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Dec. 9th, 2015


I thought pine scented candles would be a good idea but I think I'm going to throw up.

[hunger games people]

If any of you get a real tree, take me with you.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Having been unable to entirely avoid the advertisements and marketing for the new 'Star Wars' film over the last few months, I realise that I'm very conflicted about it. Being told when I arrived through the Tesseract that I was little more than a fictional character in their eyes made me angry, especially because I felt like everything but that, yet I accepted eventually that it was purely a viewpoint of this planet after discovering how many other so-called fictional people had come from other universes and were still here. Surely they couldn't be 100% right in their viewpoints, since we are all here.

Try as I might, however, I'm unable to accept this new film. It might be for multiple reasons that I can't quite explain even to myself right now, but the one that's crystal clear is that I feel as if they are wiping the very existence of countless individuals away from their minds, purely because it suits them to start again instead of attempting to continue with what has been conceived already. It feels like an insult to those of us who have existed this long, who have lived through those events that they've so carelessly brushed away.

On a lighter note, how do you feel about participating in this 'Christmas' holiday that everybody's talking about?


[Cut for image, not filtered.] )

Now all we need are some Tusken raiders running around and it'll be a real party.

    I know I'm not fun at Jedi parties, but I stumbled across this Force for Change. Thought it was worth a look at.

Nov. 27th, 2015


Singing and dancing were activities that I had never experienced until recently, unless duelling with a lightsaber could count as dancing, and I don't think that singing is something I'm any good at. I also learned that it's very frustrating to want to get up and dance when I'm supposed to be taking it easy for a little while. Thankfully, I don't believe that I irritated my room-mates (I hope) to the point that they wanted to knock me out with a heavy object.

Thanks for keeping me relatively inactive. Sorry if I drove you mad.

May I have a moment of your time, sir?

Nov. 23rd, 2015


Fun fact; do not attempt dance routines or nonsensical songs while healing. It doesn't help. Needed a few stitches again.

Thinking about a trip. Something with nature. Do the proper Jedi thing, sit and meditate a little. Figure things out.

Oct. 24th, 2015


No one told me Halloween was about dressing up. I've already selected my costume.

    Let's go steal a plane.

    By which I mean legally acquire, of course.

Oct. 19th, 2015


It's oddly freeing to not be considered canon anymore. That's strange, right? There's so much Star Wars stuff going on right now I'm starting to think of myself as a character more and more. But I was named the most popular Halloween costume in North Carolina, so I've got that going for me.


I am on a hunt for a Halloween Costume.

Though it's really weird looking online, and one of the first costumes you see is one of your own. Mine is a lot better, but it's still weird.

And sexy Gnome? Really?

Oct. 18th, 2015


Bao needed a vet check up, or at least they told me to do it often and it's not like it could hurt, and I feel oddly like it's cheating to use the force to calm him down. Not like there was much in the rules or the Code about it though, but it's mark for how calm it is.

Bit of tempting fate there. Suppose this is where one asks, what is new with people?

Oct. 10th, 2015


The next time I decide that I should be out going and accept a request of my aid and services for the good of the public, for the love of all that's good in the Force please stop me.

Oct. 9th, 2015


[Posted Earlier]

I have my ticket for Shakespeare's Star Wars Opening. Is anyone else going, tonight?

Sep. 27th, 2015


Apparently there's a coffee festival.

Granted maybe I've gotten a little too attached to it here, but I could think of worse reasons for a festival.

Sep. 25th, 2015


[Star Wars Ppl]
I know it's impossible to really make preparations were something like what happened last weekend to happen again, but we must be able to think of something. I feel like it is our responsibility, if nothing else, to try to do something.
[Han Solo]
Were you caught up in that mess last weekend at all, Solo?

Sep. 23rd, 2015


No one died, right?

Sep. 21st, 2015


That was, well, that was.

Sep. 19th, 2015


    For the record, this is not my fault. I've got two lightsabers. It'd be better if there were four lightsabers and at least one blaster, so I say we team up and do what we can to help out.

    You still have an axe? Are you even here?

Sep. 5th, 2015


I am both in love with and terrified of the internet.

Aug. 18th, 2015


New York city has apparently now entered an official heat wave. So stay hydrated and stay out of the sun - and I promise not to remind you that you don't know heat until you've spend a summer on Tatooine.

[Ahsoka Tano]
Do you have plans for this afternoon? Or any afternoon in the immediate future. I have an idea. I certainly don't


[Satine Kryze]
You've seemed distracted, lately.

Aug. 10th, 2015


Well. Now I know to make a 'things you need to know' list in case of future occurrences.

Aug. 7th, 2015


Well, at least I'm not alone in all this weirdness. Most of my things are upside down though. That was less fun.

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