July 2016




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Jan. 30th, 2016


So, we couldn't get Hamilton, which is a bummer, but I didn't think it would happen, anyway.

Instead, the ESD will be putting on Little Shop of Horrors! Keep an eye out for the audition announcement, next month.

We're going to be doing something a little bit different in this production. Instead of having Audry II be a puppet with a voice actor off-stage, the plant is going to open up, and out will step Audry II as an actress in a seductress role to sing and interact with Seymour, wearing a plant-inspired outfit.

Jan. 29th, 2016


Apparently having a baby just means I post marginally more about the baby instead of cats and dogs.

So there are a bunch of people with little kids around the tower now. I was wondering if anyone would maybe be interested in a playgroup type thing outside of you know the Youth Center stuff. Could be cool? Or at least a version of cool. We could be like a gang. Only instead of violence and cool jackets it's nursery rhymes and diaper bags.

Also. Anyone interested in being a nanny?

Jan. 28th, 2016


[Victims of the Macy's attack]

My name is Dr. Anne Weaver. I'm head of the scientific division of SHIELD.

We have been researching the incident in an attempt to better explain what has happened to you. Currently I am offering for your use our medical facilities in order to help with any side effects that may have resulted from exposure.

Our interest is only in your health and your privacy. We are aware that there are individuals who have had atypical power manifestations in the weeks since this incident. Should you not feel comfortable revealing this, it is unnecessary as we simply want to make sure that there is nothing more severe going on with your health.


In the past few weeks we have had several deaths among people who had been caught in the Macy's attack. So far my scientists have not been able to find a direct cause and it will need more research. Given that we haven't been called for observation in these incidents until it is too late, there's only so much that we've been able to do. However I would ask SHIELD to remain on alert towards the individuals we know were caught in the incident.

If any agent has concerns about an individual, please contact myself or White Team.

[Felix and Sam]

I'm afraid that I'll be spending the next few evenings at least at the office.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I always thought I had a good memory, paying close attention to detail and the ability to recall random facts at will. However, something must have happened because now I'm very certain that I possess a super brain! I've recited the new Star Wars movie word for word for Kate and Noah. I can only imagine how this will impact my future books! Gone are the days of checking continuity, every detail is already there and waiting to be accessed.


I've found the seventh circle of hell: Trader Joe's the day before a blizzard. I stopped by to pick up two things and have broken up no fewer than three fights over, of all things, tortilla chips, boxes of instant mac and cheese, and $4.49 bottles of wine.

If I could arrest the entire store for being a public nuisance, I would.

Dec. 31st, 2015


Wow. This year has gone by incredibly fast. Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow, Kate and I will have a year old son. Even though I already raised a daughter to adulthood (that made me feel far older than I am), Noah has been a new and fun experience. He is a great baby and I hope that continues this next year.

Dec. 15th, 2015


The wait for new Star Wars is nearly over. And then it will just start all over again to count down the next Star Trek movie.


So Noah's party. Just us? Invite some friends? Other babies/toddlers?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


It is that time of year again. Another year has passed since I arrived to this alternate New York three years ago. From the beginning, I thought this place was the coolest. Superheroes are real and I met my doppelganger several times. I still do, but it would be far better if I had gotten superpowers when it seems like everyone else did. I must admit, that it was a little lonely in the beginning, being the only one from my world. Today, I am fortunate that my lovely partner and wife, Kate arrived and has thankfully not disappeared as my daughter has a few times, and that we have an adorable son. As evidence on the show, our lives here are vastly different from our television counterparts and I am rather a fan of my life here. I hope to be lucky enough to stay here for a good long while.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

Scully's gone.

I don't know what I'm

Fuck it.


Hello again, New York! What's the haps! Got the slang right this time, didn't I? Fairly certain that's presently a common way to say 'how do you do.'

I've done some digging. Don't suppose my TARDIS lingered behind when I disappeared the last time I was here, did it? No good fairy keeping it under lock and key? Only wondering. Desperately.

Anyway! I noticed I made friends. Many friends, in fact. Not surprising, I'm brilliant fun at parties. So, speak to me! Tell me about yourselves. I'm stuck in this gingerbread house same as you, I can give in a tiny bit. Again.

Nov. 30th, 2015


Robin and I have kept all photo's -- and there have been many taken -- of our daughters between us and those blessed to be considered our close friends. Now that they are almost three months and that Christmas is approaching I've decided to share one of my favorites with you.

cut for image, not filtered )


This month and this year have flown by. Tomorrow, Noah is going to be 11 months, which means that in a month he's going to be 1! Where has the time gone? Before I know it, he'll be the same age as Alexis, the age she should be now.

Nov. 29th, 2015


One to the next adventure, am I right?

Though the timing isn't ideal, and I need to find my friend. He's called the Doctor. If I'm finding myself in another alien mess, I'm certain he's the one that will sort it all out.

Oh, right. My name's Rose, hello New York!

Nov. 24th, 2015


[Old Guard: Richard Castle, Bennett Halverson, Sherlock Holmes, Gaige, Mara Jade, Regina Mills, Renee Montoya, Fox Mulder, Ororo Munroe, Severus Snape, Howard Stark, Lucy Stillman, Usagi Tsukino, Ashley Williams, Sam Winchester]
So I know today's my three year anniversary. And we all came about the same time. I don't know, I thought maybe we should do something.

But not tonight, and I guess maybe not this week with Thanksgiving and things.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


It's this time of year where I'm pretty sure I'm actually married to Buddy, the Elf. We aren't even to Thanksgiving and Castle wants to go pick out a Christmas tree and start decorating.

[Filtered to friends]
If any of you don't have plans for Thursday, you are welcome to come to our apartment. We'll have the turkey, stuffing, wine and pumpkin pie. Bring whatever else you want to see on the table, or just bring yourself. Both are acceptable.

Nov. 2nd, 2015


New Star Trek series announced today! Time to take to the forums and find every little tidbit of a rumor I can find, as well as introducing Noah to one of my favorite sci-fi shows before then. Too bad this wasn't announced prior to Halloween because Star Trek costumes were not on my radar. Next year!

Nov. 1st, 2015


Two years married. Eight years as partners. Wouldn't change a second of it, Castle.

Oct. 21st, 2015


It's Future Day! I plan on watching all the movies today. Would anyone like to join me in the Back to the Future marathon?

Oct. 10th, 2015


Hey, Castle I'm really sorry I punched you in the arm and woke the baby when I yelled at the television.

The Mets are just really important right now. And that call was crap.

Oct. 1st, 2015


[Floors 7&8: Cullen Rutherford, Evelyn Trevelyan, Simon Grantaire, Denis Enjolras, Sadie Doyle, Severus Snape, Cassie Sandsmark, Saul Goodman, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Alex Vause, Chell, Axton, Kate Beckett, Piper Chapman, Kenny McCormick, Lara Croft]

My favorite holiday, Halloween, is coming up and there is going to be a hall decorating contest. We'll be competing with the other floors in the tower for the best decorated hall for Halloween. I already have some ideas floating around in my head, but I would love to hear yours! We are going to have the best decorated halls in the whole tower!

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