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Feb. 13th, 2013


[ooc: posting this a bit early sorry, not sure when I'll be on today while on vacation]

Delivery to Bonnie Bennett )

Delivery to Maria DeLuca )

Delivery to Jeremy Gilbert )

Delivery to John Watson )

Delivery to Lizzie Bennet )

Delivery to Jane Bennet )


This afternoon I decided to take a look at all the big websites these days - tumblr, facebook, pinterest, twitter and youtube. While I can see the use of them I have to say I got the most distracted on Youtube especially after I discovered The Guild. Has anyone else seen it or now of it? Does anyone else use the other websites as it is? From what I can tell they would be best with other people added so it seemed slightly pointless joining at that particular moment. Still they look rather interesting.

I have also been looking into the television shows, movies and books that have been published and aired since my time. I have tried to go with the top ten of each from each of the years but even then that is a slow process with everything else that I am undertaking. That and I'm not al that interested in some of thing. What is up with that 50 shades series anyway? I took one look and ran the other way.

Individually filtered to Elaine Mallory, Harry Potter, Hazel Levesque, Lily Evans, Toruun, Loki, Mindy Macready and Cassie Lang
Good evening,

I'm wondering how you are finding your classes so far? As I mentioned at the beginning of the course, this is the first real experience I have had teaching students and I am trying my hardest to teach to a level you would understand at. I would like to ensure that if you ever haveany questions or I'm progressing to quickly that you can let me know. Also if there's anything specific you would like me to cover I'm happy to do so as well.

Thank you and I hope you are having a good evening.

Daniel Jackson

Thank you for Saturday, I have to admit that it was a lot of fun. I do hope you enjoyed yourself? I might try and visit you during one of your shifts in the next few days if that is acceptable?

Feb. 6th, 2013


Okay I might hate myself for this later, but I got invited to Fashion Week and I just couldn't resist. Remind me this was my decision in a few weeks when I complain.

Also Lizzie Bennet, this is for you.

Feb. 5th, 2013


All right, everyone. Tourists hanging around aren't anything out of the ordinary for me to deal with, but I know it might be different for the rest of you. Too early to tell if this is going to become an issue or not, but it's better we get it out of the way now than later. This is my version of an employee meeting. Feel lucky I'm not making you come in real early just to talk about it.

How I want us to handle it is like this. We can't force anyone out unless they start harassing someone, and if you notice them bothering one of our customers after they've told them to leave them alone, let me know so I can step in. You're allowed to talk about your own lives prior to arriving here if you're asked and if you want to talk, but everything after that is off-limits for everyone's privacy. I don't want people fishing for information they don't have a right to. And don't let any paying customers become a distraction, no matter who they are. If I notice someone taking up too much of your time, we'll be having a talk.

And if you know anyone looking for a waitress job, we've could use one now that Sookie's gone.

Feb. 3rd, 2013


Forget all the supernaturals and badasses working there. Anyone who tries to start a fight in Sam's today will face the DeLuca wrath. And remember to tip your waitress.

Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know I'm going to be moving. That room sucks without Dawn and Jen I really don't need a three bedroom to myself. I'm sure there are other people who could use it. So I'm moving into 609 with Bonnie.


Hey Tesseract, thanks for bringing me here and all, but it'd be great if you'd stop sending back great people.

In other news, go Ravens.

Jan. 15th, 2013


• Are you busy?
• Dawn got sent back.

Jan. 9th, 2013


Dawn, Jenny, there may have been an incident in the kitchen. I've got the windows open to air the place out.

In other news, guess who's finally got enough money saved up to by herself a new guitar? This girl.

Sup, home skillet?

So, I was thinking. You know what the PTYC needs? A music program. You've got games and tutoring and counseling and all kinds of awesome things going on. But music and the Arts are totally getting the shaft.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


I've blown up my fourth alarm clock since I've moved here. The universe is clearly telling me that I should sleep in. Or that I have unresolved issues with timepieces.

[Filtered to Maria DeLuca]
I could be wrong but I believe we actually have the same night off of work this week. Want to get McDonalds and watch Hulu or something?

Dec. 30th, 2012


None of you better try coming to the bar tomorrow night. We'll be closed so my employees can enjoy New Year's Eve without having to babysit a bunch of drunk folks. I hear there's a better party going on anyway.

Enjoy your night off. Still paying you for the holiday, don't worry.

Dec. 25th, 2012



cut for boybands )

Dec. 10th, 2012


( filtered to JENNY, DAWN, ELENA, BONNIE, & STEPH: )


Movie night. Someone get the popcorn. Stat.


Xander, it's completely and totally imperative that you get one of these immediately. In fact, I think the whole building should get one. We can have a Santa day. I might even buy them for my floors.

Dec. 7th, 2012


Rule #1 of working at B&N, never go into the young adults section when you're on a teen show. FML

Dec. 5th, 2012


Okay, let's do this. I'm Mr. Parker, but I'm hip to Peter, if you'd rather use that. Ms. Sto Helit gave me the heads-up that I'm going to be your Curriculum Advisor. It's basically just fancy talk for you guys telling me what floats your boat so we can figure out where to put you classes-wise.

So, what I need from you four is a one-on-one session each to get that rolling. I promise that I'm not scary. I promise it won't be painful. Aaaand I won't push all the science stuff on you, even if I'm seriously biased to it. Just let me know when you want to chat on here, or hit me with a text.

Also, I know I'm just here as a teacher role, but if you guys need to talk about anything at all, my door's always open. Seriously, I've had, like, every life problem ever. I'm here to help.

Dec. 1st, 2012


The timing could have been better, but there's no point in worrying about that now. If there were a simple way back, I would have found it by now, and I imagine some of you would have as well. I hope the others find a convincing excuse to give my mother for why her son is horrendously late coming home and out of cell phone range ... or rather, I hope one of them does, as the whole group of them trying at once would be an unmitigated disaster.

In the meantime, I would appreciate it if someone could give me the name of an efficient and discrete dry cleaner.

Nov. 30th, 2012


Hey, so I got caught in the crossfire in a convenience store robbery tonight. That was awesome. I had surgery, and now I have all kinds of unnatural stuff holding my arm together.

Morphine is awesome. It's like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket, from the inside.

PTYC staffers, our Monday meeting is still on. They're supposed to let me outta here NLT noon tomorrow.

Everybody who dropped by to see me, thanks. You guys are awesome.


Going against our own rules, the slide in the PTYC has been converted into a fort again. Stop buy for cookies and all things chocolate.

Nov. 29th, 2012



All right! After some thinking, I decided that I'm not going to be melancholy about this whole "had I been at District Twelve a few minutes more, I'd be dead" and "people here think I'm fictional or some Quinn person" thing. It's kind of easy to stay in a woe-is-me mood, but I allowed myself twenty-four hours of wallowing and now I'm done. No more feeling sorry for myself. Maybe.

The last time I wrote on here, I was trying to find a way home and I didn't really introduce myself. Since that isn't happening (which I suppose is a blessing and I should be thanking people for more than just money and a nice place to stay), I figure I should remedy that a bit.

So, hello, my name is Madge Undersee. I'm seventeen. My dad was is was the mayor back home. I like to play the piano and have been playing since as long as I can remember. I love strawberries. And raspberries. Really, any berry. I'm not picky. And...that's about it. I'm pretty boring.


Do I have to get a job?

I don't know how to even get a job, unless it's for a con. Or someone tells me to steal something for money.

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