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Aug. 12th, 2014


Alright, so this September, I'm stepping it up on the school end of business, and I'll be teaching: Comparative Literature, English Lit, Russian and First Aid and Battlefield Medicine. I'll also be taking over as an academic adviser for Kitty, so I'm looking forward to it, anyway. And I hope you kids are too.

Anyone else though, if you're interested in auditing classes, you maybe should talk to me. It'd be good.

[Sadie Kane, Torunn, Primrose Everdeen, Lydia Martin, Cassie Lang, Kamala Khan]
So you're the group of kids I got to advise this coming school year. Some of you were with Kitty before, and she was a good friend of mine, and I'm sorry she's gone. If any of you are upset about that, you can come see me and I'll try to help, best I can.

If you've got questions about what you want to do or the classes you want to take, I can help with that too. I used to run a school, more or less, back home, so maybe I don't look it but I promise I do know what I'm doing.
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Now, I know you're 18, and you don't gotta take any classes, but you know you still can, right?
[ETA: Thor (MCU)]
Hey, Thunderpants, you busy?

Aug. 11th, 2014


cut for image )

I found someone's kitty. But has anyone seen Johanna?

[Filtered to Victoria Hand]
I think my friend left. You don't have a way of finding her, do you?

Aug. 2nd, 2014


Jonesy, you little shithead

If anyone happens to find an orange tabby cat hiding somewhere in the building, could you please let me know? He has a habit of hiding in small crevices and getting into rooms he really couldn't. I don't think he's used to all this space or sunlight for that. He may or may not come when you call him. His name is Jones, or Jonesy.

Jun. 24th, 2014


Does anyone have tips for the final exams here?

Other than using a pen I guess.

May. 23rd, 2014


-- Are you okay?
-- Do you need me to come over?


-- Where are you taking Prim?

May. 8th, 2014


[Filtered to Hunger Games people (minus Katniss) + friends + friends of Katniss]
So today's Katniss' birthday!

And I was thinking we should celebrate it!

I found a place that makes cakes like Peeta does near the zoo, but if everyone else brings something too we'll have lots of food! Can everyone do dinner tonight?

May. 7th, 2014


Last week I was feeling really dark, so I apologize if I gave anybody mean looks. But I think that I'm better now. Well, as better as a broken mirror taped can be. I started playing video games. I'm actually not terrible at Call of Duty. Leveled up like forty times, which isn't saying much because you got double the points this past weekend. I'm rambling now, though.

If anyone wants to hang out, let me know. I'm tired of spending so much time by myself because I'm terrible company when I don't feel good.

Apr. 21st, 2014


cut for image )

Katniss! Gale! Look! My egg hatched too! Miss Jane! Can he play with Eystein?

Although I'm still a little confused how a goat hatched from an egg.

Apr. 14th, 2014


I was looking for classes to sign up for and I saw that there's a cooking class but it's mainly for eating to stay alive and not baking, which I'd prefer because it's a lot more fun. Would anyone be interested in a club for it or something? We had a club after school at my old home and it was the best way to end a Friday. Maybe we could set one up here?

I know you'll probably say no cuz it's really lame, but do you wanna be my prom date? I totally understand if you don't wanna go! Just figured I'd ask :)

I sucked at Catan, but I found a game to kick your butt in. Ever heard of Stratego?

Apr. 13th, 2014


...bah. This prom thing seems stupid anyway.


Fine, take her. Not like she was mine to begin with.

This Tesseract bullshit is

Well, it's bullshit.

trigger warning for forced prostitution in filtered johanna/katniss comments.

Apr. 10th, 2014


Cut for journal entry )

How do you handle being homesick when you never truly want to go back home?

Mar. 20th, 2014



I'm still alive. Just thought I'd let you know.

Can you all say the same?

Mar. 19th, 2014


Are you quite finished yet? I could really use you back here immediately.
You forgot a hard drive.
How is your internship at the zoo doing?


Why is the youth center having a War tonight? Is it something we'll be scored on?

Mar. 8th, 2014


-- Was that a mutt? That huge green thing?

-- You didn't get caught up in that weird mutt shit earlier, did you?
-- Also, I met your friend Xander.

-- Do you want to help me pick out some seeds?

Mar. 6th, 2014


So... you're tellin' me that I get sucked into some flarkin' cosmic vortex, and thrown into another world... and of all the d'ast worlds in the galaxy, I get stranded on EARTH.

Flark my life.

Feb. 11th, 2014


[Hunger Games folks + Clara Oswald]
You read it. We're not staying.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


So now that I'm not being held by peace keepers or whatever they were, what the hell happened? And where is here?


Has anyone seen Katniss? She's not in the quarters and we were supposed to go to the market.

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