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Dec. 22nd, 2013


Man, let me tell you, these Asgardians can drink. It's awesome. This place is like being on a cleaner, less psychotic, much fancier version of Pandora. Lots of things to shoot and at the end of the day, you go back and feast and drink and boast about what you've done. Man, it's making me miss Brick. He'd love it here. We'd never be able to get him to leave. He'd be too busy drinking until everyone passed out and getting into 'tests of strength' as they call them here. Me? I've been busy with my own tests of strength. These guys couldn't believe that I could hit a target when I was drunk. Proved them wrong. Won a lot of bets doing it too. Come to think of it. I may never want to leave her.

Dec. 7th, 2013


It's not often a man can pinpoint exactly when he stopped fucking around and got serious. But in my case, I guess that'd be 72 years ago today.

[Filtered to Cassie Sandsmark]
I see you didn't get that tech from Quake. Swing by tomorrow morning.

[Filtered to Henry Pym Jr. (visible to Daisy Johnson, Jan van Dyne)]
I sure as hell hope you're still here. Something has come up and I need you to handle it.

[Filtered to Daisy Johnson]
Probably guessed it's busywork, but this also is a serious op. Recruit what other operatives you need. I've got you a card, and a cover, and an alibi. And scratch that auth code from Wednesday.

[FIltered to Rikki Barnes]
What's your team doing with Asgard?

[Filtered to Cell Eleven + Eight]
Suit up. I'm getting reports in of a hijacking of the Grand Central laser show.

Grab eye gear.


Well shit. Guess all these itchy red spots all over me are this chicken pox thing? Man, I ain't been sick in years. Shot, stabbed, generally battered, sure. Sick? Nope.

Hey, can birds get this? A chicken is a type of bird.

Dec. 4th, 2013


[Borderlands Bros]

Yo, losers. Wanna go fuck shit up on an alien planet? See if SHIELD will let you off your leash.


Greetings again Midgardians!

I return to your realm today with news far more dire than our usual banter. The nine realms have been thrown into chaos. Thor and Asgard are in need of aid to help reestablish peace among them. There are to be many a grand battle to determine the fate of these worlds and rip them back from the clutches of chaos.

With many noteworthy individuals now on Earth, many of you who have battled alongside my brother in arms now, I come to beseech aid of any heroes who wish to help another realm that is not their own. I have heard word of the many selfless acts of the residents here and I have faith that some of you will rise to the call.

Volunteers, we rejoice your service and I eagerly await joining you upon the battlefield.

[OOC:I have work today so I might be a little slow replying to volunteers!]

Nov. 19th, 2013


Fun story. Death Trap was originally created as an anti bully bot. It was a super cool design, able to replicated and implemented across planetary school systems for non-violent but ever vigilant anti-bullying action.

And then Marcy Holloway paid off mercs to break into my shed, steal my plans, and then try to pass them off as her own at the science fair. Of course I don't know why since she already paid off the judges anyway and she was too dumb to even properly copy my designs. I mean her copy couldn't even start up properly it was like instead of circuits she used cardboard! And then when I called bullshit on her getting first place WITH MY DESIGN AND NOT EVEN A WORKING RIP OFF she got super rude about it!

So instead I had made Death Trap into a full scale deathbot, obviously, and when she shoved me at the fair he vaporized her. Sure then I had to go on the run but it is NOT MY FAULT that I called her out on her bullshit and she decided to shove me.


Moral of the story the best way to deal with bullies is deadly lasers.

Nov. 18th, 2013


[Filtered to Maya and Gaige]
Hey, amiga. Apparently this Thanksgiving thing is a huge excuse to get together with friends and eat food until you're about to explode. I say we do it.

Anyone know how to cook?


Bloodwing Junior has been getting pretty good at picking off pigeons and rats but I kinda want to get her used to hunting bigger stuff. Are there rules about that here? I'm assuming yes 'cause there's rules about just about everything else. And assuming that, can you find them somewhere?

Nov. 10th, 2013


Filter: gaige, mordecai
Is it wrong to get down in the dumps cause people get all twitchy when you phaselock them? I'm a little sad everyone's like OMG GONNA DIE... and piff. and stuff.

Mordecaaaaaaaaaai - more drinks?


Cells 6 & 11
Lesson learned. Don't try to keep pace with Maya and Mordecai when drinking.
My head feels like it got run over by a mac truck. Still.

Anyone want to go a few rounds with me before I head to work? I need to sweat off this migraine

Nov. 7th, 2013


[Shield L3 and up]

Cell 11 and 6 came under fire as we were scoping out that money laundering tip. More armored up goons.

Situation is under control now, but could use assistance in relocation of de-armored assailants and the others here. Also an aspirin as big as my head.

Two casualties. And one wasn't us. Unless Hawkeye's been following us, because there's an arrow sticking out of his throat.

[Cells 11 and 6]

I'm buying us drinks. Daisy are you even old enough to drink? Because I really need one.


Going to be late.

Like morning sometime late.

Oct. 29th, 2013


So. Who do I speak to about getting a window fixed in my apartment?

[Filtered to the Sniper Group] (currently Booth, House & Maya from this post. if anyone else wants in, just assume you're in and your character contacted Mordecai at some point. the more, the merrier.)
Good news is I've managed to get the power levels up on the nerf guns. Bad news is it's got a hair trigger at the moment and not only did I shoot the window out, I also shot Bloodwing Junior. I'll get back on the job once Blood lets me out of the closet.


Oct. 23rd, 2013





are we doing anything for Halloween? SAY YES.



Man, just when I think I'm getting the hang of this place, I find shit like this. I didn't need to see that. Then again, you've also got people who do shit like this so I guess it evens out.

I've got me some nerf sniper rifles. Guess I'm going to have to get me some more and see what kind of modifications I can do to get the power and range up to something more awesome.

Oct. 10th, 2013


[Cell Five]

So the paperwork just cleared. I've been relocated to a different cell. Apparently they think I have a decent enough shot at giving orders. Which I'm not about to argue with.

I've over with 11 now, but you guys need me and mine let me know and we'll have your backs.

[Cell Eleven]

So looks like two of you just graduated training. Got ourselves a full team.

I'm your new cell lead, Ashley Williams. Looks like we're all from a time it after this with space travel and the like. We should be a good fit.

So now on with the awkward high school introductions.


Guess who got a top secret promotion.

Sep. 24th, 2013


So when someone says "training" they mean "get shot at?" Is that what I should assume?

I know none of you give a shit but here's my problems with all the time between 1995 and 2013:

Evil Dead remake
Insane Clown Posse still exist yet Tupac & Biggie were shot down.
James Bond is now terrifying shit wait he's here
Sonic games are shitty now.

Everything else is cool.

Sep. 17th, 2013


GAIGE. we should go do something. or make mini robots and chase people with them for funs. Or you know, something less potentially painful. People here are so squishy.

Moredcai!!! You feeling better yet? I mean, if not, I'll totally take Bloodwing Jr out for her fly. I think she's starting to like me!!

I've decided. I like training. It's less Handsome Jack feeling than I was expecting. Bonus!

Sep. 14th, 2013


Oh man. After Pandora and Brick's attempts at cooking - hell, Roland's attempts at cooking - I didn't think I could get sick from eating anything. Guess I was wrong. I swear I just threw up my toenails. Hey Maya, chica? Wanna come take Blood Jr out for her fly? I ain't leaving the bathroom.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Who: Maya & Mordecai
What: Flirting, Drinking, Fighting, the usual
Where: The Streets of the City
When: after this
Rating: Uh. R? Language. Innuendos. Etc.

I'm hell on heels // Say what you will //
I've done made the devil a deal // He made me pretty // He made me smart //
And I'm going to break me a million hearts //I'm hell on heels, baby I'm comin' for you .... )





Private to Mordecai & Maya Yo )


I take back half the things I said about this place being boring. You have sharpshooting competitions. Awesome. I'm entering them. All of them. And I'm going to win them all.

Reckon they'd let me use a revolver for the sniping competition? Everyone thought I was fucking cheating last time I won one like that. Not my fault I was better at seventeen and with a revolver than those old bastards were with rifles.

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