both of you and Neal. So thanks, and you know where to find us if you ever need anything.

Filter to Elsa
Thanks for being our official backup babysitter for Neal, Elsa. Emma and Killian had him this time, but don't worry, we'll call on you eventually to watch him. You doing okay?

Feb. 13th, 2015



Who: The whole game!
When: Valentine's Day! (Pretend it's the 14th)
Where: In your pants. Wherever love is!
What: Valentine presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Feb. 5th, 2015


[Filtered to Werewolves]
I know you're out there. I smell you everyw But I can't tell if one of you is Alpha.


Filter: Ladies of OUAT (Minus Emma)
Hello! I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes or if someone already mentioned this, I'm sorry I missed it! With Emma announcing her engagement, I thought all of us could get together and do something nice for Emma. Like a special girl's night out, maybe just dinner? I know the Maid of Honor will probably want to throw something more like a bachelorette party, but maybe this is a good start? I don't know. Let me know your thoughts!

Filer: Sam
There's a girl that made a comment about someone biting her arm. I'm trying to find out more without being too nosey, but I'm overly paranoid when it comes to people biting other people.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


I know... stuff happens in New York City, but who the hell actually bites someone on the arm? It wasn't a vampire. He didn't take any bl

( Goku and Angel )
Hey, thanks for, um, helping me.


Boat or beach? Spring or summer?
Okay, can I just take a moment to flail a little? Without the guys around, because that's just weird.

I'm getting married.

To Captain Hook.

It feels weird to say. But... right. Somehow And I don't even believe this destiny crap. The only way this could be better is if Henry was here.

Jan. 31st, 2015


The Super Bowl is on tomorrow, and even though it goes against every cell in my body to allow Patriots fans into my bar, I'll have the game on and I'll make an exception this time. I'll put the Puppy Bowl on as well, in case you'd rather see that. (Here's a secret: I'd rather watch that.)

I've started a Super Bowl Drinking Game list on the board. Here are a few:
- take a drink for every Frozen reference during the national anthem
- drink every time someone mentions deflated balls
- drink every time someone mentions the 12th man
- drink each time they show Gisele Bundchen looking unhappy
- drink whenever a coach throws a temper tantrum (drink twice if it's Belichick)
- drink if there's a power outage
- drink if there's a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show'

I'd be happy to take suggestions too.

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday. You can work, or we can both take the night off. What do you say? It pays to date the boss.

Jan. 26th, 2015


I'm sure I am not the first to express my frustration with arriving in this strange place, but I was assured that the portal from Storybrooke would return us to Arendelle. It was imperative that we returned given the state my kingdom was presently in. Something must have gone wrong as I did not see Kristoff or Anna with me when I was greeted, which I'm not certain I could call that a greeting. Perhaps things would not have been left so icy if I hadn't been caught off-guard as I was.

I can only hope that Anna and Kristoff were able to make it through the portal proper and tend to Hans and his brothers. The idea of Arendelle being under Hans' watch...

Jan. 25th, 2015


Nothing quite like slipping in the bathroom because someone couldn't be bothered to clean up after himself. I whacked my knee pretty good.

You got dinner plans tomorrow night?

Jan. 18th, 2015


You know what I find strange about living here for as long as I have?

I still have yet to see a live lemur.

Jan. 16th, 2015


It's not glowing but having a near decades worth of a life dumped in your head causes a headache.

According to oghren it's never too early to start drinking. Granted I don't think that dwarf ever stops.

Jan. 14th, 2015


Filter to OUaT people
Is everyone all right? Anyone hurt? Need ice cream? I felt a need for butter pecan today.

And has anyone heard what, exactly, that black out was?

Jan. 11th, 2015


Filtered: Remus Lupin
Hi. So I know I didn't make the best impression when we first met, but I just wanted to see how you're doing. I thought about you this past full moon.

Filtered: Sam Merlotte
Hey. I know it's Sunday evening, but do you have plans?

Filtered: Emma Swan, Regina Mills & Mary Margaret
All right. So I haven't been completely honest with you ladies. Wel, okay so Emma knows a bit more, but I haven't filled you in on recent developments.

Sam and I talked things over. I'm not sure what were even labeled as right not, but we are seeing each other.

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