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Sep. 9th, 2014


Filter: Mickey Smith
Hey, I wanted to check up on you and see how things are going. Are you still hearing everyone's thoughts? The Doctor hasn't been trying to poke at your brain, has he?

Filter: Kate Castle
I just wanted to thank you again, for the advice at the other day. It really helped a lot.

Sep. 5th, 2014


[Abigail Brand]

I'm back. So time to talk.


After meeting with foreign officials as well as those of the United States we've been able to determine several points relating to the White Incident. This is for SWORD only.

1) Several fringe groups have claimed the event but none can prove how or why it was done. As of now intelligence cannot find any group responsible and those who would have any sort of technology approaching this are claiming ignorance.

2) There have been several small incidents in the past few days involving people with powers who were not previously on SHIELD's watchlist. There does not seem to be a pattern. But all belong to countries that were hit by the white light.


( backdated to this morning )

*because Lena forgot to do it before work

This is shaping up to be an interesting day.

This is going to sound a bit mad, but I'm pretty sure I woke up a little telepathic this morning.

Sep. 4th, 2014


I'm looking for a Dr. Martha Jones, is she on this network?

Sep. 3rd, 2014


For those of you who knew her, it looks like Martha Jones might've been sent back home again.

Aug. 31st, 2014



Everyone at stations.

Comms, we have more reports coming in than we can handle. I want everyone able combing through intelligence. Blake, Jones, Summers. You three are on hand with me talking to higher ups.

Ops, you will be tasked on different reports as we get them through.

Aug. 29th, 2014


[Filtered to Whoverse]
So, in light of this, who wants to come and dump ice water on me for a good cause?

Come on, Doctor! I know you've wanted to in the past. Now's your chance!


Aug. 15th, 2014


Filter: Friends
It looks like I'll be Recreation Lead at PTYC. I should be happier about it but I still really miss Clara.

Now it's up to me to think of fun things for everyone to do.

Aug. 11th, 2014


I think there's something wrong with the lifts. It took me 5 tries to get down to the lobby this morning. Everything seems to be where it should be yeah, I might have taken a look, so?, but it's hit or miss whether it'll take me to the proper floor. Someone tell me it's not just me?

Aug. 9th, 2014


Filtered to Whoverse
It's been awhile since we all went out for drinks or anything else. What do you say? Next weekend, perhaps?

It's been a full 7 months and 4 days since my re-arrival here in New York. I have to say, it's certainly been an adventure. Just when I thought things might calm down a bit, this city throws some sea monsters at us. I suppose I should just give up on living the quiet life, yeah?

Aug. 6th, 2014


With the fall of SHIELD I know there are a lot of people feeling that they are a bit lost and without a place here. And I also know that not everyone wanted to be part of SHIELD for their own reasons.

I've been working with the United States government and Armed Forces since the fall of SHIELD. Under Maria Hill's direction I had begun the Sentient World Observation and Response Department, or SWORD, in order to help protect this planet within our galactic neighborhood. While SHIELD is gone others agreed with me that this mission was something that served the greater public good and could not simply be left to flounder because of HYDRA's influence on other parts of SHIELD.

As refugee Director of SWORD I want to ask you all, if there are any of you who are interested in defending the planet, in helping us make and maintain relations with extraterrestrial forces within our galaxy, in solving the strange problems that the tesseract and outside forces might throw upon it, to join us in action at SWORD. We are currently stationed at Fort Hamilton and are seeking to grow in order to better serve this world and its inhabitants.


We have an incident down at Rockaway Beach. Avengers were on scene as well as the NYPD for the main attack but we're being brought into to deal with remains and clean up.

Apparently we've got fishmonsters on our hands. Which is something given all the talk sea life has gotten on the network lately.

Jones, I want you interviewing people down there. Cookson will be assisting you.

Smith, Kaidanovsky, you'll be working with Ibbott on containment. The NYPD will be helping with establishing our perimeter but we need this cleaned up and in our labs as soon as possible.

Jul. 11th, 2014


Oh, I should not have watched that. I should not have watched even an episode of that.

I am completely traumatized, and now I need massive amounts of distraction, or my day is only going to get worse.

Who's willing to distract a very shaky woman who just got a face full of flashbacks labeled as quality entertainment?

Jul. 10th, 2014


Finally on my way back to New York. I think I'm going to have some cake. This is a cake kind of day.


Team, you're reporting to Fort Hamilton in the morning. There are still some details to iron out but the Sentient World Observation and Response Department is officially recognized as a separate entity by the United States government and will be working in conjunction with the military as we get on our feet.

My next step is to convince Thor to allow us possession of the tesseract. Now if we're dealing with new arrivals we are going to need some new recruits, which I'll be working on in the next few weeks. But if you all have any suggestions throw them out now.


Thor, I'd like to talk to you about SWORD.

Jul. 7th, 2014


I think I found my calling.

How would everyone feel about moving back to the UK?

Jul. 6th, 2014


Whovians (including extended)

I think I'm finally settled in, and I'd like to throw a party to see everyone/get to know everyone better. When would work best for you all? I know that I may be asking for a lot to get a day everyone can show up, but I'm going to try anyway!

Jul. 3rd, 2014


I'm not one to celebrate America's independence, mainly because I'm English, but I don't know. I feel like since I'd be pigging out on hotdogs and things while the weather is this beautiful means I need to make an exception.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


[EMH adults, Sam, Jan, Kamala, Tony (616), Hawkeye (616), Hill]

I'll be in DC for the foreseeable future. My team managed to avoid being arrested as terrorists and we might actually come out of this whole mess with stable ground under our feet.

Granted that's if I can convince the government that they like me and they don't Ike alien invasions. Which hopefully won't be too hard. Sleeps always been overrated anyway.


I'll be in meetings with the military and members of the defense committee in addition to the hearings scheduled for SHIELD for the foreseeable future. I might have need to call some of you to DC to testify on behalf of SWORD and the work we do and wish to continue to keep doing on behalf of the people of this earth.

Any volunteers?

Our new friends will be heading down to DC with me as well. Hopefully we will come out of this with a more permanent set up than Potts and hotel rooms. Granted I doubt I can get us a spaceship like I had back home but maybe they'll really like me.

Jun. 26th, 2014


It is good to be home, or what has become home.

Anne Blythe
Well, I think I owe you dinner and more for covering my housing assistant duties during such a time. I do hope you'll forgive my extended absence. This mission ended up being a bit more complicated than normal.

How have you been? Are you well?

Floors 24,25,26
I hope you all are well. I trust that everyone is all right given the events of the past few weeks. I apologize for my absence during this time, but am back and fully able to resume my duties as your housing assistant. I'd like to welcome any new residents we have and reassert my offer that if you need any help, I 'm here.

I think Mickey and I are the last ones to come back. What do people say to getting the gang together for a bit of relaxation?

Jun. 25th, 2014


Never thought I'd ever be so bloody happy to see New York again.

Seriously, I actually kissed my door when I made it up to my flat.

Filtered: Rose Tyler
I believe you owe me some hugs. I'm coming by to collect.

Jun. 22nd, 2014



I just want to have you all know it's been an honor serving beside you. I'm not sure where SWORD's going after all this, but I'd love to have any of you by my side if I can.

That being said, given everything that's happened I don't think the military is the proper place for these meteor fragments. And we've a med tech who is ready and willing to help with the transmitters. Apparently saving their life makes them willing to remove them without the military's go ahead.


Sidewinder has been taken back from HYDRA. It is in the hands of the US military currently. But at least they're not HYDRA as far as we know.

We do have a couple more allies by way of this assignment though.

[EMH, Kamala, Jan, Sam, Tony(616)]

We have communication back online, still won't be back stateside for a couple more days.

Anyone want to fool me in on what happened while I've been gone?

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