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Apr. 20th, 2013


I looked at the weather prediction for the rest of the month and they're hoping that there will only be two rainy days at different times during those two weeks. I then looked at the weather for London for the same two week stretch and they're predicting six straight days of rain. I should have been kidnapped by a blue box and brought to New York ages ago. Although I am still peeved that it took my studly (lol like Scorpius was studly) man friend away from me, so we're not actually on speaking terms at the moment.

Hi. Any chance you might want to come with me to the zoo? I know, totally random, but I have an urge and I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out a bit.

Hey. Can I talk to you about something?

Apr. 19th, 2013


Filter: James Sirius and Lily Luna
I need to tell you two something.

Apr. 18th, 2013


Can I tell you something and you not freak out on me?

I did something smart last night and now I'm regretting it.

[alby + lilu]
Merlin's tits, amirite.

Apr. 17th, 2013


I've a question for you wizarding types (and you admin types - Ms. Watson & Ms. Pepper, specifically) which may or may not warrant a group discussion.

However, sharing is caring and I'd like to get back to my card game with the honourable Messrs Dedalus & Grantaire.

Witches and wizards, do you often threaten 'Muggles' with violence against their persons? And if so, how serious ought one take it?

Now, back to the game. I think Stephen is about to guess his card.

Apr. 14th, 2013


Fuck me, what day is it even?

Apr. 10th, 2013


If you didn't notice, Scorpius has been gone the past while and I'm finally ready to drink about it somewhere that isn't alone and in the kitchen so I can stop judging myself. Someone can take me out drinking, please/thank you.


Yes, I'm afraid of bees. In fact, I'm allergic to them. So when I scream and run in the opposite direction after hearing the sound, that's me just trying to keep myself BREATHING. I don't appreciate being laughed at and being told "it's just a bee, girl".

Apr. 9th, 2013


Weasley-Potter role-call! They told me the lot of you were here and I need to know how much food to make for dinner.

Edited in later: Ah, right. Molly Weasley here. The first. I imagine some of you remember me a bit older or with gray hair. Surprise!

Apr. 1st, 2013


The museums in New York are amazing. I've been spending the last few days in them, trying to soak up everything I can. There's also so many places to go in New York, places I've only ever dreamed about seeing.

I know I need to get a job, but since there's no Magical community here, I might take a few weeks and not rush into the first thing that comes. I have two months. It's important to remember that.

Filter: next-gen Potter-Weasleys + Lorcan
I don't know you all that well at all, and you're all about my age, so I thought we could all go out sometime, get to know one other?

Filter: Spike
Thank you for being so kind my first day here. I really appreciate it.

Filter: Lorcan
That was okay? Inviting all of them out? Lily Luna is named after Mother after all. Might be nice to get to know them.


I was flipping through the telly and BBC America was advertising for the new episode of Doctor Who that aired Saturday. And something horrible occurred to me. If I remain here, it will be another twenty years before I see a new episode of Doctor Who.


Filtered to the Ninth Doctor
Do you ever think you are supposed to feel an emotion but then feel guilty because you don't?

Mar. 29th, 2013


Filtered: James S. Potter, Lily Luna, Hugo & Rose, Fred II
Soooo... would this be a bad time to bring up my undying love for Oliver Wood with my mom?

Considering that we work out together?


I think my girl liked the early Easter basket I got her.

Mar. 27th, 2013


OOC: pretend my job isn't eating my life, and assume Lily invited all the friends and family over for James's birthday before this post, please & thank you! HATEMYJOB.

Is there something going on today? Sort of feels like there's something I'm forgetting. A parade, maybe? Is it fashion week? Do I have homework due?


Hmm. Wonder what it is. Don't you just hate that nagging feeling like there's something you're forgetting?

Alright, so it's not much of a surprise because he is expecting something, but I don't think he'll expect two parties.

Just a reminder - we're having dinner at 5 and drinks after. Stay as long as you'd like - stay over if you'd like!

The real party is Friday night - don't think you have to get him two presents, he'll be spoiled rotten.

Are you feeling alright, love? I hope you'll be able to come over for dinner. The evenings are getting longer now, so you should have some time, right?

Mar. 25th, 2013


Saw a link to this site on the network and I checked it out again today, only to find that...

AUNT HERMIONE! You're on a t-shirt!

Mar. 23rd, 2013


Hey everyone,

In case you don't know who I am, I'm Fred Weasley v2.0 from the Potter world. I know a good percentage of you are from my world, but maybe not my time, or my dad's time, and the rest of you might have read the books or seen the movies, but of you haven't, let me illuminate you.

My dad and his awesome twin after whom I was named, started Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes when they were only teenagers, and it went on to become the forefront in magical pranks, amusements, and even protection. The awesome internet says it better than I can. We're toying with the idea of setting up a NYC division and continuing the business since we're far from home.

There are some things we won't be able to make, or at least not for a long time, until we find suitable alternatives to plants and potion ingredients that just don't exist here, like unicorn horn or dragons blood, but there are a lot of things we can make that is more or less a sort of magical manipulation of something already existing.

We want to know your opinion - do you think there is a market for WWW here? Would you buy a WWW product? Better yet, if we were to open up a kickstarter account, would you sponsor us?



I fail to see how it's fair that because we're refugees and there's no sure way of knowing whether we'll be staying here or not, our chances of getting hired anywhere just drop. Nobody here asked to be put here where all our paperwork and whatnot didn't come with us. No, there really isn't a guarantee when anyone will come and go, but how long is "long enough" for anyone to go "Oh okay, you've been here that long? We can hire you"?

Don't get me wrong. The money we're already getting? It's obviously a blessing because who the heck would do that for a complete stranger? (Well, maybe someone with a good heart will but those are hard to come by.) And yeah, I miss my clothes and all the luxury items I had back home, but I can do a much more smaller closet I guess, but I can't stand not working. That's all I've been about to the point. Seriously, I think my exes are my exes because they felt I loved work more than them. (In some cases, it was true.) So if anyone knows a place that's hiring without any sort of prejudice, please let me know. Just because I'm from an "HP-verse" doesn't mean I don't know how to function in a largely non-magical society. Bloody hell, I'll take anything at this point.

Except anything illegal.

Mar. 21st, 2013


Text to Harry, James Sirius, Albus, and Lily Luna

>>Hugo gave me a bit of an idea.
>>This basketball that the Muggles play? Looks fun. And sort of like quidditch, at least for a Chaser.
>>Aiming a ball through a hoop and all.
>>I think I'd like to try it.
>>Anyone want to go? It could be fun. It might also be terrible, but I would like to see you three.


It's been some years since I went to bed in one place and woke up in another. First time I've lost an entire week though. Days, yes, hours, definitely, but a week? Never jumped continents before either. Last time I was in New York, it was for the QWC in 06, when Spain came from behind to win spectacularly after ten and a half hours.

3 things.

One, the name's Harry Potter. My apologies to the SHIELD agent who has boils all over his face. You might want to get that looked at.

Two, JK Rowling had better not be a new pen name for Rita Skeeter.

Three, for fuck's sake, where are my kids?


Oh, and Ginny, love, you all right too?

Mar. 20th, 2013


Well, if you want to alarm someone then taking them very painfully from their home, pointing guns at them, and rattling off questions will certainly do it. I also should probably apologize to the man I hexed - but you shouldn't threaten to shoot someone just because they asked where their children were.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have sworn at him, but desperate times and all of that.

They told me I had been here before, at 15 no less. What a bloody nightmare. Sorry about that. But better 15 than 16. Or 17, come to think of it. Those two years were complete rubbish.

Name is Ginny. Anyone mind pointing me to my children or, possibly, my husband? Goes by Harry - Harry Potter.

Mar. 18th, 2013


Um...I can't seem to find Ginny anywhere. Has anyone by chance seen Ginny Weasley? We were supposed to

Filtered to: Harry, Ron, Rose, Hugo Weasley

She's not...gone is? I know she's been frustrated lately, and sometimes the tesseract senses that but-she wouldn't just leave, she has classes and things.

Have you seen her? I'm so worried!

This is too much like when Ron left and I can't...

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