July 2016




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Jul. 9th, 2015


It still amazes me how quickly children grow.

[Filtered to May Parker]
Adrian and I have talked it over, and we'd like to go ahead and hire you to sit for Declan on occasion, if you're still interested.


Seriously. I mean, I know New York is a rough place and everything, but diverting a train to an abandoned station to try and get your grubby little fingers on my wallet is every kind of overly elaborate. Good thing I took those self defense classes.

Mindy McCready

All the crap aside, nice moves today.

Jul. 7th, 2015


[Backdated to this morning]

[May, Jessica, Jaina, Kamala, X-Me]
I need help with something...I got one of those little pets yesterday that the people in cloaks were selling in their shop and now...something's wrong with it and there are six of him and they're trying to wreck my apartment.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


network post; johnny storm

Today really sucks.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


Hoban Washburne )

So. New York is expensive, and because no thank you to service industry jobs, nobody's in need of tutoring or babysitting services are they? I mean, I can't exactly provide references here, but I'd be more than happy to go through the usual interviewing process.

Or does anyone know of any place looking to hire a paid intern anywhere? My specialties include: Coffee and pizza delivery, being pretty quick when it comes to filling orders, and I grew up on science so I'm not completely lost when less than socialthere either.

Seriously though. Please save me from a life of serving coffee. Not that there's anything wrong with serving coffee -- the people who do it are like the left ventricle of the world, keeping the rest of us going into the long hours of finals prep -- I'm just kind of not good at it.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Today my mini me is six months old. I can't believe it. Has it really been six months already? Are we really sure it's July? This place can be weird and I would not be surprised if time became a little screwed up. Though we do have the Doctor here. He's a great guy to have around. Anyway, Noah's a six month old and before I know it he will be on the move.

[Floors 7 & 8]

A big hello for those of you newly arrived. I'm Rick Castle and I'm your Housing Assistant. If there is anything you need, feel free to stop by 810. I am almost always here to help you out.


Hi [...] I'm Hope. The people at SWORD said I could talk to other people on this and showed me a little bit about how to use this - I think I'm doing this right?

Jun. 25th, 2015


I think that taking the time to celebrate one's own accomplishments is an important step in the victory dance. But I will really never understand the nerve of some parents when they are unsupportive. I mean really, this mother just has no idea the time and dedication required for that kind of Masters status, and I should know, that you, it took me almost three whole months to beat the original Elite Four.

We should make this the year we stop the unrealistic expectations of all parents.

Jun. 21st, 2015


Who: Mayday Parker / Spider-Girl (mc2) [and ?]
What: The fires are out, at least the literal ones.
Where: A rooftop not far from Hell's Kitchen
When: 6/20, after the explosions have been dealt with
Rating: Assume R. Potential triggers include: Reliving of traumatic events. Mention of death, anxiety issues.
Status: Log, narrative (?) complete.
Notes:If anyone needs help with activity this month, you can feel free to tag into this, but please note, it's not a happy scene. I just can't sleep and feel like writing.

Sometimes, the fire stares back. )


Filter: Steve Rogers (616)
Hey. Were you around in NYC last night?

Filter: Ben Reilly and Mayday Parker
Guess who was all over the news! Well, okay not all really all over. I mean, they had to cover the fire but then you got superheroes swooping in and of course, who wouldn't want to catch some of them on the news, and basicall, I saw hints of red and blue. Are you two okay?

Filter: Mayday Parker
And if you're up for it later this week, hoping that you didn't inhale too much CO, want to grab lunch near the gym I took those kick-boxing classes at, the ones I'd mentioned before? Plus, seeing you in person and seeing that you're okay would really help.


[Mayday Parker]
Hey, heard you got involved with the fires last night -- I was uptown, looking for -- You all right?

Jun. 20th, 2015


Voice-to-Text Filter to the Ultimate Crew and Spider-Girl
I know, I know, busy Saturday night. You have so many awesome and interesting things you're doing. Movies, dancing, whatever else kids these days are into. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut if you're looking for a reason to skip out on those oh so interesting plans, Hells Kitchen looks like it's taking its name a little too literal tonight. So strap on your fire hats and head on down to 8th and 46th. Big apartmentish looking building on fire. Really hard to miss.


-- Can you make it to 10th & 48th?
-- Fire and explosions are involved.

Jun. 19th, 2015


Back in New York again for a day and already I've gotten, 'Happy Anniversary to you, Doctor!' Blimey. Ten years, is it? Suppose I ought to stick around the city much longer and see what other things I've missed.

Jun. 18th, 2015


Who: Mayday Parker / Spider-Girl (MC2) and OPEN
What: May's first night in a new city, and she takes to the best way she knows to unwind.
Where: All about the city, rooftops, buzzing city streets, interacting with random people, shaking hands, saving cats, or possibly just getting spotted on patrol.
When: Late evening.
Rating: PG-13 at worst. Potential Triggers for narrative reminders of death and possible related trauma's. Baby Spider hasn't had the best run lately.
Status: Log, possible narrative
Notes: This is what happens when I pick up one of my favorite muses. Feel free to tag if you'd like. Subthreads also welcome.

Yesterday's right behind me like a loaded gun )

Jun. 17th, 2015


So I don't think I was supposed to end up here?

So. You know those days when you finally think you've got your life pretty much figured out? You know, you're done with highshool, and you're like "Hey. Cool. I know what I'm doing now." and all the adults in your life look at you like you're crazy? They tell you you've got a lot to learn still and you just never listen? Yeah. That's totally where I was at and, I'm pretty sure, even if I had paid complete attention, the word Tesseract and the phrase "Now you might get whisked away to a totally different New York" probably never would have come up.

Bonus points? This place has nice tech and social networking is kind of the thing my generation does best. So. Yeah. I'm May Parker, my friends call me Mayday, science is my bread and butter, and, if somebody could be so kind, I could use a pointer in the direction of the best street vendor for hot dogs in this reality?

And my thanks to the people at S.W.O.R.D. for making this as easy on the awkward as is possible.

Jul. 11th, 2014


» Remember those wild days of our youth?
» Hitting the clubs, all those free soda refills we burned through...
» Bright red motorbikes.
» Aunt May trying to be hip.
» When the word 'hip' was actually hip to use.
» I was thinking about bringing it back, actually.
» Whaddaya think?

» Let's say we got a wide open weekend, okay?
» You, me, and your mother.
» If you could spend it any way you wanted, is there anything that you'd jump at?
» Something you're really hip to?

» Yeah, I'm bringing 'hip' back. I'm doing it.

Jul. 3rd, 2014


If you're looking for a job, I'm having an open call hiring session on Monday from 1pm until 7pm. Come on down to [address] and bring your A-game.

I need to reschedule. I was so excited at the prospect of a bartender that I completely forgot that Friday was July 4th. I'm not going to the club then, I'm going to spend it with my family. How's Monday at noon?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


I guess now might be a good time to say that Parker's is NOW HIRING bartenders, wait staff, and building & maintenance. The club itself won't be opening up until the first of August, but we've got a ton going on until then.

And to those who aren't interested in working for me, you can still come dance with me at the Grand Opening. All refugees get in free.

Jun. 19th, 2014


Is it wrong to want to google yourself?

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