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Oct. 9th, 2015


[ filter, FLOORS 5 & 6 (Shale, Caridin, Solas, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Renee Montoya, Ashley Williams, Jaye Shepard, Sara Lance, Legion, Amadeus Cho, Bennett Halverson, Roy Harper, Violet Parr, Claire Bennet)]

So like, are we decorating or what?

Oct. 8th, 2015


Is it wrong of me to go to this NYCC in my costume?

Sep. 28th, 2015


I'm wondering if I can improve my threads when I go patrolling. They're pretty durable as is but there's always room for improvement, right?

Sep. 18th, 2015


In case anyone was wondering, that was me you heard yelling 'parkour' on the roof earlier. Some thing tried to interrupt me while I was running lines for the play, so I busted out some fancy moves to get away. And I threw my knife at it.

By the way, if anyone sees a creature in the building running around with a butterfly knife sticking out of its' shoulder, that's my knife and I want it back.

Please and thank you.

Sep. 13th, 2015


I just bought myself the coolest poster ever, and while under normal circumstances I try to ignore stuff related to the movies that some people recognize me from this was too awesome to pass up.

I guess it was a promotional thing from the first movie. I need to get it framed.

poster under here )

Aug. 31st, 2015


I'm starting to get excited for fall. And Halloween. Is it too early to think about Halloween costumes?

Aug. 26th, 2015


Network Post: Oliver Queen

So it looks like I'm in the play. Maybe it'll be the start of a new career for me. Except I think I just have one or two lines. Which is fine with me. Maybe I can make a career out of being an extra.

Aug. 18th, 2015


So Michael Bay wants to make an Avengers movie apparently.

Do you think it'll have more explosions than normally hanging around you guys or less? Normally I'd say more, but you guys attract a lot of them.

Aug. 10th, 2015


So I guess this means I can check off that "get amnesia then remember with a headache from hell" box on my never wanted this bucket list.

So my fellow Christmas elven archer, up for some patrolling tonight? Bit of normal or something?

Aug. 7th, 2015


Apparently I can shoot a bow and arrow? Does anyone know me?

Jul. 23rd, 2015


And they said the American auto industry is dead.

I think, it would be wise to send aid to Detroit. We have a plane, and some room.

[OOC: technically a prompt for the Outstanding & Mighty Avengers for the plane but open to others if you can find transport like here]

Jul. 20th, 2015


Anyone else feel like the news channels and sites might be blowing this whole Hulk and Iron Man thing out of proportion? I mean, yeah, there's been fighting, but there had to be a good reason for all that. Right?

Anyway, I turned off the news. I found something much cooler to watch - someone made an animated history of weapons, and it's pretty awesome. It's also short, so it's not boring.

[...] Anyone in the Tower wanna spar or something?

(eta)[Sharon Carter & Steve Rogers/visible to Bucky Barnes (all 616)]
Hey, so yesterday when I was texting with Bucky, he said I could come by and take one of his guns, so long as it wasn't the one under his bed or in the safe. Since this robot issue doesn't seem to be letting up, is me doing that going to be a problem? I'll clean it and everything before I return it. I only need it until I can get my own, once my license comes in.


I gotta say -- I've had my fill of shiny, mystical objects. You'd think one was more than enough for a lifetime, right? It's almost as if the flashing blue light wanted to activate the project I was working on. [...] And if it did, then I know where the next shot from my weapon is going to go.

Now, down to business. Quill, those stiffs in the uniforms said you were here, and this better not be one of your damn 12% plans.


Robots are new for me.

Jul. 15th, 2015


East coast. So retro.

Hi everyone! I'm Megan! xgogopixiex on Kik, ooVoo, and Snapchat!

Jun. 30th, 2015


Anyone up to doing anything this weekend?


Suddenly I feel like I should be a kid again at a fast food play area with this ball pit thing.

Jun. 29th, 2015


Sometimes I feel like given all the archers here there should be some kind of archery contest.

Jun. 20th, 2015


[Avengers - All Available (So, those in NYC)]

Got reports coming in that the city is lit up tonight, we got fires at:

8th & 40th (Young Avengers & Kamala Khan, Roy Harper) ,
8th & 46th (Ben Reilly, Ultimate Spider-Man Crew & Sam Wilson, Mindy McCready) ,
9th & 53rd (Team Iron & Maria Hill (MCU) )
and 10th & 48th (Young Allies, Mayday Parker & Next Avengers)

-- I know we're also short-staffed at the moment, so let's check in here, and make sure we got it all covered. We might need to break up and mix around some of the teams, depending on who is in town.

And stay safe out there.

(OOC: Feel free to pick a location. If you're a team leader and wanna tell Sam where you're headed, that's awesome :D Also: Any non-Avengers who are invited in have access to the comms)

May. 31st, 2015


So...kind of random but, anyone interested in parkour?

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