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Mar. 8th, 2015


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers

I'm sending out to all of you a telepathic info packet to save time on re-explaining, so if you already heard about the tablet through the Avengers or because you're Hank, you're welcome to pass. The rest of you-- it's important, so please let me share.

Everyone caught up now who wants to be caught up?

I've given SWORD some information about my interactions with the Beyonder and Galactus, but those are just some of my own experiences. We need more to work with.

And I know some of our recent history involving the Avengers and cosmic events has gone really, really poorly... but if we're going to get this world through this, we'd better be working as one this time.

I have some critical work to do with my second job, so I'm not going to be available as an advisor for the foreseeable future. Until I can return to my ESD work, please see one of the other available advisors for help.

Feb. 21st, 2015


[Filtered to Remy Lebeau]
Do you still have any of that gumbo from Tuesday in the kitchen?
[ETA: (about an hour later) Filtered to X-men + affiliated mutants]
The question I have come to dread asking, but has anyone seen Remy lately?

Feb. 13th, 2015



Who: The whole game!
When: Valentine's Day! (Pretend it's the 14th)
Where: In your pants. Wherever love is!
What: Valentine presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if everyone just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being 300+ posts in the community. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button. Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character as soon as you get their information up!

Feb. 8th, 2015


network post: azari

It's good to know America didn't have any problems before we arrived, like slavery, subjugation of women, HYDRA, racism, or anything less than that strangely characterized time from the 1950s where women cheerfully cleaned and cooked all day for their honeys. They don't understand "queer" people (why are we queer? we're more normal than most heterosexuals I see in this city. And where are the gay people? No way it's ten percent). Perhaps we're the new Irish, the new Chinese, the new Japanese. We're from other worlds. So not even the Americans among us are truly American, even those who voted.

Jan. 10th, 2015


network post: beverly katz

Power to the dwarves. I clearly wasn't the only one not used to fighting them. And you were both impressive. If you two ever decide to have a rematch, please invite the rest of us. Far more entertaining and insightful to watch than a weekend movie. If either of you, Kili or Shale, want a sparring partner, I'd like some more practice.

Filtered: Ororo Munroe, Severus Snape separately
Two rounds won, one lost. No fiery explosions. Is there a... next level in this? Training perhaps?

Jan. 8th, 2015


«a place for everything et everything in it's place» is the saying, I'm supposin' -- bien que, I don't know the -- ah -- importance of some event cosmique to move me down for but a few blocks in a new universe, is it not foolish?

Jan. 7th, 2015


[Left for Storm, outside her room at the X-Men Warehouse]
He tried. )

Dec. 25th, 2014


I'm going to brag because finally something good has happened for the first time in a really long time.

I totally slept with Tony Gates. AKA John Stamos.

Dec. 19th, 2014


For those finishing up exams, best of luck in your preparations and then enjoy the break. But it couldn't hurt to meet with your advisors to discuss courses for next term as well.

[Filtered to X-Men; Avengers Team Leads + Logan (duplicate filters)]
Has anyone else been following this Rising Tide story about white event empowered individuals?

Dec. 3rd, 2014


network post: azari

Filtered: Sadie Kane, James Rogers, Illyana Rasputina, Kamala Khan
Next month, I will turn 18 and gain more rights in this society. I'm coming up with a to do list, to revise as needed before then. If you have recommendations or thoughts, please give them.
  1. Register to vote. That anti-powers senator was elected this November, and I will not allow that in the future without participating in their system of governance. Sometimes a king or queen would be better.
  2. Take the private investigator exam (February 2). I've been studying since I joined X-Factor this summer.
  3. Register for bail enforcement courses. It's the closest license I've seen for avenging.
  4. Obtain a driver's license. It is easier then.
  5. Get an adult passport. Fewer restrictions.
  6. Do something irresponsible. I haven't decided what.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I plan on adding a bail enforcement course to my coursework this spring. It's not quite a vigilante license, but it will allow me to legally fight crime. With the uproar about those teenagers who failed at being avengers and becoming legally responsible for my actions, it's a decent choice. If it manages to actually help pay for college, all the better, but I'm not doing it for money. I'll be able to do it regardless, but as my mother and my advisor, what are your thoughts?
What did you do when you turned 18? What do you wish you did or did not?

Nov. 24th, 2014


You would think the people of this city have nothing better to do than protest things. And nothing better to protest than us.

[Filtered to Mutants]
But at least they are not yet at our door.

What are everyone's feelings on this coming Thursday? Even if not all of us are American nor commenting on the holiday's politics, there is something to be celebrated in togetherness.

Nov. 14th, 2014


network post: azari

Filtered: James Rogers & Sadie Kane

Next Avengers has been two people for some time now. James and I make a good pair, but it is less a team than a duo. Sadie, you've known us, all of us, the various times we've been here. You're like my sister. And you're the most remarkable and fiercest magician I've ever met. There's good to be done in these streets, so busy and teeming so as to miss other teams' notice. And truly, it is our time. And anyone who says otherwise should not be on the team. We don't need to be called the Next Avengers anymore. We aren't next. We're now.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I've chosen ten colleges and written the applications. Would you read the essays? I do not know what these institutions expect.
Friday night, and homework finished.

Nov. 11th, 2014


[Text Message to Betsy Braddock]
-- 6 Attachments
-- And that is not even the most beautiful thing I made last night

Nov. 10th, 2014


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ororo.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I feel your pain, love.

Oct. 16th, 2014


All right, Avengers. No villain in sight, but this storm is worrisome. I need all teams on hand and out in the streets to make sure that people are safe. Help them get to work, pick up their cars if they're stalled out, just get them as much out of harms way as you can.

Keep your comms on, in case you need more assistance than you might have thought. Let's make sure we don't lose anyone.

Oct. 12th, 2014


Blimey, I thought it was rubbish when there were less than 200 of us. It's worse here, and pretty damn well boring. At least Warren and Jean-Phillipe aren't here

There's no way I'm working for the school. Got any bright ideas for me?

Oct. 8th, 2014


All right fellas.

You four, I wanna know what happened and why you all were ganging up on one another. In detail.

Avengers, this is the second time that we've been stopped from finding this woman by smoke. Do you think it's possible we're dealing with a secondary power maybe? I can't imagine that bone protrusions is really high on the list for employee wants. She's obviously panicking and not sure where to turn. She must think that we want to hurt her.

Oct. 5th, 2014


Hello? This is Elizabeth Braddock of the X-Men. I'm being taken to Potts Tower upon my arrival. Hell of a way to get here. I've got a headache the likes of which I haven't bloody seen in some time.


Oct. 3rd, 2014


Delivery for Ororo Munroe )

Oct. 1st, 2014


network post: beverly katz

Filtered: Ororo Munroe
Many people have been making posts since the White Event, pertaining to powers and seeking help to understand them, master them, or even deal with the confusion or consequences of them. Any number of parties have replied or made outreach posts on the subject. But it's a touchy subject. I know some of your history, growing up with it, and I've seen how minority groups have frequently been mistreated in the past and even the present day. This preamble is old news for you. But I was a government employee before I came here, working in the FBI. It took me some time to determine there was anything new and even more time to establish whom I wanted to go to about it. Namely, the X Men.

Not SWORD, not the Avengers (bless them, but they have more experience fighting than training), not other law enforcement.

But I do need help. I've developed a new, what I presume is, defense mechanism, which currently operates barely at a more controlled level than my immune system. When startled, shocked, etc, I explode. Or part of me does or the air around me does. I cannot say I've entirely isolated what is exploding. Whenever it happens, I am untouched, perfectly okay, but it is damaging to the people or things around me. While I've not gone for casual strolls since I determined this and been watchful, so as not to be surprised, it's only a matter of time until it ends terribly if I do not learn to control it.

Filtered: Severus Snape
Developing powers is something like going through a second puberty. Really thought I was done with that.

Edited to add: Could I get a portkey to 3rd Ave & 3rd St, Gowanus? X-Men help is starting this morning.
I've possibly found the best shampoo and conditioner to date. My hair has never been more silky smooth. Herbal Essence commercials can get away with being over the top then.

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