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Feb. 1st, 2015


Why are so many of your shops filled with so much red and pink? There must be a reason, but I have yet to encounter anyone who takes my questions seriously and can answer them thoroughly. Surely someone must be used to people not understanding this world's customs. How else are we meant to understand the world we're living in?

You have outdone yourself, my friend.

Jan. 31st, 2015


[Filtered to parent & guardian types]

What were we thinking, bringing children into a world like this?

"The gift of life" -- it's not a gift we've given them at all. It's a burden. It's a curse.

Jan. 29th, 2015


Emma and I are getting married.

Jan. 27th, 2015


From what I understand, the time I am from was a part of the "Little Ice Age". Snow and ice and terrible weather weren't unusual. But I'm very certain that I do not recall ever seeing so much snow at one time. I'm very glad to be here, safe and sound and, most of all, warm. While the houses we live in may be magnificent, there are times when a bed was the warmest spot one could find.

Filter to Sully
Have you survived the snowstorm? I'm running low on hot chocolate, myself.

I don't suppose you would like to reprise our date from a few weeks ago, with Scrabble replacing reading aloud?

Filter to Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde
Hello, friend. I feel as if we haven't spoken in ages. Are you well? Keeping busy? I've started at university and it's quite a change from being a lady of leisure, I do assure you!



It seems I'm not the only one who just arrived here. I'm Light Yagami. It's nice to meet you all. What would you recommend for someone to do around here?

Jan. 28th, 2015


My nephews tell me it is customary to introduce oneself using this machine and that it will be seen by others. I am Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thráin, son of Thrór and I greet you all.

Jan. 26th, 2015


I was not the cause of this weather! I wish people would stop assuming that their vehicles are stranded and their bread shelves are empty because of me. How do so many know? I am sorry for the inconvenience of the weather, but there is little I can do. At least I don't think there is

Jan. 25th, 2015


Hello. I am Ryuzaki. I hope to get to know some of you, and learn more about this place. The agents seemed very bored to tell me why I am here. If you are a foreigner like me, I hope your stay has been pleasant and it is not a hardship for you to be here.

I have questions for those who would not mind speaking with me. Cake will be provided.

[Filtered to Light Yagami]
I'm sure you realize by now this world has our story told across several mediums. I can't say I'm not disappointed by your ending, Kira.


[Filter: Youth of Potts Tower* & PTYC staff (also Picard!)]

Thanks to a suggestion from Captain Picard, the Potts Tower Youth Center has decided to host a talent show at the end of February. You all put on some pretty amazing performances at the last one (and I'm hearing great stories about the one before that!) but I know there's still plenty of talent to go around in this building. For those of you who weren't here before, you can show us what you've got for the first time!

We're going to have our first planning meeting at 5 PM on Tuesday in the youth center. I encourage everyone who's interested in participating in the talent show -- whether on stage or behind the scenes - to attend. Proceeds from the show will be donated to charity, and we want you to help us choose a worthy organization. You have a few days here to start thinking about what kind of cause you'd like your hard work to benefit. We'll take a vote at the meeting, so come out and make sure your voice is heard!

If you can't attend on Tuesday but you're interested in helping out, please let me know and I'll make sure you're included as we progress in planning this exciting event.


Nothing quite like slipping in the bathroom because someone couldn't be bothered to clean up after himself. I whacked my knee pretty good.

You got dinner plans tomorrow night?

Jan. 24th, 2015


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

[Filter: Anne Shirley-Blythe & Mary Margaret Blanchard]
I had last year had a talent show in the tower that showcased various talents of those who are here. It has been some time since we did that, but I thought perhaps it might be time again. And then it occurred to me that perhaps there would be some use to partnering with another group, or perhaps asking for an admission charge that could benefit a group in need. And I thought of the youth center as a possibility either for partnering with - it might be nice to showcase the talents of some of our younger tower residents. Or perhaps for fund-raising if such would be helpful.

Please let me know - if you have an interest. I am happy to assist by serving as an organizer throughout the process.

[Filter: Beverly]
Did you see the young girl's post about assimilation a few days back?

What is... particularly unnerving about it, is that I had dreamed, had a nightmare I suppose, about my time with the borg that very night. I'm certain it's just a coincidence, but a truly eerie one.


[Filtered to Advising Group Charlie*]
(*Flash Thompson, Daniel Rand, Luke Cage, Ava Ayala, Jess Mariano)

I hope the new semester is going well for all of you so far. As those of you who are taking them already know, the January Regents exams are coming up next week! I'd like to offer myself if you have any last-minute questions or concerns. Be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before any tests you have scheduled, and eat a good breakfast in the morning to fuel yourself. But also remember that these tests, while important, do not define you or your academic success. So try not to stress too much. If something goes drastically wrong, you'll have another opportunity in June.

I also want to meet with each of you individually at some point within the next month to discuss your plans beyond this semester. If you're continuing with the ESD, we can take a look at your course options for next year. If you're graduating, let's talk about what comes next for you. No matter where you are in your academic career, planning for the future is vital. It doesn't mean you can't change your mind later as your interests evolve, but it gives you something to work toward for now. Please let me know what your schedule looks like in February so we can set a time to sit down together.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


Filter to her students & Delta advising group
I am deeply sorry for having had to adjust our schedule this week to being mostly online work, but I'm afraid that after the blackout I've been affected in some way. At this moment I feel that it is safest for everyone that I keep my distance. I am, of course available via text, phone call, and email.

Filter to SWORD
Hello. I'm Anne Blythe, and I am afraid that I've had an ongoing problem since the blackout of last week. I glowed, and since then I've noticed that if I touch anyone (except Steve Rogers) they are afflicted with dizziness, confusion, and some nausea. In extreme cases (a child, specifically) they have became physically sick at their stomach. I know I should have contacted you sooner, but I've been in a bit of denial, hoping that it would disappear, but it has not.

Filter to Steve, Bucky, Walter, and Basil
I've contacted SWORD about my... problem. I'm still mostly staying away from people. I miss you all, and even though I still see you, I've discovered just how dependant on touch I am in my close relationships. I absolutely can not wait to hug each of you without making you sick.

Filter to Laura Roslin and Mary Margaret Blanchard
Hello, Ms. Roslin. I apologize for not replying to your filter to me, but my life has been turned upside down by recent events and I've been working on overcoming that. I can tell you that we always have room within the PTYC for a person with your background. I am not in the PTYC this week, and I am absolutely certain that Mary Margaret, my co-director for the PTYC, would be happy to meet with you and put the necessary wheels into motion.

Filter to Logan (added during her conversation with Basil)
Hello, my dear friend. I have a favor to ask of you. I'm sure you recall the blackout from last week. During it, I seem to have gained the ability to make people... dizzy, and it can be rather severe. Do you happen to know someone who might be able to help me?

Jan. 11th, 2015


Filtered: Remus Lupin
Hi. So I know I didn't make the best impression when we first met, but I just wanted to see how you're doing. I thought about you this past full moon.

Filtered: Sam Merlotte
Hey. I know it's Sunday evening, but do you have plans?

Filtered: Emma Swan, Regina Mills & Mary Margaret
All right. So I haven't been completely honest with you ladies. Wel, okay so Emma knows a bit more, but I haven't filled you in on recent developments.

Sam and I talked things over. I'm not sure what were even labeled as right not, but we are seeing each other.

Jan. 2nd, 2015


This new year doesn't seem very different from the last, so far as I can tell. But I still don't entirely understand the way this city or this world works.

I got my bow just before Christmas.

Dec. 23rd, 2014


How are you?
Don't suppose you've got time for a cup of coffee with me this morning?
Can you man the office for about an hour this morning?

Dec. 19th, 2014


[ EMMA & SNOW: ]
Mulan is in love with me. Me! And you knew and didn't say And the baby


Christmas Gifts.

Who: The whole game!
When: Leading up to Christmas
Where: Under tree. Delivered with bows. Handed to a person. Whatever!
What: Christmas presents!
Rating: Who knows!

Because this game is massive, and even if every character just sent ONE package to anyone, it would end up being so many posts that it would overrun the game. So to save our friends lists from imploding, we the moderators are asking that you fill out this form and reply HERE. It'll make it easier to find (Control-F is a lovely thing!) and we won't have to abuse our scroll button.

Here's how we're going to do it. You will post for one character with everything that they got for their friends/family/etc. Make sure to tag your character and all the characters that yours gave gifts too as soon as you get their information up!

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dec. 15th, 2014


It's kind of crazy how many classes they offer here. I'm not super into school or anything, but I had a hard time deciding what electives to take. I finally ending up deciding on some classes for next semester, though:

Algebra II
Modern Poetry
Modern Dance

And I guess getting to pick what classes I wanted to take was actually kind of cool. That kind of thing was always decided for me at home.


The holiday season is supposed to be full of joy, but somehow it always seems to end up stressing most of us out, doesn't it? And as refugees, I think we all know how difficult it can be to feel like celebrating when you're far from home or from someone you love. I'm lucky: most of my family is here with me. But that hasn't always been the case, and during my loneliest moments, what brought me solace was the companionship I found in the Tower. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could share that comfort -- not just with each other but with the rest of the city too? Our situation may be unique, but we're not the only ones who have felt alone or afraid or overwhelmed in this world.

So I'd like to invite each and every one of you (natives too!) to join me on Christmas Eve for a round of caroling in the park. No skill or experience necessary, just the desire to brighten someone's day with a song. Well, it might help if you know a lot of carols already, but I'll have songbooks available with music and lyrics. Most of them you can catch on pretty easily, anyway. I'll also bring plenty of hot cocoa to help keep us warm. :)

Please let me know if you're interested! We'll meet in the lobby at 3:30 PM so we have plenty of time to make it to Battery Park and back before it gets too dark out.

[OOC note: this post was supposed to happen on the 12th but didn't because of my hiatus. At any rate, caroling's not until the 24th so it should still be enough advance notice. If your character wants to go, feel free to comment here IC and/or on the calendar OOC!]

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