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May. 8th, 2015


Usually when I get sent to a weird new planet, it's because of a mission, but I must have missed the briefing from the Jedi Council for this one. Also, the transportation method? Not a big fan. Can we stick to ships next time?

They said there were others from my galaxy here. I can tell there are a few Jedi around, like my dad (hi, Dad! Seriously, ships next time?), and... that can't be right I must be going barvy or ...others.

My name's Ben Skywalker, and I'm still not convinced this isn't some elaborate trick.

May. 2nd, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Filtered to: Charlie Group
I've come in just at the end of this school year, but I would like to speak with all of you about finishing up this year's classes and your plans for the summer and next fall. Flash and Ava, you are both 18 and thus not required to take courses after this year once you pass your exams. Lets discuss what plans you have for the coming year and what I can do to assist you. Danny and Luke, you each have at least one more year. I've reviewed your records. What courses are you interested in finishing up your time here with? We can discuss it in the context of your educational and professional goals. Draco, you are new here. In your culture, you come of age at 17, but here you'll have to wait another year before that time. I'd like to meet with you since your educational background differs greatly from what's offered here. You are all welcome to contact me at any time.
I'll be at Sam's today during lunch and into the afternoon for anyone who wishes to join me, and you can always count on finding me there every week.

Apr. 26th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Thank you, to everyone at Potts Tower, especially to those who also ran in this election. It takes concern about others to run for office, and it's made Potts Tower a better place. If you voted, thank you very much. If you did not, I ask that you consider doing so in the future. I welcome you all to reach out to me at any time on issues concerning us. If you would like my phone number, you may have it, and I will come to your assistance if it is needed. We have more control over our own lives. I am honored to serve you and commit myself to it.

Filtered: Laura Roslin, Erik Lensherr, Loki
It was an honor to run in this race with you. Our debate was a spirited and refreshing place to hear all kinds of voices. I'd love to hear further input on what you believe our most important issues are. Don't be strangers.
Filtered: Jaina Solo, Inara Serra, Jamie Moriarty, Violet Parr
Good evening, ladies. Tonight I'd like us to get to know each other and to brainstorm what issues we'd like to tackle, both in the short term and over the long term.

Any questions you have for me, ask away. Anything you'd like me to know about you, I'll hear from you. I won't look into your source material unless you want me to.
Filtered: Anakin Solo
How are you doing? I'm proud of you for running in this election. And perhaps you'll even run for my seat next time.


So, back when people first started arriving, there was a group that looked at trends in arrivals and departure. Just basic presence/absence calls because a lot of people here got really aggressive at attempts at asking basic questions because a lot of you guys are, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but paranoid as hell.

I abandoned the project two years ago to work on my personal work and because we reached statistical power with 400 arrivals and some 95 departures or so. But there was a database that checked network visibility that was passed it to a couple people who have since come and gone. (I got to be friends with Kathryn Janeway, it was really cool!)

Anyway, so this month's seen a lot of comings and goings, in some cases of people who have been here forever it seemed, so I kind of got in mind to just go take a peek. Curiosity's sake, right?

cut for numbers and graphs )

Apr. 20th, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

Less for me than for some of the new arrivals - if there was one pop culture thing you think everyone should know, or be familiar with -- what is it?

Feel free to say The X-Files, but I'll remind you that the universe does not center around me and ask you to say something else.

Apr. 19th, 2015


Who: Deadpool + Potts' Tower Community Association Presidential Candidates + YOU
When: 8 pm April 19th
Where: Edible Complex, First Floor, Potts Tower
What: A presidential debate and chance for campaign Q&A
Rating: probably fine
Status: IC/OOC

Now how many ponies -are- you promising us? )

Apr. 16th, 2015


There have been so many speeches in the last few days. I have to say it is admirable to see residents taking such an interest in the tower itself. I look forward to seeing a lively debate.

[Sharon Carter]

I know I haven't been the most welcoming since my arrival.

Would you like to have lunch?


Network Post: Jaina Solo

My brother, Jacen....he's gone.

It was just for a second but he let me in...I felt him go. I can't describe what that was like but at least I kind of got to say goodbye. I just wish.....I wish I didn't know what he's going back to.

And it's my fault.

Apr. 15th, 2015


Friends, mutant brothers, and those who have been powered by the white event:

Our moment in history has arrived.

We all have felt the sting of human hatred, seen the fear and disgust behind their eyes, hidden like beaten animals longing for the light. We have lived too long in the shadow of humanity, consumed by darkness and fear. No more! This world is our world. I am tired of seeing things as they are and asking why. I am tired of dreaming of things that never were, and asking why not. We have the power to make our dreams reality, and we shall do it together!

Homo Sapiens, listen carefully: your time as this world's dominant species is limited. Let this election mark the end of the reign of human terror as the people rise up as one to reclaim our power!

The defeat of my fellow nominees will serve as a warning to any others who refuse to recognize their new position in the coming global order. Fall in line and your vote will be counted. Oppose us, and your destruction will be swift.

Vote for Magneto for Potts Tower president.

Apr. 13th, 2015


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

I've told Padmé about the circumstances of the fall of the Republic, for those who wanted to know where that subject stands. It's a particularly uncomfortable one to be unclear about.


network post: padmé amidala

Filtered: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano
I need to understand how he falls, why he falls, so that I can help him. I do not want that to happen here. We have good lives here, but all these departures demonstrate that my own is possible. That much is beyond my control. But I would not have the same thing happen to him here as does in our galaxy. I need your help to do that.
Filtered: Sam Winchester
Looking at our conversation, I feel a fool. All this time I spent learning about this world, rather than looking closely at my future. Children, grandchildren... yes there is war in their lifetimes, but they have strong families, love, and the pursuit of their own paths. Despite the many attempts on my life, I assumed I was a part of it. I'm as much a stranger to them as I am to you. But I don't want to bring that sadness to them, to my relationships with them.

Apr. 12th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Potts Tower becomes a democracy this month, electing its own representatives to handle the issues that matter to residents and coordinate with those providing business and services in the tower. If you are of mind to, I hope you will run for office by announcing it here. And I hope each of you will participate in the election by voting and coming to meetings as an active part of democracy.

My interest in running is to help you and to find solutions you support. Whatever issues you find most pressing, most important, and a part of everyday life in this tower, the little things that arise in a home, please let me know. If you have solutions that haven't been considered or acted upon, lets discuss them. Much has happened here in the past two and a half years. There have been attacks, protestors, magical mishaps, people disappearing, strangers as roommates, thousands of friendships. What should we do about the difficulties? What lessons can we take from the wonderful things that have happened? What I believe is that it should be our decision together.

And I'm happy to answer any questions.


Log: Anakin & Padmé

Who: Anakin Skywalker & Padmé Amidala
When: Sunday, April 12, 2015, lateish at night (?)
Where: Their apartment
What: Ani sucks it up and initiates a necessary Real Talk with his newly arrived wife. The truth stinks and he hates it, boo Palpatine.
Rating: Talk of mass sentient extermination, as is the case with all Vaderkin Future Real Talks, but generally lowish

Like a man padding barefoot amidst the clouds, Anakin had stepped light and lively through the days following Padmé’s arrival through the mysterious Tesseract. )


[Skywalker-Solo clan plus Obi-Wan]

So I may have nominated Padme for president of the tower. And it looks like Jaina and Anakin want to join her in civil service.

Should we make flyers? Someone mentioned flyers.

Apr. 11th, 2015


Alright everybody. Announcement time.

The guys at the Charity (are sick of us) think, in the spirit of democracy and shit like that, that Potts Tower should establish its own tenant's board to make a lot of the day to day calls for the tower, interface with the PTYC and Housing Advisors, and organize events here.

So we'll take nominations and volunteers until the 19th. Elections will be on the 26th for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. And it's open to residents over 18 who want to run. ETA: Also we'll take a youth representative until Legal says we can't.

So let the games begin.
Presidential Candidates: Padme Amidala, Erik Lehnsherr, Laura Roslin, Loki
Vice Presidential Candidates: Jaina Solo, Verity Willis
Secretarial Candidates: Donna Noble, Inara Serra
Tresorial Candidates: Jamie Moriarty, Nick Fury (616)
Youth Representative: Claire Bennet, Alexis Castle, Violet Parr, Anakin Solo

* means the candidate needs to confirm

Apr. 10th, 2015


Who: Padmé Amidala & Anakin Skywalker
When: Monday evening, April 6th, 2015
Where: Apt 1501, their home
What: Fluffy reunion, happy thoughts only, mmkay?
Rating: N for Naive and F for Foolish with C for Cute

And that piece of him made it feel more like a home to share with him than anything else )

Apr. 7th, 2015


Dear wonderful people of the network.

This is just a reminder that in THREE DAYS, Stark Solutions is going to have its first Robot Decathlon. If you didn't enter before, there's still some time to enter now. All contest planning is done by yours truly that even Tony doesn't know what I have planned. Eeeeeveryone is invited. Also, FYI, the actual robot-building is going to happen during the decathlon to give everyone an even playing field. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! :D

Filtered against anyone that is competing
Aaand one more thing, I need volunteers for Saturday at 10am to test run the robots being built. One of the task calls for someone not involved in any competition to guide the robots through an obstacle course to test out the usability and that's where you come in. I promise you some really great cheesecake if you volunteer!

Apr. 6th, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
While I could have stayed at that institution and asked questions for their rather remarkable claims all day, once they explained you were here, I lost interest in doing so. The only part that puzzled me about that was the complete confidence with which they referred to you as my husband. But Clovis saw through us. It's good to be on the same planet again.
Filtered: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker
Greetings, the three of you. It's been too long. How are you?
Filtered: Ruwee & Jopal Naberrie; Sola, Ryoo, and Pooja Naberrie
They said my family was here. The galaxy has a funny way to keep my promises to see you all again. Ryoo, Pooja, Artoo is not with me, my apologies.
Greetings, people of Potts Tower, those native to this planet and those from all other planets. I've long admired the diversity of the Galactic Republic, and I am pleased, as always, to hear of and meet new people. Other galaxies existed, we knew, but I never dreamt I'd travel there myself. One day we would. And that day's come sooner than expected. And it's a democracy, developed from its own independent roots. My name is Padmé Amidala, and seeing as I hold no title here, please do call me Padmé and tell me about yourself. I want to make your acquaintance.

Mar. 1st, 2013


A few holo movies, episodes or books will never give you the full story on the people inside them. They will only give you a brief window with which to view them, and to use that in a derogatory manner is not only hurtful, but closed minded. Perhaps Master Yoda's immortal words that you must unlearn what you have learned may be applicable here. I believe everyone deserves a chance to show who they really are beyond a simple window.

Feb. 26th, 2013


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

I'm officially employed by Stark Industries, and I'll be starting on Saturday, working in their mech engineering department. It should be a nice step up from picking apart household items and putting them back together again.

Obi-Wan, go ahead with Luke's training on Saturday. We can shuffle times once I have a better idea of what Stark schedules are like.

What do you say we give the synth lightsabers another go this week?

I understand that you have plenty of reasons to hate me, and I'm not asking you to blindly forget what you've been through, but we really do need to talk. Your mother Holding onto it isn't any healthier for you than it is for me or for anyone.

Would you be willing to meet somewhere?

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