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Dec. 12th, 2015


Okay secret santa, not to label myself or anything, but I'm just going to suggest thinkgeek.com.

You're not a puppet, are you? Because as funny as that would be, I'm not sure I could take you at all seriously.

Dec. 10th, 2015


For the person that has me as a secret santa, I'm easy when it comes to gifts. Since I haven't been here for very long, the safe way is probably a gift card.

I'm still sorting through what I already have here and what I might need. Christmas tunes makes the work a lot more fun, and movies on the telly.

What do you think about inviting Ianto and Jack for dinner one night?

Also, did I mention this world has a lot of fans of the show? Because I found this. I couldn't help myself, I bought it. Found the best place in the city that sells excellent chips too. They even greeted me by name and said they had missed me.

That was my afternoon. How's yours?

Dec. 9th, 2015


So I remember that Naughty/Nice list-checker from last year. I never fair very well, which is fine because I don't need Santa and can afford my own presents. But that said -- let's get to what's really important shall we? What's your Christmas Stripper name? Buzzfeed will tell you

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I think this year, I am going to plan the Stark/Avengers Christmas party. I've got like what [...] a week? That's plenty of time to throw something together, right? I've seen you do more with less.

[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
I bought these weird Orangina candies that look like adorable Erlenmeyer flasks. Which was maybe why I bought them. But they're weird and delicious. Do you want some?

Dec. 6th, 2015


Child terrified of Santa? Check.

I have a lovely pair of claw marks on my neck from Noah's efforts to climb me in order to put a little more distance between himself and the guy in the red suit.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


It is that time of year again. Another year has passed since I arrived to this alternate New York three years ago. From the beginning, I thought this place was the coolest. Superheroes are real and I met my doppelganger several times. I still do, but it would be far better if I had gotten superpowers when it seems like everyone else did. I must admit, that it was a little lonely in the beginning, being the only one from my world. Today, I am fortunate that my lovely partner and wife, Kate arrived and has thankfully not disappeared as my daughter has a few times, and that we have an adorable son. As evidence on the show, our lives here are vastly different from our television counterparts and I am rather a fan of my life here. I hope to be lucky enough to stay here for a good long while.


Uh. Hello.

Not quite where I expected to end the day.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Hello again, New York! What's the haps! Got the slang right this time, didn't I? Fairly certain that's presently a common way to say 'how do you do.'

I've done some digging. Don't suppose my TARDIS lingered behind when I disappeared the last time I was here, did it? No good fairy keeping it under lock and key? Only wondering. Desperately.

Anyway! I noticed I made friends. Many friends, in fact. Not surprising, I'm brilliant fun at parties. So, speak to me! Tell me about yourselves. I'm stuck in this gingerbread house same as you, I can give in a tiny bit. Again.

Nov. 29th, 2015


One to the next adventure, am I right?

Though the timing isn't ideal, and I need to find my friend. He's called the Doctor. If I'm finding myself in another alien mess, I'm certain he's the one that will sort it all out.

Oh, right. My name's Rose, hello New York!

May. 10th, 2015


To everyone who knew him, Ianto is gone.

[Whoverse/The Hub/Torchwood]
The tesseract took him back to die

Rose, Donna, look after The Hub, will you? I... need some time.


May. 3rd, 2015


Right. I'm perfectly calm, not even a little bit angry, and there's no need to threaten to use a taser on me again. You lot have been saying this isn't a trap and now's your chance to prove it. So, now I just want to know one thing: I'm looking for a big blue police box, so if you've seen it, let me know.

Apr. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Whoverse and Torchwood (minus Ianto) & Hawke]
So... these cufflinks, these ones or these ones for Ianto's wedding anniversary present. Or should I just say what the hell and get all three?


Apr. 21st, 2015


I need to start making an event calendar for everything that goes on in the city during the spring and summer. It's hard to keep track.

Filter: Doctor (10)
I thought more about what we talked about, and your right. Last year was brilliant, and there's no reason why this year shouldn't be. Thought maybe we could invite everyone over for dinner Monday night. What do you think?

Filter: Donna Noble
Are you free for lunch anytime this week?

Filter: Kate Castle
How's my favourite Castle family?

Apr. 18th, 2015


who ten & rose!
what a failed night of werewolf hunting
when friday night
where around the city!
warnings nada!

... )

Apr. 17th, 2015


Well there certainly have been quite a lot of speeches and grandstanding, hasn't there? As for me, you won't see me campaigning - in fact, I can honestly say that I don't really care who you vote for so long as you place a vote for the individual you feel would be best suited to the office, and not let any decide for you.

Now if anyone needs me, I'll be down in the Hub brewing up a fresh batch of teas and coffees for the afternoon.

Inara, do you want to join me?

Apr. 14th, 2015


[Whoverse / Torchwood / Hub Employees]
So it seems there's a werewolf situation. Those of you who have read Harry Potter might be familiar with Fenrir Greyback. Well, it seems he's here. And with all the recent departures, RSTF is short handed. We'll be stepping up patrols and any information you can find will be helpful - stuff from the books or information about attacks here in the city or any leads. Doctor, I'm asking you to help on this one too. He's not someone we want lose in this city.

[Tony (AA)]
I may have a job for you.

Apr. 11th, 2015


I have really enjoyed the weather so far this weekend. It's been gorgeous!

Filter: Whoverse
I've just realized that I've been here for a year now, and I still have yet to go see a musical. They're still showing The Lion King, what do you all think?

Apr. 3rd, 2015


[Torchwood Employees + Whoverse]
There's another full moon this Saturday and I'll be patrolling with the RSTF as usual. They're always looking for extra hands especially with the recent attacks. Have we found any information on them that we can share? I think it's best we pool our resources on this one with them and give them whatever assistance we can.

So, any thoughts on anniversary plans / presents. Traditionally, the second anniversary is cotton, with the modern interpretation being china, but unless you want a new set of egyptian cotton sheet I felt we could go off book. Maybe a weekend away somewhere? I know how you enjoy being near the water...

Apr. 1st, 2015


Happy Birthday, Castle. You are the best partner in crime that I could have asked for; even when you insist on singing One Direction in the shower.

Mar. 27th, 2015


Never did get around to extending my gratitude to the human race for being brilliant. (You're all amazing!) Anyway, long overdue. Been piddling about the TARDIS, not sulking at all to her and all else about how stubborn she is in this universe. I don't sulk. Ahem. And now I find my -- and some of my friends have swapped bodies! Good fun! Annoying, no doubt, but fun if you can find a sliver of humour in the ordeal. Tread carefully! Though that ought to go without saying.

It is one thing to have a second consciousness jammed into your mind that suppresses your own, and another matter entirely to wake up in command of a body not your own. I'm sorry, so sorry for anyone who's struggling with this. I imagine it will resolve itself, as in most debacles here, but I'll see what I can determine to try and help reverse the situation sooner than later in the meanwhile.

Mar. 26th, 2015


Uh, Doctor?

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